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  • John-Erik

    April 4, 2022 at 1:22 pm


    I have had a first very short look at your 3 papers on RG. However, you seems not to be very interested in the quantized gravity model that Fatio sent to Newton. This model assumes an attenuation in matter to create a radial ether wind that possibly can explain gravity. And a radial ether wind from the Sun can also cause 2-way light speed to increase with range from the Sun. Therefore, an decreased motion of Pioneer can be an illusion due to this change. This radial ether wind can also explain cosmological red shift as ether motion without body motion and without Big Bang.

    I described this on this blog, but some program code appeared and I try here if can provide a link instead:

    With best regards from ___________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    April 2, 2022 at 2:07 pm
  • John-Erik

    April 1, 2022 at 8:29 pm
  • John-Erik

    April 1, 2022 at 8:22 pm


    I think you will be interested in this article:


  • John-Erik

    April 1, 2022 at 8:18 pm


    You seem not to understand all I say, since you point out that I cannot have light without an ether and not phase without motion. You do not have to ‘correct’ what I already have said. I regard ether as an entity and light as a behavior of that entity and also that phase is a part in describing motion of a surface.

    …beam will be bent… Why do you point out what I said, namely that real motion will be bent (BEAM) but not apparent motion in coherent systems (RAY). You do not regard this important distinction between beam and ray, that was missed between 1882 and 1887. To cover up for this error the Lorentz factor was invented, resulting in the twin paradox.

    Again, you point out that we have evidences for stellar aberration. I have not denied that, but I regard the cause to be observer motion and not wave front tilting. How could you miss that?

    No, I am not talking about spherical wave fronts.

    In my opinion we have no quanta in light. An illusion based on observing electrons (matter). No quanta in energy (observing electrons). But we have quanta in ether entities, (particles, etherons) as suggested in Fatio’s quantum gravity 300 years ago.

    …wave model was fine… No, the wave model is not yet fine, but very, very wrong, since the large gaps in our understanding of light waves are covered up with absurd particle based ideas resulting in individual aging.

    I agree to your statement that I should read something from you. So I will come back on that question.

    Best ______________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 28, 2022 at 1:23 pm


    Read this:

    The illusions of time dilation, Big Bang and Pioneer anomaly


    A classical mechanism in atomic clocks explains the behavior of atomic clocks in the global positioning system (GPS), by the state of motion of the ether, inside the clocks. Therefore, the concept dilation of time is a not needed and is just an illusion caused by dilation of clocks, instead. False support for time dilation has been given by an assumption, of a transverse ether wind to cause wave front tilting in stellar aberration and in the reference arm in Michelson-Morley’s tests (MMX).

    An explanation to radial gravity by a radial ether wind, equal to the escape velocity explains Big Bang and Pioneer anomaly, by motions of the ether – not of light. Newton’s refusal to use Fatio’s hypothesis has relevance for the mistake of not observing the radial ether wind and thereby also missing an interpretation of gravity.

    Atomic clocks

    Atomic clocks produce frequencies, that are controlled by the frequencies in the electron’s orbiting. However, electron speed can depend on the ether wind and if the ether wind is falling inside electron’s orbiting plane than the electron motion has a component parallel to the ether wind. So, during one half of the orbiting period, this component is in the direction of the ether wind and in opposite direction during the other half period. The electron’s speed is therefore changing during each orbiting period. Therefore, the ether wind has a reducing effect of second order, in the clock frequency.

    In MMX tests we see a comparable phenomenon, since the ether wind changes light speed in proportion to 1+v/c and 1-v/c, in 2 opposite directions. This reduces the 2-way light speed in proportion to 1-v<sup>2</sup>/c<sup>2</sup> in MMX. We can expect an effect of the same type in atomic clocks. However, the ether wind affects only in one dimension of 2, in the orbit. So, it seems reasonable to assume an effect in atomic clocks to be half the effect in MMX. (We can also explain this idea by regarding that this component in the speed changes with time as a cosine function. So, effective value in speed is max value divided by 2<sup>1/2</sup> so we get a factor of 1/2 in resulted effect). Therefore, we have reason to assume an effect of ether wind equal to 1-v<sup>2</sup>/2c<sup>2</sup> in atomic clocks for an ether wind inside the plan of orbiting.

