Expansion and Contraction

  • Expansion and Contraction

    Posted by Andy on August 4, 2022 at 2:37 pm

    Most people on this site loath expansion and the red shift, and I guess I have trouble understanding why that would be the case. All signs lead to expansion and contraction, clearly. I suspect the reason is that everyone wants a static infinity for some reason. Why that’s so important in an infinite universe I don’t understand. There’s plenty of room to expand and contract endlessly within an infinite universe. One thing we aren’t in short supply of is space. I think 100’s of years imagining a static infinity is the issue, and this current desire to maintain a static infinity is just a continuation of this old archaic reasoning. Respectfully.

    Expansion doesn’t necessarily lead to a big bang, which is equally archaic thinking.

    If you can imagine a sealed sphere filled with water, then image pulling in the outward direction. There is going to be an equal and opposite contraction from every ordinate within that sphere. I can imagine those points turning in on themselves continuously.

    And that’s evident in the vacuum of space, red shift aside.

    Einstein imagined space was the cause of gravity in his original work. And the vacuum of space was obviously on his mind. In those days though, static steady state was the scientific dogma. That’s what we were, a continuum. That’s what Einstein also believed. However, when he started applying his reasoning to the math, his results told him something different.

    These were much more primitive times in science. We assumed “0” was at our finger tips, and the vacuum of space was pressing against it. That’s not the way it works.

    So, the only possible explanation was his math was wrong, or that he was missing something fundamental. And that’s when he tried to add a fudge factor into the math so the universe would remain static, which would satisfy the common dogma, which everyone on this site and Einstein himself seemed to believe, and all his colleagues.

    Then Hubble came along and everything changed.

    Again, we’re thinking “0” is an attainable state and it’s right in front of us. And the Planck Length seemed to confirm it. Nothing can be smaller than X.

    Infinity is an endless void that is orientated inward and outward from any ordinate. Our material universe is clearly expanding and contracting at the same time. In my view of course. I don’t see how it can be any other way. Dimension is being defined by motion. In the absence of motion nothing material can exist. Space is a singular state. Motion must permeate the material universe in order for it (and us) to exist.

    The issue with science back in the days of significant discovery is that scientist viewed space and matter is two unique entities. e=mc^2 was profoundly significant, because it revealed matter was exactly like everything, including gravity. Still, they were viewing space as something we moved around within, and matter as something that was created within space.

    Space and matter are the same thing. That’s what Einsteins original math is telling us. It’s all space. Contraction manifests in the material world, which is space turned in on itself, and expansion manifest in the space we traverse.

    The difference between the two must be motion. Matter is in an accelerating state, and the space we traverse is in a decelerating state. Space is a unified bound low energy, and matter is a condensed unbound high energy. The higher the energy, the higher the velocity.

    If you get in your car and press the accelerator, you can choose a wide range of accelerations, depending on how hard you hit the gas. Take your foot off the gas and you would begin to decelerate, and hit the brakes and you can decelerate faster.

    The universe in principal works the same way, although the maximum acceleration is way past our feeble relative limit of light. Its maximum is just shy of instantaneous from one end of the universe to the other. And that limit is constantly rising with expansion, and conversely, the faster we can define motion, the slower something can be in relation to the higher achievable velocity.

    This is the way it works.

    We are expanding and contracting and that’s the way it’s always been. The universe is infinite and non reversible. The Big Bang is trying to pull everything into a single point to reverse expansion. Expansion is happening from the opposite direction and slowing down. Matter comes from the outward direction and accelerates inward, and expansion comes the center and decelerates outward. The center is everywhere a point of matter exists.

    There is no limits on acceleration or deceleration fundamentally, but our experiences can never be equal to or greater than the process from which we are derived. We lag behind it in either direction. And that’s what time is about, timing. A lag. We’re slightly detached from the master process being drug behind it, which allows us to experience a small range of relative velocities between [0] and [1].

    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Andy.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Andy.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Andy.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Andy.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Andy.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Andy.
    Andy replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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