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  • John-Erik

    September 3, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    David and all

    In the post above I gave an explanation to Pioneer anomaly by a 2-way light speed proportional to 1-2×10^-8/r(AU). This expression is in agreement to observations as easily can be calculated.

    The falling ether explains the anomaly as an ILLUSION. Second order red shift is caused by the falling ether, when source and observer are in the same state of motion.


    Best ______________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 29, 2022 at 9:04 pm



    I have listened to a discussion regarding BIG BANG some days ago. The concept ETHER was not discussed. The medium for transmission of light and gravity was ignored. The fact that I have sent descriptions for BIG BANG based on the falling ether, with a speed equal to the escape velocity was also ignored. I think this is arrogant of you.

    The radial ether wind at the surface of a celestial body generates a blue shift in the ether frame. The ether is moving away from an observer in the same state of motion as the body. So, we get a red shift also. Together we get a red shift of second order although body and observer are in the same state of motion.



    At r(AU)=1 escape velocity from Sun is 1+-1.41×10^-4. Changing as inverse square root of r(AU). Therefore, we get 2-way speed as 1-2×10^-8/r(AU). Increasing 2-way light speed simulates a decreasing speed in the space station. This explains the anomaly as an illusion.

    Pioneer anomaly and Big Bang are both illusions due to ether motions NOT BODY MOTIONS


  • John-Erik

    August 10, 2022 at 9:18 pm


    There was one detail that had connection to my theory. You seems to like Big Bang and I said that it was an illusion due to ether motion instead of body motion. My motivation further is that gravity is falling fast with range as inverse square. Therefore, I think that gravity can be stationary over large distances.

    With best regards from ___________________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 10, 2022 at 9:06 pm


    You seems to have forgotten that the subject for this discussion of mine is my theory that is called “THE FALLING ETHER”. You only talk about your alternative and that debate should be located on another discussion. So, I will not take up your ideas at this discussion. I can comment on another discussion if you have any.

    With best regards from __________________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 10, 2022 at 11:03 am


    “Correction” Yes, escape velocity from sun is 42 km/sec at i AU and nothing else. Thanks.

    v(orb) is about 0.3 km/sec? Because horizontal ether wind on Earth is somewhere between zero and 0.46 km/sec.

    I think there is an important difference between our ideas.

    With best regards from ________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 10, 2022 at 10:36 am


    “Fewer” particles is an effect of attenuation by means of absorption.

    “Radial” means motion in negative radial direction. Negative since those in positive direction have been attenuated.

    “Energy” is risky since we do not how much energy is flowing to and from the ether. Instead clock effect from gravity potential I prefer velocity (more concrete).

    “Anti-ether” seems absurd to me. What do you mean by that?

    All your questions are already explained much better and several times on the posts above on this discussion. Read!

    If you really is interested you also must read some of my latest articles.

    With best regards from _________________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 7, 2022 at 9:35 pm


    Your question reviles that you do not know anything about my theory. You have not even observed that posts in some steps above explain your question.

    The radial ether wind is caused by attenuation matter leading to fewer ether particles leaving a body. So, a small difference in the number of particles means a falling ether and therefore light moves down faster than up. This means that 2-way light speed is increasing with range. The escape velocity from Sun can therefore simulate a decreased space station speed. Pioneer anomaly (illusion) is explained by ETHER motion. Escape velocity at 1 AU from Sun is 42.3 km/sec, decreasing as r^-1/2. Easily tested.

    The falling ether around a celestial body not moving in relation to an observer can cause a SECOND ORDER red shift. Ether motion towards the source creates a blue shift and motion away from the observer causes a red shift. So, together we have second order red shift. Big Bang (illusion) is caused by ETHER motion.

    Gravity is ETHER motion.

    Atomic clocks depend on speed in relation to ETHER tangentially (SRT) and radiallly (GRT). One ether model instead of SRT plus GRT.

    I explained this a few days ago (see above) and I have explained it in more detail in many articles. Read some of the latest.


  • John-Erik

    August 6, 2022 at 9:16 pm

    The falling ether explains:

    1. Atomic clocks
    2. Gravity
    3. Big Bang
    4. Pioneer anomaly

    CLOCK DILATION – NOT TIME DILATION – due to ether-related motion.
    The radial ether from our sun means that 2-way light speed increases with range. This can simulate a decreasing space station speed in Pioneer I and II. ETHER MOTION – NOT BODY MOTION.

    A celestial body, not moving in relation to an observer can appear as red shifted, since the ether moving towards the body creates a blue shift and also a red shift in relation to the observer by moving away from the observer. Together these effects create a red shift of SECOND ORDER. ETHER MOTION – NOT BODY MOTION. No Big Bang.

    The reason to our problems is that we do not understand the wave model.

    Faraday was a devoted scientist and walked around with magnets and wires in his pockets. He studied the electromagnetic properties of the ether during almost his whole life, and his work was translated into math. Scientists walk around with an ether-specification on their T-shirt and declare that this ether does not exist.

    With best regards from ________________________ John-Erik


    Not one single member will discuss my ideas in detail. It is time for me to stop writing.


