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  • John-Erik

    February 23, 2022 at 12:19 pm


    Your replay happened to be placed before the post by me, that you were responding to.

    I regard light to be very, very small behavior changes on top of an ether with a very rich content of energy. Therefore, by comparison to water with height of waves very small in relation to the depth of water, light should also show destrutive superposition. I regard light as a pure wave phenomenon that we can describe without the use of particles. This does not exclude the possibility that ether must be described by etherons moving in all directions. We have used the law of energy conservation in error by disregarding energy to and from the ether.

    Since the title we are discussing under is LIGHT we cannot avoiding also discussing ETHER and GRAVITY, since they are intimately connected on this basic level. I do not understand why you are limitted to destructive superposition.

    Shiva and all

    A galactic ether wind of 300 to 400 km/sec should easily be detected. Therefore, ether is entrained by Sun. However, an ether entrained by Sun must also be entrained by our planet (Tellus). Available ether wind in horizontal direction is between 0 and 0.46 km/sec. MMX is useless.

    However, the ether is not entrained by a GPS satellite, due to a very small mass. So, an MMX equipment in a GPS satellite would detect a speed of 3.87 km/sec due to a second order Sagnac effect as a phase in the time domain.

    However, this second order effect in 2-way light is also manifested as a second order Doppler effect in the frequency domain. And this effect is already observed, since this speed is slowing down clocks by 7.2 mirosec/day. Clock orientation is assumed to rotate in a plane transverse to Earth. This rotation reduces the effect by a factor equal to the mean of a squared cosine function giving 1/2.

    The contemporary explanation emanates from the mistake, between 1881 and 1887, of assuming an effect in the transverse arm in MMX. This was inspired by particle thinking. Instead the wave model states that moving mirrors inside their own plane has no effect, since the ether is the reference. This error gave the same effect by taking the square root of a quantity ner 1.

    Time dilation is just a cover up for a real Doppler effect. We do not need individual aging.

    With best regards from _________________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    February 22, 2022 at 8:14 pm


    It seems that yu are not willing to discuss with me anymore. It is a pity, since there is an important distinction between our ideas that needs to be discussed.

    My idea is that etherons are attenuated in matter creating an unbalance between two opposite flows represented by fields. This unbalance creates an ether motion in radial direction and equal to the escape velocity. This velocity is the cause of gravity in my opinion.

    In your theory you use a density concept instead. We should discuss these ideas more.

    In both theories the destructive superposition is easily explained by assuming that changes in the ether (etherons moving in all directions) is extremely small in relation to the averege values in the ether. (The effect of that ether wind you can feel in your bottom just now.) This assumption implies also that the ether contains an enormous amount of energy. Therefore, we use the law of energy consevation in error by disregarding energy to and from the ether. This is very important.

    I also demonstrated that the only proof of time dilation found in GPS by SRT plus GRT can instead be explained by only one model by the ether wind. The same fenomena as you easily can see by a simple calculation and just substitute a square root by the averege of a squred cosine function.

    However, the interpreatations are different. RT indicates change in <i style=”font-weight: bold;”>one way light moving in all directions and my theory indicated a change in <i style=”font-weight: bold;”>two way light in radial direction only.

    Think about this and come back.

    With best regards from _____ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    February 20, 2022 at 6:03 pm


    I have sent 2 articles and you have possibility to give detailed comments on a basic level in relation to these articles. This could be leading to concrete discussions. Instead you only talk in very general terms and use terms like ‘lipstick on a pig’. Therefore the discussion leads nowhere.

    There is an important difference between our theories in the fact that you only use density. Instead, I use particles moving in all directions. In one direction the flow is reduced by attenuation in abody, but not in opposite direction. This unbalance is the gravity in my opinion. On Earth more particles are moving down in relation moving upwards. This difference is the ether wind (11.2 km/sec), low in relation the speed of individual particles (c=300 000 km/sec). Therefore light travels down faster than up.

    Einstein used time dilation by GRT as gravity potential divided by squared light speed. Instead of gravity potential I use minus sguared ether wind as the escape velocity equal to 11.2 km/sec near Earth and 5.47 km/ sec in a GPS satellite.

