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Reasons for Joining

I’m trying to join this group for the second time. I already paid $35 through PayPal but couldn’t get the software to work. I don’t know if this is a viable place.

I have a book on Amazon

“Ex Nihilo – The Logic of Existence”

that I worked on since 1962.
I have a presence on ‘X’ = Beaubien @el_beaubien

It’s too bad this site is non-functional. It would be a good idea if it actually worked. But I have to say in my ~30 years experience on the internet … this is the worst place (technically) that I’ve ever seen. You can’t do anything on it. There is no rational navigation system. Get a tech guy to rework your site. It could be something really good. There is a real need for such a site for perhaps a few thousand people on earth (at most).

I’m sorry I wasted $35 … Goodbye 🤦🏻