  • John-Erik

    August 6, 2022 at 5:47 pm


    GRT states that frequency change (inverse to time change) is:


    Escape velocity is:



    f’/f=[1-v(esc)^2/c^2]^1/2 ——————— 11.2–>5.5 km/sec

    SRT states that:

    f’/f=[1-v(orb)^2/c^2]^1/2 ——————— c:a 0.3–>3.9 km/sec


    With best regards from ________________ John-Erik

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  John-Erik.
  • John-Erik

    August 5, 2022 at 10:36 pm

    To all

    The support for RT comes from atomic clocks. GRT effect is normally described as due to the gravitational potential, but this potential is related to the escape velocity. So, instead we can express GRT-effect as due to escape velocity. Then we find that we can unite GRT and SRT, since the equation:


    can in both cases describe the clock effect if we use in GRT v equal to v(escape) 11.2 km/sec on Earth and 5.5 km/sec in the GPS satellite. In SRT we can use the same equation and state instead that v is equal to v(orbiting) about 0.3 km/sec on Earth and 3.9 km/sec in the satellite. So, we have united the effects of SRT and GRT,although the interpretations are very different in RT.

    However, we now have a possibility to unit also the theories. All we have to do is to assume v to represent velocity in relation to the ether in both cases. So, we only need a radial ether wind equal to the escape velocity. We need a falling ether.


    With best regards from __________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 4, 2022 at 4:32 pm

    SRT predicts that atomic clocks change frequency f’/f or T/T’ as :


    GRT predicts in the same way:


    So, orbiting and escape velocities change clock speed in the same way. Therefore, we can unite predictions for SRT and GRT although the theories are very different. We just have to accept the idea that the radial ether wind has the same speed as the escape velocity. We get one theory instead of two.

    GRAVITY is explained.

    v(esc)^2 is proportional to 1/r. So, 2-way light speed is increasing with r and this can cause an illusion that space station speed is decreasing with range. At 1 astronomical unit away from Sun we have escape velocity equal to 4.24 km/sec in relation to Sun.

    PIONEER ANOMALY is explained.

    v(esc) towards a celestial body causes blue shift in the ether and v(esc) away from observer creates a red shift. So, together we get a red shift of second order [proportional v(esc)^2] although we have not assumed motion of observer in relation to object. Body motion is an illusion and we have only ether motion.

    BIG BANG is explained.

    With best regards from ______________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 14, 2022 at 9:09 pm


    Fatio said that light takes a longer way and Michelson protested in vain


  • John-Erik

    August 14, 2022 at 12:55 pm


    I believe invoking the Lorentz transform implies relativity is valid

    The relativity axiom in physics gave us the Lorentz math model. So, using model to prove physics is circular reasoning. The error was already in the axiom. It is absurd and can not be disproved by logic and relativity is not even wrong. An important reason to relativity is the supposed effect in the reference arm in Michelson’s tests with Morley, (MMX). He said that light takes a longer way and that statement is in conflict with the wave model. Telescope and collimator in MMX detect and define flat and unchanged wave fronts. So. light takes the same way in the ether’s frame and the fact that the detector has moved 0.02 mm when light has moved 22 m (due to Earth’ rotation) in its own plane is irrelevant.

    1. MMX is useless in relation to second order effect
    2. Second order effect is observed in Pioneer anomaly and in Big Bang
    3. First order effect is observed in Sagnac’s tests and in pulsar aberration caused by Earth motion (closed line). This effect does not disappear when calculations are moved to the Sun’s position — but instead to the Sun’s velocity — a Sagnac effect (open line).

    We have lots of evidences stating RT wrong.

    With best regards from _____________________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    August 10, 2022 at 11:50 pm


    Sorry. I did a mistake when you said: …Big Bang is gaining…Thanks for correcting.

    However, you did not like steady state either and that is the only alternative and I think it is reasonable since gravity falls fast with inverse square.

    With best regards from ____________________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    July 30, 2022 at 1:00 pm


    You provide a lot to the concept Falling ether. But you do not say anything about it. What do you think about it? You seem to not even have read the article. A falling ether equal to the escape velocity is hitting a celestial object not moving in relation to an observer and generates blue shifted light in ether’s frame, ether motion on the surface of the body is away from observer and creates a red shift. Totally this means a red shift of second order and this explains way we only see red shifts, almost. Therefore, the Hubble constant is also wrong. You can see more details in How Newton’s gravity gave us Big Bang.

    The Pioneer anomaly seems to be a constant change and not caused by collision and the engines were turned off. The radial ether wind (escape velocity) from Sun is v·r<sup>-1/2</sup> with v equal to 42.4 km/sec and is expressed in astronomical units. So, 2-way light speed becomes: c<sub>2</sub>/c=1-v<sup>2</sup>c<sup>-2</sup>=1-2·10<sup>-8</sup><sup>·</sup>·r<sup>-1</sup>. This increase in c<sub>2</sub> simulates a decrease in the speed of the space station. See also No Big Bang – no Pioneer anomaly.

    With best regards from ____________________ John-Erik

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