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  • John-Erik

    May 11, 2022 at 6:08 pm


    I write at the bottom of this list.

    The effect in the measuring arm in MMX is caused by ether wind on 2 antiparallel transverse forces in light causes a second order reduction of 2-way light speed. The separation between atoms in a crystal is controlled by 2 antiparallel longitudinal forces between the atoms and this causes reduction of inter-atomic spacing of the same magnitude. So, a real effect is compensated.


  • John-Erik

    May 8, 2022 at 2:59 pm

    Good afternoon Marco

    I write this answer at the bottom of this list, since the other way is tricky

    Yes, etherons move with speed c and they have a finite and very, very small mass and small amount of energy. Finite energy does not mean zero mass (Einstein staff). Etherons seems to belong to the class of neutrinos.

    I am glad that you like my ideas and say good words about what they can explain. Not many scientists admit what they get from others. Thanks.

    I do not see that something is missing in my ideas, like fluid mechanics. Instead we perhaps need to define a fifth state of (almost no) aggregation. We have solid, liquid, gas and plasma and perhaps ether does not belong to any of them. If we accept etherons to very, very seldom interact with matter and never interact with each other we have a fifth state of aggregation.

    If you think we need more fluid mechanics you must give me more motivation.

    With best regards from ____John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 6, 2022 at 8:26 pm


    …possibility of…

    I just said: no, you just find radial component.

    Instead you can find speed of satellite.

    Best ______________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 6, 2022 at 12:01 pm


    …gravity= a small unbalance?…

    I have explained that many times in almost all of my many articles. Read! In matter absorption reduces the flow and less particles are leaving. A small difference causes a net flow in neg radial direction -> a radial ether wind – equal to the escape velocity.

    …possibility of speed detection…

    No, Ether from distant bodies tell matter how to move. So, speed is zero in relation to distant bodies. Instead you find only radial component generated by the body itself.

    However, you can see motion in relation to the ether in a satellite (small mass). This follows from the fact that bound electrons move faster along the ether wind than towards the ether wind. Clock frequency becomes f’=f(1-v^2/2c^2). So, we have explained the behavior of atomic clocks a an classical effect inside clocks without using time dilation.

    Best __________________ John Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 5, 2022 at 8:23 pm


    Good that you agree

    We often make mistakes by using the conservation law of energy by not regarding energy flow to and from the ether.

    Remember that ether particles move with speed c in all directions.

    What happened in 1903?

    Regards ____________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 5, 2022 at 8:07 pm


    ‘Falling’ ether may be misleading since the radial ether wind is a difference between a pushing and a pulling force. So, A small unbalance from spherical symmetry in flow. This is gravity.

    A radial ether wind from Sun means that 2-way light speed is increasing with range, and cause an illusion of Space station motion. See my article about Pioneer anomaly.

    Best _________John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 4, 2022 at 8:02 pm


    About pulsar aberration:

    Two radio telescopes separated by diameter of Earth (42 millisec for light) correctly are simultaneous when observed in the frame of our Sun, but in the frame of Earth they are separated 4.2 microsec. This does not depend on change in position but on change in velocity, since the speed of Earth is 10^-4 times c. Therefore, this is a Sagnac effect and therefore in conflict with SRT.

    I described this in “The scandalous Sagnac effect”. This is also in conflict with an article by Ron Hatch “Those scandalous clocks”, who states that this phenomenon instead confirms time dilation.

    You must also remember that ether wind is many orders of magnitude lower than speed of ether particles as the speed of light.

    Regards from __________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 3, 2022 at 1:54 pm


    I said that the ether can define an ether velocity although no ether particle is moving with that velocity. What do you think?

    Best regards from __________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 3, 2022 at 1:48 pm


    You like my theory but have problem with aberration. Just as Copernic said that we must compensate for sun-related position we also must compensate for sun-related observer velocity u by vector addition. Since, light is moving. When u is transverse to c we get aberration arctg(u/c) independent of ether wind v.

