Newton’s mistake

  • Newton’s mistake

    Posted by John-Erik on July 21, 2023 at 9:40 pm

    Newton disregarded an idea from Fatio explaining gravity by a particle model. Ether particles were assumed to collide with matter and cause thermal energy. The solution is to assume ether particles to be absorbed by matter and cause radiant energy. (Like the production of X-rays by absorption of electrons) In this way we can explain gravity in body A by those particles that are absent in A due to the absorption in B.

    A and B are in different positions without information about each other. So, they cannot together define the product AxB. No attraction is therefore possible. The ether has the needed information and can therefore push A and B together. So, gravity in A is caused by those particles that are absent in A due to the absorption in B.

    1. A cannot attract B.
    2. A can attract the ether and then the ether can push B in direction towards A.
    3. We need the ether.

    Newton did not understand his own model.

    John-Erik replied 12 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Marco

    July 30, 2023 at 6:29 pm

    Hi @jop,

    I agree your idea and we need a physical medium for explayn gravity (and electromagnetism) and ether do it wery well, but absorbtion create trouble, and phereps, for this reason Newton refute this idea.

    You wrote: “Absorbtion cause radiant energy Like the production of X-rays by absorption of electrons”, but therefore we need a new type of energy leaving matter (as gravitational wave or neutrinos flow or other but hitherto never observed).

    Instead absorbtion if we exploit the fluid dynamics of vortices we can obtain the same results without problem of strange flow of energy.

    Best regards


  • Marco

    July 31, 2023 at 8:53 am

    Hi @jop,

    I agree your idea and we need a physical medium for explayn gravity (and electromagnetism) and ether do it very well, but absorbtion create trouble, and phereps, for this reason Newton refute this idea.

    You wrote: “Absorbtion cause radiant energy Like the production of X-rays by absorption of electrons”, but therefore we need a new type of energy leaving matter (as gravitational wave or neutrinos flow or other but hitherto never observed).

    Instead absorbtion if we exploit the fluid dynamics of vortices we can obtain the same results without problem of strange flow of energy.

    Best regards


    • John-Erik

      July 31, 2023 at 11:05 am


      No, assuming ether particles to behave like electrons does not necessarily demand a new kind of energy. Instead it is you that increases complexity by introducing vortices.


      • Marco

        July 31, 2023 at 5:55 pm

        Good evening @jop,

        I like to discuss politely with you because I agree your underlying ideas, but I can’t

        neglect things with which I don’t agree.

        Assuming ether be adsorbed there must be a mass/energy flow which compensates this adsorbing.

        There are no increase in mass or energy in the attracting body, this means that the ether particles

        either trasforms in energy (and it must be found an energy flow of any kind) coming out the other side

        that particles arrive, or they form 2 flows, of mass or energy, at 90° respect the arrive direction of the


        There are no different solution (except >2 flows scompositions) for conservation of mass\energy.

        Violating this we move on to magic.

      • Marco

        July 31, 2023 at 9:22 pm

        For increases complexity, I want say only 2 things:

        1) Lorentz transformation is more complicated then Galileian transformation, but “unfortunately” in same condition works better, so, sometimes, you have to accept complexity when this is more faithfull to reality.

        2) “del = Nabla” operator (Div, Grad, Curl) are widly used both in electromagnetic and fluid dynamic studies, but Maxwell equation of electrodynamics was develloped using mechanical models, such as rotating vortex tubes, to model the electromagnetic field.

        For this reason these equations of electromagnetism arise from a fluid dynamics basis as a starting point, so ether can be modeled as fluid, with pipe, vortex end other flud structures.

        There is a near perfect one-to-one correspondence between electromagnetism and fluid dynamics, therefore studying one filed there is a one-to-one correspondence with the other filed.

        Thanks for the attention


        • John-Erik

          July 31, 2023 at 9:42 pm


          Electrons absorption in a crystal can generate radiation – not heating.

          Perhaps absorption of ether particles can do the same.
