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  • Marco

    July 31, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Hi @jop,

    I agree your idea and we need a physical medium for explayn gravity (and electromagnetism) and ether do it very well, but absorbtion create trouble, and phereps, for this reason Newton refute this idea.

    You wrote: “Absorbtion cause radiant energy Like the production of X-rays by absorption of electrons”, but therefore we need a new type of energy leaving matter (as gravitational wave or neutrinos flow or other but hitherto never observed).

    Instead absorbtion if we exploit the fluid dynamics of vortices we can obtain the same results without problem of strange flow of energy.

    Best regards


  • Marco

    July 30, 2023 at 6:29 pm

    Hi @jop,

    I agree your idea and we need a physical medium for explayn gravity (and electromagnetism) and ether do it wery well, but absorbtion create trouble, and phereps, for this reason Newton refute this idea.

    You wrote: “Absorbtion cause radiant energy Like the production of X-rays by absorption of electrons”, but therefore we need a new type of energy leaving matter (as gravitational wave or neutrinos flow or other but hitherto never observed).

    Instead absorbtion if we exploit the fluid dynamics of vortices we can obtain the same results without problem of strange flow of energy.

    Best regards


  • Marco

    July 31, 2023 at 5:55 pm

    Good evening @jop,

    I like to discuss politely with you because I agree your underlying ideas, but I can’t

    neglect things with which I don’t agree.

    Assuming ether be adsorbed there must be a mass/energy flow which compensates this adsorbing.

    There are no increase in mass or energy in the attracting body, this means that the ether particles

    either trasforms in energy (and it must be found an energy flow of any kind) coming out the other side

    that particles arrive, or they form 2 flows, of mass or energy, at 90° respect the arrive direction of the


    There are no different solution (except >2 flows scompositions) for conservation of mass\energy.

    Violating this we move on to magic.

  • Marco

    July 15, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    Hallo @JoP ,

    Cannot be answred in main forum so I replay in this more switable forum.

    I don’t answer before, because I agree at 98% with your argues on gravity and I have to force myself to write in English, so I do it only if necessary!!!

    Seeing nobody wrote, you must have some answers from someone.

    The only 2% of difference is in the velocity of ether and in the behavior near to matter particles.

    The effects on far field is identical:

    · Distribution of matter affects the state of motion of the ether.

    · Matter acts on ether.

    · The state of motion of the ether defines forces “to emerge inside matter”

    · Ether acts on matter.

    more precisly, with my model

    · Force is proportional to the speed of ether and follow fluiddynamics laws

    · Speed of propagation of perturbation =c (up to a second order variation)

    · Gravity can have a time delay without an aberration

    · We must have an ether in order to explain gravity

    I think, like you, this is an important question and I’m disappointed noones answer.

    To conclude, I saw this title of discussion:

    “Aether as merely an interpretation of Modern physics”

    but the truth is that

    “Physics (and especially Modern Physics) is an interpretatio of reality”.

    Good night to everyone

    P.s. Here the link:

  • Marco

    June 25, 2023 at 12:23 am
  • Marco

    June 25, 2023 at 12:14 am

    Hi @dehilster and all,

    I hope you can see the image of the electric field of a gaussian beam (TEM 00 with ratio w0/lambda =2) added below.

    The image is static, but you can imagine the wave is travelling at speed c towards right ( we can call it “x” direction and “y” the vertical direction) .

    The gaussian beam is the best approximation of a laser beam because it have a minimum divergence and factor M² (ratio between real end ideal divergence) very close to 1.

    Which relation is between electric field and ether?

    (My model of ether is different from @jop model so he could give his version…)

    Electric field is generated by laser that polarize ether (because it is only made by very small particles but is polarizable as matter).

    When the ether is standing respect to laser/observer the effect is only of transport energy like all other medium that supports waves.

    If an ether wind is present, the direction of wind make different effect:

    1) suppose direction of wind in “x” direction.

    * This wind create a doppler effect of 2° order, so frequency change as Lorentz factor 1/sqrt(1 -(v/c)²)
    and this append, for example, when laser direction is parallel to gravity direction, making reason of Pioneer anomaly, atomic clock delay, cosmological red shift.

    2) direction of wind in “y” direction

    * this wind create a drift of 2° order, and this is, for example, the laser in laboratory in horizzontal

    direction (with negletted effect) or when a star beam pass close to the sun and its position is

    deflected as in (originally paper

    made by … are you relative?)

    Said this the ether can explain geometrically what RG said with abstract mathematics.

    Looking well you can see the 4° dimension well hidden in the usual 3° dimension.


    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by  Marco.
  • Marco

    June 22, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    Hi @jop,

    it seems an unlikely hypothesis because ether particles have physical proprieties like mass/velocity/momentum/energy, but until now not information proprieties.

    Ether may also have electromagnetic proprieties and it can travel information but it isn’t him principal characteristic.

    If it have a teleport characteristic, it must be nearly intelligent and so it can change his behavieour becuse it depend from information transport, and if it change, then also change the effect,

    … but it is never recorded.