    In SRT Einstein used time dilation by speed as minus squared speed plus square root afterwards. Instead I use minus squared ether wind plus division by 2. The factor of 2 is caused by satellites being stabilized only in direction towards Earth and therefore clocks are rotating in a plane transverse to direction towards Earth. Therefore we have to take an averaged value of a sqared cosine function and get 1/2. This is also easily checked since the satellite speed is 3.87 km/sec. No time dilation.

    The same as Einstein but one model instead of 2. However, in GRT the interpretation is different, since my theory predicts en effect on 2-way light only in radial direction. One way of light is changed +-escape velocity. This in perfect agreement to GPS results.

    These calculations are easily done.

    With best regards from ____________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    February 19, 2022 at 9:46 pm


    …irrelevant distinction…

    No, if flow is attenuated in one direction, but not in opposite direction, we change average value and introduce an ether wind. Ether wind is a vector and density is a scalar. We cannot substitute a vector with a scalar.

    …new idea…

    No new idea just a typing error that i had corrected.

    Destructive superposition follows from the fact that fields are linear and additive. This is not in conflict with a flow in ALL directions.

    …from particle flow back to ether…

    No, the flow in all direction IS the ether. The ether MUST explain gravity. This is not changing subject. The fact that we introduce an ether means that we can explain Pioneer anomaly and cosmologic red ahift. This IMPORTANT, not change of subject.


  • John-Erik

    February 19, 2022 at 5:30 pm


    Yes the pos/neg cannot be much larger. Typing error, and you did not regard my correction. Since pos/neg deviations are many many orders of magnitude smaller your objection has no relevance. I did never talk about density of particles I regarded the number per time unit instead, since attenuation matter is reducing the flow by absorbing a very, very small part of the neutrinos. Gravity is caused by the very very small particles that are missing in the flow.

    Starting with a flow in all directions in spherical symmetry we see that introduction of a material body causes fewer particles to move away from the body than arriving. this small difference is the ether wind causing gravity. We get an ether wind equal to the escape velocity, ve, much much smaller than propagation speed of individual particle equal to c.

    Gravity is a small shift from spherical balance and related to light, since light is small oscillations around the same balance. Light is 2 vectors in a moving wave front.

    You should take a look at the 4 page article I pasted in.

    With best regards from ______ John-Erik

    I have 2 page article and i paste below:

    Newton’s mistake: Hypotheses non fingo

    Newton found his gravity model by pure mathematics from Kepler’s laws. He did not see that this mathematical relation assumed gravity from a mathematical body with perfect spherical symmetry. However, this model can be made more general, and usable in physics by, doing an integration of density over volume. In this form the law can be used for bodies without spherical symmetry, and therefore usable as a physical relation, and also easily united with the hypothesis that Newton had received from his friend Fatio. Abolishing this suggestion was an important mistake by Newton, and this error is the reason to the fact that we have no explanation to gravity.

    Fatio’s model assumes neutrino-like particles to move in all directions with light speed, c. A very small part of these particles is assumed to be absorbed inside matter. Since fewer particles are leaving a body than the number of arriving particles the net result is that the ether gets a motion in negative radial direction. We get a falling ether. Since massive particles approaching Earth with low initial kinetic energy are arriving with the escape velocity, v<sub>e</sub>, it can be reasonable to guess that the radially moving ether also arrives with this speed, v<sub>e</sub>.

    Pioneer anomaly

    The 2-way speed of light in radial direction to a body becomes c<sub>2</sub>=c(1-v<sub>e</sub><sup>2</sup>/c<sup>2</sup>). Therefore, 2-way speed of light radial to the Sun is increasing with distance to the Sun. This increase can simulate a decrease in speed for the Pioneer anomaly. So, Pioneer anomaly can be an illusion due to changed light speed. This effect is easily calculated and found to be in agreement to observations.

    Cosmologic red shift

    Light generated inside a radial ether wind becomes blue shifted f’=f(1+v<sub>e</sub>/c) in the frame of the ether. When this light is observed by an observer in the same frame as the source the light is red shifted f’’=f’(1-v<sub>e</sub>/c). The total effect becomes therefore f’’=f(1-v<sub>e</sub><sup>2</sup>/c<sup>2</sup>). So, we get a second order Doppler effect in 1-way light. So, the Big Bang idea of increasing distances between celest bodies can be an illusion caused by ether motion instead of by motion of bodies.

