the imminent solar eclipse

  • the imminent solar eclipse

    Posted by Jerry on October 6, 2023 at 6:13 pm


    I heard the other day that there is a solar eclipse on October 14th in the United States that is visible from Oregon to Texas.

    There is something I heard of a few years ago that I’m quite fascinated with. It is said that when there is a solar eclipse, a pendulum underneath experiences an unusual effect, where it “swings all about wildly”. I’ve heard this effect of the “shaky” pendulum is called the Allais effect. However, one main definition calls it an “alleged” effect, which of course suggests there isn’t adequate experimental data available. And a video I watched said it isn’t yet known if the Allais effect is real, or if it the effect is attributed to an experimental error.

    I wish I had known of this effect when a solar eclipse was visible in Nashville a few years ago! It is said that there is a solar eclipse somewhere in the world approximately every 18 months. So eventually I want to travel wherever I can to experiment with them!

    So I had some thoughts and questions of how to test this unusual phenomenon, and a few ideas with which to possibly perform an experiment

    How would a pendulum act through an eclipse if it were set up underneath a lead square? or within a lead box? (I say specifically “lead” since some waves within the electromagnetic spectrum have trouble going through lead. Maybe a different material would work better for this potential experiment.) Would this stop or slow down the wild “swings” of the pendulum? Could you tell if whatever causes the “shaky” effect emanates directly and straightforwardly from the eclipse in the sky, or is it possibly “all around” and maybe detectable (also) through a sideways trajectory, if the lead square covered the pendulum?

    Also, what if it were possible to directly study how this unusual effect works? What if a “network” of small lights or lasers were put into place, while someone sprays an aerosol liquid to possibly show what’s hidden within the invisible field, to detect the course of electromagnetism or gravity that it “follows” to form patterns, sort of similar to the way metal slivers on a piece of paper with a magnet underneath shows the intricate design that the magnetic field generates.

    Is the interference within the vicinity of a pendulum through an eclipse caused by the absence, or instead a <i style=”background-color: transparent; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>surplus, of gravity or electromagnetism? Or they possibly alternate between each of them? Is more gravity propagated by the presence of the moon combined with the sun, or is it less gravity, since the moon is in the way and much of the sun’s gravity doesn’t reach the earth?

    Maybe a heavy lead square or box isn’t even necessary to study the Allais effect. Is it possible that the Allais effect is observable, or even preventable, within a house?

    Anyway, would any scientists or enthusiasts throughout that area have interest in testing this effect? Has this unusual pendulum effect already been experimented with?

    Thanks! and have a fine day!

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    Jerry replied 9 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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