    The ether wind can also fall transverse to the orbiting plane. Perhaps this ether wind also has the same effect of 1-v<sup>2</sup>/2c<sup>2</sup>, since we have not observed clock frequency to depend on clock orientation. However, this problem is not analyzed in detail here, and therefore we can have alternative explanations on this point.

    We have found that the relation Δf/f=-v<sup>2</sup>/2c<sup>2</sup> can explain the same effect as SRT (theory of special relativity) in GPS clocks. However, we assume v to represent an ether wind due to clock motion instead of clock motion itself (equal to 3.87 km/sec) in SRT. But the same ether wind dependency can also be used to explain the same prediction as GRT (theory of general relativity). We can see this by using the escape velocity to give the same prediction as GRT. We use the escape velocity as a radial ether wind of 11.2 km/sec near Earth and 5.5 km/sec in a GPS satellite. But it is now important to regard that agreement to GRT is valid in radial direction only, since ether wind is a vector and gravity potential (used in GRT) is a scalar. Another important difference is that GRT predicts a change in 1-way light speed and ether wind indicates the same value to predict an effect on 2-way light speed.

    We have found that the radial ether wind can explain, with only one model, the same effect as SRT and GRT can explain together, in atomic clocks. The misunderstood behavior of atomic clocks is not the only false support for time dilation. Another false support is the aberration in pulsar signals of 4.2 microsec in time of arrival of 2 signals from 2 synchronized signals received in 2 points separated by the diameter of Earth. This anomaly disappears when velocity vector – not positional vector – is changed from the frame of the Earth, to the frame of the Sun, with a difference of 10<sup>-4</sup> times c. (It takes 42 milliseconds for light to pass between the 2 receivers.) Therefore, pulsar aberration is a Sagnac effect, and can therefore be united with the existence of an ether. The hypothesis of time dilation is not needed.

    The illusion of time dilation

    If light is focused into a beam, we can detect the direction of max intensity (beam) by the vector sum c+v, detectable based on amplitude. However, in light from a fix star we cannot see max intensity and must instead detect based on phase comparison in a coherent system and thereby find the normal to the wave fronts (ray) instead. To see this, we can regard wave fronts parallel to a flat mirror, and find that they are parallel also after reflection, independent of the value of the ether wind falling inside the wave fronts. This component in the ether wind is therefore irrelevant in coherent systems. Therefore, in coherent systems light should be described as a wave vector c plus just the component in ether wind, v, that is parallel to c. This direction (ray) is relevant in coherent systems. This fact means that ether wind inside the wave fronts has no effect in coherent systems, since light moves in relation to ether – not to equipment. We have missed the distinction between beam and ray. So, no effect of ether wind in stellar aberration and not in MMX transverse arm either. This is an important error, unobserved for 150 years and indicating that we do not understand the wave model. So, this confusion means that the transition from particles to waves in light is not yet finished.

    Astronomical observations, based on moving light, must be corrected for observer’s velocity vector in relation to our sun. This is analogous to the compensation for position vector in relation to the Sun according to Copernic. This velocity compensation is the stellar aberration. So, transverse ether wind does not tilt a wave front and it was an important error to introduce this idea between 1882 and 1887. So, light does not take a longer way in the ether’s frame in MMX, transverse arm. Light takes the same way in the ether frame instead, and hits therefore a changing point on the detector. This mistake played an important role in the false introduction of time dilation and Lorentz transform.

    The radial ether wind

    Newton disregarded the hypothesis sent to him by Fatio, based on fast and small neutrino-like etherons moving in all directions. If we assume matter to absorb a small amount of these particles, we can see that an ether wind, blowing in negative radial direction, is produced, since a reduced number of etherons are leaving the gravitating body. The force of gravity indicates mass in the ether and ether should therefore behave like matter. So, an ether wind equal to the escape velocity is thinkable.

    The Pioneer anomaly

    The radial ether wind from the Sun can explain the Pioneer anomaly as we can see by using the escape velocity as ether wind. We find that 2-way speed of light is increasing with range in relation to the Sun and this fact can create an illusion of a decreased speed in the space station. This effect corresponds to a Doppler effect of about 4 Hertz in the 2.3 GHz carrier, between 40 and 70 AU (astronomical units).

