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  • Andy

    November 24, 2020 at 7:30 pm

    Does light need an aether?

    I know this is going to be hard, if not impossible for anyone around here to accept. But, I have to follow my reasoning no matter where it leads. It explains way too many things to be the mere vivid imagination of a critical thinker.

    No, light does not need an aether to move.

    Light is surfacing the universal wave.

    Light is both a particle, and a “wave”. In some ways, light doesn’t really move, although that’s not really a good way to look at it. Believe me, I’ve gone back and forth on this one and it’s a hard one to visualize. Probably harder to accept. But, it is what it is.

    As I have explained previously, there are two flavors of energy related to mass from its motion, contractive mass energy, and expansive mass energy. The expansive mass energy is what we call waves. In sound, waves are generated through series of collisions of matter. Not the same thing. The results are similar in that it generates waves of sound, but mechanically it is a different wave process. Light doesn’t need to collide with anything to move.

    Light is a particle caught on the very edge of expansion and contraction, powered by the universal waves motion. When light is at C=0, t=1, mass=x, the wave immediately overtakes it, pushing it back to C=1, t=0, mass=x. The wave passes it, pulling it back to C=0, T=1, mass=x. It is flipping back and forth between a wave and a particle, sliding down the wave while contracting inward with each cycle. It;s like a new light with each cylce as well, because it is accelerating with our acceleration. Light has mass, and although I have refrained from using +/- thus far, it may be easier to understand that light is both + and -, from a standpoint of energy, but cannot be in both states simultaneously. It is somewhat energy neutral due to the fact is flipping back and forth between energy states.

    The term mass is hard to talk about at this point, because mass isn’t matter exclusive. Mass simply describes space in motion. The space that we traverse is space in motion, just a decelerating state of motion. That space is expansive mass. When the wave overtakes light, light experiences deceleration to 0, where it immediately comes back into existence as a particle and moves to its maximum possible velocity, where it flips back again as the wave overtakes it again.

    You have to consider that space is 1-dimensional. And as I explained it’s a really fat 1-dimension, because the line turns in on itself. The outward direction of space is omnidirectional, where the inward direction is more of a conical shape pointing towards 0. Matters resistance to motion is probably related to the width of the cone, like a scoop of ice cream sitting on an ice cream cone. The wider the cone the more stable your ice cream sitting on top the cone, and the more it’s going to resist motion. Generally speaking. However, that is getting beyond what I do. I’m just looking for general knowledge that can explain things in plain English in a practical manner. I’m not trying to build a nuclear reactor, or even write a scientific paper, as either would be an exercise in futility for someone like me. I don’t possess those sort of skills.