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  • Andy

    November 29, 2020 at 8:49 pm

    Let me explain velocity for a moment.

    Instantaneous motion is every bit as relative as the speed of light. Our perception of it changes over time, but because we’re bound to time, we can’t notice.

    Assume for a moment that our universe it 92 billion light years in diameter. And let’s say C lies somewhere in the middle for simplicity sake. And lets set our watch for 5pm today.

    Instantaneous motion would be 92/92=1

    Speed of light would be (92/2)/92=.5

    A year later at 5pm our universe has expanded to 93 billion light years.

    Instantaneous motion would be 93/93=1

    Speed of light would be (93/2)/93=.5

    Our perspective remains constant.

    Compared to last year at the same time, instantaneous motion last year was only 0.989% compared to this year, and light speed been less by the same amount proportionately.

    Our motion is a function of the size of the total universe. And that’s a moving target. We’re expanding, increasing the size of the wave, increasing the potential of motion. Light speed is always on the rise.

    As we view light now, it is 1/92,000,000,000th the maximum velocity, assuming the universe is 92 billion light years in diameter, which I seriously doubt is anywhere near accurate. It makes no sense. Light speed is not a limit of motion, it’s transition point between contraction and expansion which is undergoing continual change with expansion. We are probably traveling at many 1000’s of the time the speed of light already, but that is irrelevant, because our perspective is bound to mass. Time follows the dimension or scale of space, not motion per se. The more contracted an object, the faster the perception of time, and the more expanded an object, the slower the perception of time. For matter, time starts at m=1, and then contracts down to 0. For the space we traverse, time starts at m=0, expands back out to 1. It is exactly opposite of what we perceive in our motion. We think time slows with acceleration, but it doesn’t have anything to do with our velocity, it has to do with our mass state. We see mass as gaining with perceived acceleration, which is really slowing down the rate of contraction, so the matter swells a little relative to everything else, changing time.

    The outer wall of the universe is on the left, and the inner wall on the right.


    Time 1 |—>–>—| 0

    Mass 1 |—>–>—| 0

    Motion 0 |—>–>—| 1

    Space we Traverse

    Time 1 |—<–<—| 0

    Mass 1 |—<–<—| 0

    Motion 0 |—<–<—| 1

    The action is the creation of matter, which contracts in while accelerating until it hits the far interior wall the universe. The reaction is when that mass/matter energy hits that interior wall, and then reflects back out as expansive energy decelerating to the far edge.

    Deceleration gets a slight push from expansion when the matter converts over to expansion, giving it just enough energy to return from where it came.

    It’s an extremely simple machine, but absolutely perfect in function, with an unlimited amount of fuel in motionless space to keep the wave going. There is nothing in the way to stop it from expanding, so theoretically speaking, our universe should expand forever.

    The universe is just collapsing and expanding dimension bouncing back and forth in a moving wave. We can manipulate motion be tampering with the rate of contraction in matter.