    The cosmological red shift

    We suppose a celestial body surrounded by a radial ether wind, and an observer not moving in relation to that body. The ether wind causes a blue shift, in frequency 1+v/c, when ether motion is towards the source and a red shift, 1-v/c, when ether moves away from the observer. So, observed frequency becomes f(1+v/c)(1-v/c)=f(1-v<sup>2</sup>/c<sup>2</sup>). Therefore, a second order red shift is produced in 1-way light. This means that cosmological red shift is caused by a moving ether – not by a moving body. No Big Bang.


    Newton said that he did not need the hypothesis sent to him by Fatio. This was a great mistake 300 years ago, and Newton seems to be confused by mathematics, since his law was derived from Kepler’s law based on pure mathematics. Newton did not see that his mathematical law demanded perfect spherical symmetry in a gravitating body, since nature is hiding this fact by producing approximate spherical forms in large bodies. This means that applying Newton’s law to physical bodies needs a modification of the law to make the law independent of spherical symmetry. So, we must apply the law to small volume elements and then integrate over volume in order to escape from the demand for spherical symmetry. This means that all parts of the body contribute to gravity in proportion to their densities, and also that the modified version can be united with Fatio’s model.


    · Bound electrons in atomic clocks are sensitive to the ether wind due to classical mechanics inside the clocks. This means that one ether-based model explains the same effect as two relativity-based models in GPS clocks. And we do not need time dilation.

    · A wrong assumption between 1882 and 1887 that light must take a longer way in the reference arm in MMX is in conflict with the wave model stating that light moves unchanged in the frame of the ether independent of motion of the MMX equipment transverse to light (no wave front tilting). This mistake gave us a false support for dilation of time and individual aging.

    · Newton’s disregarding of Fatio’s idea was an important error and had the important effect that gravity has not been explained by a radial ether wind. This also means that we could not see that Big Bang and Pioneer anomaly are illusions caused by ether motions.


    · Behavior of atomic clocks is due to classical mechanics – no time dilation.

    · Gravity is caused by an ether wind.

    · MMX is without wave front tilting.

    · Stellar aberration is caused by observer motion and not by wave front tilting.

    · Cosmological red shift is caused by ether motion. No Big Bang.

    · Pioneer anomaly is caused by changing 2-way light speed due to ether motion.


    We have not understood the wave model for light and the transition from Newton’s light particles to Maxwell’s light waves is not yet completed. More details regarding the confusion in modern physics are available in the article The wave-particle dilemma in light<sup>1</sup> available (after demand; copy right) on:


    <sup>1</sup>J E Persson, PHYSICS ESSAYS 34, 2 (2021)


  • John-Erik

    March 27, 2022 at 10:21 am


    What do you think about my post in March 23?


    I have said that we are confused by errors as old as 300 and 150 years back in time. See earlier contributions from me. Waiting for answer.


  • John-Erik

    March 23, 2022 at 6:33 pm


    Flat wave fronts are hitting a parallel flat mirror in all points at the same time and also leave at the same time. So, parallel after reflection and ether wind inside the wave fronts is not relevant. This is self evident according to the wave model based on phase. In the wave model only phase is relevant and phase does not change with ether wind inside the wave fronts. So, v is added to c without changing c. No effect of ether wind in transverse arm of MMX and not in stellar aberration either. We must think in wave fronts not in particles.

    Vector sum describes direction of max amplitude in a beam, but in coherent and phase based systems only wave fronts (no max) are important and describing wave front normal or ray that is relevant due to phase. So, ray must be used in coherent systems like star light in telescopes where detection is based on phase. c and v are different and cannot always be added together. When you cannot see max intensity you must detect wave front normal.

    No, I am not ignoring the medium, but you have not understood that many, many very, very small particles in the ether is the medium and light is just a behavior of that ether. So, light is described by waves only and particles are needed only in the ether model. No photons. No tilting in reference arm in MMX and not in the stellar aberration. The illusion of tilting is the cause of the twin paradox and time dilation. Quanta in etherons but not in light and not in energy.

    No, I am not ignoring stellar aberration. I have said that observing moving light means that you must compensate for own motion and that compensation is the stellar aberration. Astronomical observations with light must be compensated not just for positional vector (Copernic) in relation to Sun but also for velocity vector in relation to Sun.