    Newton’s mistake

    If Newton had listened more seriously to Fatio’s model he could have found out that THE BIG BANG MODEL, AS WELL AS THE PIONEER ANOMALY, ARE ONLY ILLUSIONS AND ALSO FOUND THAT FATIO’S MODEL EXPLAINED GRAVITY.

    See also:’s mistake: Hypotheses non fingo

    Newton found his gravity model by pure mathematics from Kepler’s laws. He did not see that this mathematical relation assumed gravity from a mathematical body with perfect spherical symmetry. However, this model can be made more general, and usable in physics by, doing an integration of density over volume. In this form the law can be used for bodies without spherical symmetry, and therefore usable as a physical relation, and also easily united with the hypothesis that Newton had received from his friend Fatio. Abolishing this suggestion was an important mistake by Newton, and this error is the reason to the fact that we have no explanation to gravity.
    Fatio’s model assumes neutrino-like particles to move in all directions with light speed, c. A very small part of these particles is assumed to be absorbed inside matter. Since fewer particles are leaving a body than the number of arriving particles the net result is that the ether gets a motion in negative radial direction. We get a falling ether. Since massive particles approaching Earth with low initial kinetic energy are arriving with the escape velocity, ve, it can be reasonable to guess that the radially moving ether also arrives with this speed, ve.
    Pioneer anomaly
    The 2-way speed of light in radial direction to a body becomes c2=c(1-ve2/c2). Therefore, 2-way speed of light radial to the Sun is increasing with distance to the Sun. This increase can simulate a decrease in speed for the Pioneer anomaly. So, Pioneer anomaly can be an illusion due to changed light speed. This effect is easily calculated and found to be in agreement to observations.
    Cosmologic red shift
    Light generated inside a radial ether wind becomes blue shifted f’=f(1+ve/c) in the frame of the ether. When this light is observed by an observer in the same frame as the source the light is red shifted f’’=f’(1-ve/c). The total effect becomes therefore f’’=f(1-ve2/c2). So, we get a second order Doppler effect in 1-way light. So, the Big Bang idea of increasing distances between celest bodies can be an illusion caused by ether motion instead of by motion of bodies.
    Newton’s mistake
    If Newton had listened more seriously to Fatio’s model he could have found out that THE BIG BANG MODEL, AS WELL AS THE PIONEER ANOMALY, ARE ONLY ILLUSIONS AND ALSO FOUND THAT FATIO’S MODEL EXPLAINED GRAVITY.
    See also:

  • John-Erik

    February 18, 2022 at 6:58 pm


    The changes are of cource much smaller


  • John-Erik

    February 18, 2022 at 6:51 pm


    No, I can explain destructive superposition, since the pos/neg changes are many many orders of magnitude larger than the mean value. Light is not quantized at the Planck level, and his constant is an act of dispair, and an illusion due to observation on MATTER, NOT ON LIGHT. So the constant is an electron property, not relevant for light.

    Instead ether is quantized at neutrino level. No energy quanta, no light quanta, only ether quanta.

    The neutrino flow in the ether contains lots of energy. Therefore we have made important errors by not regarded energy to/from the ether.


  • John-Erik

    March 13, 2022 at 5:08 pm


    Ether transfers gravity. Therefore has mass. So, ether behaves like mass and has the same escape velocity (changing with range).

    I have described details in articles on this blog. I repeat some here:

    Science Journals (

    Science Journals (

    Science Journals (

    Regards _____ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 12, 2022 at 7:00 pm


    You have not understood my model. It is not a ballistic model. It is just waves not particles.

    Ether is ether particles that are neutrino-like particles moving in all direction penetrating all material. They are not bunching.

    Gravity is caused by attenuating ether particles by matter. So, fewer particles are leaving a body in relation to the number of arriving particles. This causes an ether wind in radial direction (falling ether) and this fact creates gravity. Fatio’s 300 years old model of quantum gravity.

