Volunteers to read our book

  • Volunteers to read our book

    Posted by David on February 11, 2021 at 12:59 am

    We are looking for volunteers to read our book before publishing. We are looking for people who are truly interested in the model so we can find out what we could communicate more clearly. We are not looking for a book review or critiques. We want to make the book as good as possible for the reader. Please indicate if you are interested in volunteering. It should be ready to read sometime by the end of this month.

    David replied 3 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Kasim

    February 11, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I’m interested in reading your book as I too am interested in an alternative to the mainstream theories to such a point that I’ve written my own version I call the Alternative Theory of Everything.

    • David

      February 11, 2021 at 1:17 pm

      Kasim, many thanks for the offer but we are looking for people who don’t already have their own theory or model. 99.9% of our readers will not have their own model or any other model in their heads so we are looking for people with that perspective.

  • David

    March 2, 2021 at 12:01 am

    We are still working on our book. We have some graphics to redo and also are finishing up the section on the Double Slit Experiment.

  • David

    March 8, 2021 at 3:41 pm

    I am taking off March 15-19 to finish the book with my father. On Sunday, we should be sending out a PDF file for those who are wanting us to make the book more clear.

  • scott

    March 10, 2021 at 11:46 am

    I would very much like to read your book and give you my impressions and ask questions. I have enjoyed listen to your Saturday conversations and have participated in asking questions which I was thrilled to have you present to your guests. I got the impression you thought my questions were very good and they did yield some very stimulating responses from the guests.

    I hope you will allow me to see your book please email me if you’d like further information about me. I love what you and your groups of critical thinkers are doing at any rate it’s much needed healthy and necessary for advancing our knowledge. All the best to all involved.

    • David

      March 11, 2021 at 4:29 pm

      Scott, we are happy to have you volunteer. We will be sending out the book in pdf format with specific instructions of what we are looking for.

  • David

    April 19, 2021 at 2:06 am

    Our new front cover:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  David.
  • David

    May 23, 2021 at 1:02 pm

    We are now sending out emails to all of you who have volunteered to pre-read our book before publishing. Look for two emails in the coming week: one for a link to the PDF file of our book, and one email for instructions for what we are looking for. You will receive a signed copy of the book for your efforts. My father and I greatly appreciate your help!

  • David

    May 23, 2021 at 1:38 pm

    Again, we are not looking for people to review the book. We are looking for those interested in the theory and who would like to help us make the words, concepts, and graphics clearer for the reader. If you are interested in pre-reading the book and giving helpful feedback and have not yet received an email with instructions on how to do so, please let me know here. Thanks!