    Pulsar aberration of 4.2 microsec exist in the frame of Earth but not in the frame of Sun. This depends on change in motion (not in position). This is Sagnac effect and can be united with ether theory.

    We have a bad understanding of the wave model and the transition from particles (Newton) to waves (Maxwell) is not yet finished.

    Regards from ______ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 20, 2022 at 10:27 pm


    8 days ago I gave you my ideas about 2 very important errors in physics 300 and 150 years old.

    Do you have any comments?

    Regards ______ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 16, 2022 at 7:35 pm


    I gave 2 important errors in physics 300 and 150 years ago and you gave no comments on both.

    You seem not to have read my 3 articles that gave links to lately. Doing that would improve our dialog.

    You stated agreement, but 5) is not correct: Ether particles move in all directions with high speed. However, ether itself is constituted by an average value of all particles and therefore adjusted by attenuation in matter. This unbalance is gravity or ether wind.

    You stated disagreement, and I take up only one of the points, namely 3). You said it was very important that I was wrong by stating that “coherent systems define wave front orientation and not total motion” – defining c and not c+v.

    A flat wave front, parallel to a flat mirror, is still parallel after reflection. This is independent of changing ether wind inside the planes of wave fronts and of mirror. So, ether wind inside the wave fronts is irrelevant in coherent systems. Moving our test equipment inside the plane of the mirrors does not change light behavior, since light is defined in relation to the ether. Coherent systems, based on phase, are defining constant wave fronts in collimators, detecting constant wave fronts in telescopes and therefore interferometers also operate with constant wave fronts. NO WAVE FRONT TILTING IN MMX (TRANSVERSE ARM) AND NOT IN STELLAR ABERRATION EITHER.

    No effect in reference arm means no theoretical argument for time dilation. No empirical argument either, since clock behavior can be explained inside the clocks. One model instead of SRT plus GRT.

    With best regards from ______________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 15, 2022 at 10:30 pm


    More explanations:

    1. Pioneer: 2-way light speed changes due to ether motion (the escape velocity from Sun).
      Big Bang: Instead of body motion (escape velocity) as ether motion near body.
    2. Clocks: Ether wind changes clock frequency due to a mechanism in side clocks.
      One model instead of 2 theories of relativity.

    With best regards from __ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 15, 2022 at 9:58 pm


    My theory is in 2 parts:

    1. 300 hundred years ago Newton disregarded a model for quantum gravity presented to him by his friend Fatio. The ether was explained by particles moving in all directions providing a mechanism for gravity (and light is a wave behavior of that ether). This would easily been observed if he had seen that his mathematical derivation from Kepler’s laws had a mathematical demand on perfect spherical symmetry in a gravitating body. So, Newton’s law must be generalized to be usable in practical physics with not perfect form. PIONEER ANOMALY AND BIG BANG ARE ILLUSIONS.
    2. 150 years ago Potier said that light must take a longer way in the reference arm in Michelson-Morley’s tests due to the transverse ether wind. This is wrong according to the wave model, since coherent systems define wave front orientation (vector c) – not not total motion (vector c+v) – to be constant. THE MOTIVATIONS FOR TIME DILATION AND LORENTZ TRANSFORM ARE ILLUSIONS – GALILEAN TRANSFORM INSTEAD.

    More details are found in my post 3 days ago containing 3 links.

    With best regards from _____________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 14, 2022 at 7:31 pm


    Sorry I happened somehow to write above your post.

  • John-Erik

    March 14, 2022 at 7:25 pm


    …not mechanical…

    No I never said that.

    …no shifting…no medium…

    No, I never said that. Two wrong statements. Ether is the medium.

    …ether not related to light…

    No, I never said that. I said that ether transmits gravity and light.

    I suggest that you read the 3 articles I was sending lately. Then you can define more detailed and interesting questions or remarks. There are models for ether wind and gravity. Unfortunately we have no detailed model for light and we are not understanding the wave model. I hope that we then can have a better dialog.

    With best regards from ________ John-Erik

  • John-Erik

    March 13, 2022 at 5:15 pm


    Codes: try to write in normal font and convert afterwards.


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