    Falling ether is equal to the escape velocity. So, falling ether (from the Sun) changes 2-way speed of light by ether wind. (Instead of Einstein’s change of 1-way speed due to gravity potential).

    The Pioneer anomaly is therefore an illusion due to increased 2-way light speed.

    The Big Bang theory is an illusion due to falling ether and not caused by motion of celestial bodies.

    Light is a behavior of ether transverse to light motion. We know little about light.

    With regards ____ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 10, 2022 at 9:51 pm


    You must see the difference between longitudinal and transverse.

    I have provided articles and you have not pointed out any error on detailed level. You only talk about what you do not like and what you believe to be missing in very general terms. This discussion is useless if you will not take up some inconsistency on detailed level.


  • John-Erik

    March 2, 2022 at 6:31 pm


    …no mechanical reasoning… Why?

    The references are longitudinan forces and light instead contains 2 transverse forces.

    Remember that the ether is etherons moving in all directions (c) and light is just a behavior of the ether many many orders of magnitude smaller than the mean. Light is oscillations and ether is a small unbalace in the originally spherically symmetry. The unbalace gives a mean velocity many orders of magnitude (11.2 km/s on Earth surface in vertical direction) smaller than c ( 300 000 km/sec).

    In Pioneer anomaly light moves with c-v out and c+v back (v=escape velocity from Sun). Mean velocity is c^2-v^2 changing with range and explaining the anomaly as an illusion. You know the escape velocity from Sun and the calculation is easily done.

    …unworkable… No, 2 opposite effects add up to zero.

    Best ___ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 1, 2022 at 5:10 pm


    The page not in English can be automatically translated with open software. I have also articles that prove that Big Bang is an illusion. See “How Newton’s gravity gave us Big Bang”. You find it at Science Journals – Papers written by John-Erik Persson (,%20Persson

    Yes, Fatio and Le Sage are interesting.

    With best regards from ____ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 1, 2022 at 10:02 am


    Destructive superposition is when 2 oscillations are in opposite phase. You have not motivated your opinion in detail, so I canot see your point against that.

    My idea is Fatio’s idea with etherons moving in all directions. Inside a gravitating body the flow is attenuated. So, the number of particles moving away from the body is slightly reduced and gravity is a difference between a pushing and a pulling force. Details in articles on CNPS, GSJournal, RG and Academia.

    Light is waves or wave packets but not particles. No energy quanta, no light quanta only ether quanta in the form of etherons. Light is a behavior described by waves or wave packets.

    Yes, saying that light is waves means that we must have a wavor.

    1. Light is waves not particles Planck’s constant is derved by observing matter in the form of electrons from a photodetector. Planck’s constant is therefore an electron property, not a light property.
    2. Quantization of energy and of light is an illusion. Quantization exists only in the ether, in accordance to Fatio’s 300 year old quantum theory of gravity.

    MMX was a failure not fullfilling the prediction. This means gaining no result at all and gaining a zero result.

    Take a look at my discussion THE FALLING ETHER under ETHER.

    With best regards from _____________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 1, 2022 at 9:04 am


    Yes, ‘falling’ can be misleading, since the number of falling particles is just a small amount larger than the flow in opposite direction. So, ‘radial ether wind’ is better.

    Yes, I think that the number etherons per time is slightly reduced by absorption in all points in the gravitating body. See Fatio’s model.

    Yes, just because we have no capacity to ‘see’ the dark ether with dark energy and dark matter we are not allowed to abolish the ether.

    With best regards from ________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    February 28, 2022 at 9:27 am


    Thanks for interest

    The ether transmits gravity and therefore has mass. However, the ether is constituted by very small neutrino-like etherons moving with light speed. So, the ether contains dark matter and dark energy, not easy to see. Not individually.

    We have indirect effects:

    • Gravity explained.
    • Cosmologic red shift explained by motion of ether – not of celest bodies; no Big Bang.
    • Pioneer anomaly explained by a change in 2-way light speed – anomaly is an illusion.
    • Horizontal ether wind can also explain how GPS clocks slow down 7.2 microsec/day. No time dilation. No SRT.
    • Vertical ether wind can also explain how GPS clocks increase speed with 45.4 microsec/day. No time dilation. No GRT.

    With best regards from _______ John-Erik

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