    I do not understand your opinion on the grow rate of Earth. I think you made an error when deriving the factor 1/1000. Think about it.

    With best regards from ____________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 2, 2022 at 6:27 pm


    No, I have not considered the Coanda effect.

    What do you think about my model?

    Best from ________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 2, 2022 at 12:00 am

    David, Glenn, Marco, Jerry and all of you.

    I have described why the assumption that there is no aberration does NOT disprove the model for ether and gravity that was presented by Fatio and by Le Sage. So, a falling ether is a possible concept that can explain gravity.

    This a very important issue. So, I am disappointed that no one will discuss with me that idea. So, come on!

    With best regards from _________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    April 29, 2022 at 5:09 pm
  • John-Erik

    April 29, 2022 at 10:42 am


    You asked how to detect mass in ether. I think that the best evidence for motion in the ether is the feeling that you have in your bottom just now. Thanks for interest in my falling ether.

    I first mentioned that idea in Galilean Electrodynamics 1999 July when I said that light traveled down faster than up and Cynthia Whitney said the ether is falling.



    I am glad that you also are interested in Fatio’s model. It is a pleasure to get supporters now since I have advocated falling ether for 2 decades with little response.



    Thanks for the link. It is in agreement to my ideas in some parts but is also different in other parts.

    However, there seems to be some confusion between Fatio and Fabio. Fatio sent a hypothesis to Newton 300 years ago. Fabio is not that old.

    Thank you for your interest.



    I hope that you will come up with some ideas in relation to my latest post to you

    With best regards from ______________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    April 16, 2022 at 10:10 am


    I do not regard waving as abstract – but instead the waver is not observable.

    …usually spherical… They are flat in interferometers and in stellar light.

    …swimmer… Use wave front instead of swimmer and find:

    1. Ray or apparent direction transverse to river.
    2. Beam or real direction deviated by water flow.

    …ether theories and field theories… You have perhaps missed that my ether theory is a field theory, since the ether wind is radial – like gravity – and can explain gravity.

    Yes, we cannot see planetary translational motion due to so called ether drag. (However it is Earth that is dragged by ether.) However, nevertheless rotational motion can also be not observable due to compensation by contraction of matter (no time dilation).

    …stellar aberration does not occur.. I never said so. I said that stellar aberration is caused by the state of motion of the observer – not of the ether state of motion.

    No, I did not accept light particles – and ether particles only on the Fatio’s scale – not on Planck’s scale.

    …rationality before numerology… Yes, I agree really 100 %. We are confused by math (Hossenfelder). Already Newton was confused by not regarding that his laws gives spherical symmetry only from perfect spheres.

    With best regards from ____________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    May 2, 2022 at 9:22 am


    Thanks for interest. I give short version here and hope to give more details later.

    Gravity without GRT and without Big Bang:

    • Fatio’s gravity is not disproved by no aberration in gravity, since etherons do not collide with matter, but are absorbed by matter.
    • Fatio’s gravity introduces a falling ether by a difference between pushing and pulling and this ether wind causes gravity.
    • The falling ether explains also Pioneer anomaly and Big Bang as illusions caused by ether motions – not body motions.

    Clock behavior without SRT and without time dilation:

    • Stellar aberration is not caused by transverse ether wind, but due to observer motion. Copernicus said that we (in astronomic observations) must compensate for position in relation to Sun. He forgot to say that we also must compensate for velocity in relation to Sun.
    • Transverse ether wind does not change light behavior in the reference arm in MMX. So, no effect there and no motivation for time dilation.
    • Instead, electrons move forth and back in relation to the ether wind. So, the ether wind has second order effect on clock frequency. A classical effect.

    So, dependency on the ether wind explains the same as SRT plus GRT with one model.<div>

    See “The illusions of time dilation, Pioneer anomaly and Big Bang”



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