    So I think ether must transport information only for his physics parameter mass/velocity/momentum/energy (charge and current as secondary).

    c (speed of light) is the effect of perturbation of ether and not ether velocity.

    I hope my answer is welcome.

    Best regards

  • Marco

    June 22, 2023 at 10:00 am

    Hallo @JoP ,

    it is possible, I don’t know, but if it is, ether can travel a lot of information and convert it in energy and it seem almost magic, it is not istantanous but travel at speed of light without apparent delay, almost a precise teleporter.

    Jokes aside, it may be, but it seems to me an unlikely hypothesis.

    Best regards

  • Marco

    June 21, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    Hallo @JoP ,

    I think you are near the answer 👍,

    your reasonings are almost all right.

    Only this is not perfect: light carry energy because, for example, in a laser beam the energy is provided in the bulb and his effect are made where beam meet matter.

    This energy travel at speed of light from source to sink with low loss, it is a reapetible experiment not only a fictive experiment.


  • Marco

    June 21, 2023 at 10:01 am

    Hi @JoP ,

    you sayd:

    “Static/dynamic ether”

    “Gravity/light ether”

    “Direct current/alternating current”

    well, I intend Static ether wind = Gravity and Dynamic ether wind = light, is it right?

    Static wind can create only longitudinal wave while dynamic wind can create both transversal and longitudinal wave, but only trasversal wave can be light, longitudinal can’t be, so, longitudinal will be other.

    What are longitudinal ether wave?

    If your hypothesis (of gravity due to static ether) is correct, then the longitudinal ether wind will give longitudinal wave of acceleration ( and also force, because it is proportional to the particles mass).

    If it isn’t correct explayn what else are longitudinal ether wind ( seeing it can’t be light).


  • Marco

    June 21, 2023 at 9:50 am

    Hi @JoP ,

    you sayd:

    “Static/dynamic ether”

    “Gravity/light ether”

    “Direct current/alternating current”

    well, I intend Static ether wind = Gravity and Dynamic ether wind = light, is it right?

    Static wind can create only longitudinal wave while dynamic wind can create both transversal and longitudinal wave, but only trasversal wave can be light, longitudinal can’t be, so, longitudinal will be other.

    What are longitudinal ether wave?

    If your hypothesis (of gravity due to static ether) is correct, then the longitudinal ether wind will give longitudinal wave of acceleration ( and also force, because it is proportional to the particles mass).

    If it isn’t correct explayn what else are longitudinal ether wind ( seeing it can’t be light).


    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by  Marco.
  • Marco

    June 19, 2023 at 9:55 am

    Good morning @JoP ,

    I knew you gave a good answer. 👍👏

    I agree with your first statement:

    “Your question was about vacuum energy. The ether is constituted by fast and small particles moving in all directions. When the sum becomes zero we are weightless.”

    Intending for sum the vectorial sum of momentum of ether particles (not energies because is always >0).

    Can you explain well this phrase ragard oscillating (transversal or longitudinal mode)?

    “A static unbalance is gravity and an oscillating unbalance is light.”

    This is enough complicate to understand:

    “The laser does not have to transfer energy. Instead only information to disturb the balance and the ether can…”

    We adduce energy to laser light in the same quantity it transfer to iron, so how can this energy be transformed into information and into energy again from ether?

    I think it’s a needless complication.🤔

    Thanks for your answers.

  • Marco

    June 17, 2023 at 8:12 am
  • Marco

    June 17, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    Hi @Aetherwizard ,
    I find that cit. in, and I translate it in English, but original lenguage is German:

    “<i style=”background-color: transparent; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>Grundgedanken und Methoden der Relativitätstheorie in ihrer Entwicklung dargestellt”

    I don’t know German, but looking for it with google, something were find…

    You can try to look for it and translate

  • Marco

    June 17, 2023 at 8:34 am

    Hallo @Aetherwizard ,
    you wrote a good summary of LET, but I think Einstain was not so countrary to ether, but are other scientist and media that oppouse to ether existence.

    Here are a pair of Einstain thoughts:

    «It would have been more correct if in my first publications I had limited myself to emphasizing the impossibility of measuring the speed of the ether, instead of mainly supporting its non-existence. Now I understand that the word ether means nothing other than the need to represent space as a bearer of physical properties.”

    ( <small>Albert Einstein, from a letter to AH Lorentz, 1919 <sup>[4]</sup></small> )

    Denying the ether would lead, according to Einstein, to “supposing that empty space does not possess any physical properties, which is at variance with the fundamental experiences of mechanics”: [5 <sup>]</sup>

    «Even if in 1905 I thought that in physics one absolutely could not speak of ether, this judgment was too radical, as we can see with the next considerations of general relativity. It is therefore permissible to assume a filling medium in space if we refer to the electromagnetic field and therefore also to matter. However, it is not permissible to attribute to this medium a state of motion at every point in analogy with ponderable matter. This ether cannot be conceived of as consisting of particles.”

    ( <small>Albert Einstein, Basic ideas and methods of the theory of relativity presented in their development , § 13, 1920</small> )

    Have a nice day

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Marco.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  Marco.
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