a few ideas involving personality and psychology

  • a few ideas involving personality and psychology

    Posted by Jerry on March 4, 2022 at 7:18 am

    There seems the impossibility that there is any different or unknown personality type, that anyone has that hasn’t already been well identified, defined, or experienced by countless other individuals, with each of whom, has also had various <font color=”#000000″>shared traits, </font>strengths, and weaknesses. Yet, we also have other what seems original and unique qualities, such as various talents, interests, ha<wbr>bits of thought, emotion, and action, personal traditions, and of our sometimes temporary attitudes and moods, whether positive, negative, or neutral, whatever our life experiences, and courses of action. We inevitably fall into one category or another, of well-established personality types.

    I have often found that my opinion of how we all gain the personality types that we have, whether looking at the Myers-Briggs Types, the Enneagram, or the Four Temperament theory, as well as others, is through our past conditioning, literally “every step of the way”, <font color=”#000000″>of the situations we found ourselves experiencing, and what types of stimuli exist </font><font color=”#000000″>there </font>to observe and react to, we develop in ways that determine how we feel, understand, and act. And whatever we experience and however we respond, we either quickly or eventually end up as valid classifiable types that correspond to specific recognizable descriptions.

    <font color=”#000000″>We tend to have what seems our own personal favorite and unique states of mind, of a few </font><font color=”#000000″>preferences </font><font color=”#000000″>we most </font>often choose to return to. We find ways to continue that given mindset or approach, to which we’ve grown thoroughly accustomed and conditioned into what we tend to consider our very own “personality”.

    <font color=”#000000″>”Personality” </font><font color=”#000000″>may literally start as early and automatically as possible in life, as what could </font><font color=”#000000″>seem </font><font color=”#000000″>to have been at the time, only temporary habits, that may have just </font>seemed easier to continue to follow, instead of starting a different approach or mindset from out of nowhere, or to react in a “new” way, to whatever “new” types of stimuli is experienced.

    Whatever is decided to believe, is either accurate or faulty, at whatever level of complexity. What is believed, is seen as “the actual reality of things”. Whenever questions or doubts arise, at some level, within that instant, complete belief doesn’t exist, at least temporarily.

    Don’t we all think what we believe is the truth? If we didn’t, wouldn’t we change our minds?What we believe directly affects what we think, feel, say, and how we act, which may seem impulsive within a given instant, since we tend to respond to what we experience in the most obvious way possible. <font color=”#000000″>Our beliefs seem to guide </font>our thoughts, emotions, and actions, of what we decide upon every instant <font color=”#000000″>we’re awake. </font>And further than that, our subconscious minds affect our conscious decisions. We also have experiences where we collect ideas that might highly influence us to question some of our previously accepted ideas.

    <font color=”#000000″>What all </font>is included within the subconscious and unconscious mind? What is completely conscious knowledge? Does any sort of boundary or dividing line exist that separates the conscious and subconscious? That is, since we often experience highly different levels of various states of mind or moods, wouldn’t a possible dividing line vary? How does short-term memory differ from long-term memory? What percentage of our short-term memories will convert to long-term memories? I’d guess way below one percent of one percent.

    We often add to our memories with additional data that we gather from our experiences, and expand further with additional relevant thoughts. We might tend to regularly update our gigantic collection of remembered thoughts, beliefs, habits, and <font face=”arial, sans-serif” color=”#000000″>observations, with </font>countless extensions of similar thoughts.

    When “adding to our memories”, we also tend to spontaneously create “false memories” which intermingle with literally everything we know about, which affects how we perceive. Actually, most of what we experience we almost immediately forget, <font color=”#000000″>at least consciously. </font>That is, until or unless we’re reminded somehow.

    <font color=”#000000″>Out of everything we know, all of our memories from experience, whether good or bad, </font><font color=”#000000″>what we remember the most, is what has evoked within ourselves, the </font>highest degrees of emotion. We all seem capable of high levels of emotion, even if our emotions cause us to feel that we should minimize our expression of some of them. If a given experience or event doesn’t occur with or evoke much emotion, it is usually quite easy to forget.

    Disagreeing with friends may sometimes seem inevitable, yet it almost always feels uncomfortable, since relating and agreeing often seem to go “hand in hand”, that they occur between friends who have a mutual acceptance and understanding, with which there is the intention to protect the friendship instead of “arguing” with each other in any way. We simply don’t want to oppose friends or those whom we admire. Whenever we don’t agree with someone, we usually don’t tend to relate, at least about that specific one or a few things, which if we may possibly find significant, we may choose to minimize the importance of various ideas, beliefs, or preferences, such as philosophical, political, or spiritual views.

    <font color=”#000000″>Sometimes sensitive people may seem exceptionally aware of “too much”, all at once, </font>which includes much of which they simply don’t want to perceive, or of that which may seem uncomfortable, or at least of which doesn’t serve a constructive purpose.

    <font color=”#000000″>Oftentimes, we may underestimate how much the words and actions of others affect us. </font>That if we were affected in a good or bad way, that we may inadvertently get caught up in that mindset and bring it into our everyday approach to living. Pleasant emotions may seem temporary and more out of reach than unpleasant emotions, which seem expected <font color=”#000000″>and </font>unavoidable. However, our thoughts and actions highly influence our emotions. Also, the intensity level of our experience seems to heighten, for good or bad, our reactions, and could send us into a productive and inspired state of mind, or what may seem a sad <font color=”#000000″>or </font><font color=”#000000″>fearful state of mind. Our habitual or routine thoughts, emotions, attitudes, or </font>moods, may sometimes affect our personalities permanently, or at least seem that way.

    <font color=”#000000″>At what level could we seek and find positive states of mind? What all activities affect </font><font color=”#000000″>our moods? Our </font>diet, how much we exercise, social life, humor, inspirational thoughts, having purpose, meaningful conversations, setting and achieving goals, and more.

    Jerry replied 2 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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