
Ray Fleming
local time: 2024-06-30 11:28 (-05:00 DST)
Ray Fleming (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • An exploration of vacuum fluctuation particle pair interactions analogous to Hawking radiation (2015) [Updated 9 years ago]
    by Ray Fleming   read the paper:

    Stephen Hawking popularized the theory that a vacuum fluctuation particle pair can have one particle of the pair captured while the other is released. He examined capture at the event horizon of a black hole, but antiparticles can also be captured by annihilation. The other particle of the pair is then freed. This annihilation-production interaction makes it appear that a particle has jumped from one place to another without accelerating, decelerating or traveling across that distance as we typically see in “orbital” transitions. It is a physical explanation for all quantum jumps and quantum tunneling. Particle decay can be facilitated by this Hawking type interaction, as it replaces neutrinos in particle equations.  Annihilation-production interactions also facilitate nuclear fusion including low energy nuclear reactions. It also appears that energy is continuously being borrowed from and returned to the vacuum by way of these interactions leading us to a more complete understanding of conservation of energy. This paper consists of a detailed exploration of each of these vacuum fluctuation mediated annihilation-production events to give us a physical model for quantum phenomena.

  • The Matter Force (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ray Fleming   read the paper:

    If we study the fundamental forces of the Standard Model, we find mechanical forces conspicuously absent. This error of omission is one of the most significant problems with physics today. Additionally, mechanical force theory is frozen in the physics of a distant past. If we look deeper we find that inertia is analogous to a current in a conductor and its magnetic field, and tops, gyroscopes and flywheels also behave in a magnetic-like fashion. Tidal forces between solid bodies are more magnetic-like than tidal, while the shape of spiral galaxies is more reminiscent of Lorentz forces than a gravitational force. Even effects attributed to General Relativity such as Lense-Thirring and de Sitter precession and the anomalous precession of the perihelion of Mercury are more simply described as magnetic-like effects due to rotating bodies matter. Now there is even a well-established force in the universe causing matter to accelerate away from matter. By combining these observations with classical mechanics we can develop a mechanical force theory, the matter force, which is mathematically consistent with electromagnetic force theory.

  • Proton and Electron Mass Derived as the Vacuum Energy Displaced by a Casimir Cavity (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Ray Fleming   read the paper:

    Two of the great mysteries of physics are the origin of
    mass and the mysterious mass ratio between the proton and electron of ~1836. In
    this paper it is shown that the mass-energy of the proton is equivalent to the
    vacuum energy excluded by a spherical Casimir cavity with an average radius
    equal to the charge radius of a proton. Likewise the electron mass is shown to
    be equivalent to the vacuum energy excluded by a spherical shell with an
    average diameter equal to the Compton wavelength of the electron. The ratio
    ~1836 is derived as a natural consequence of the vacuum energy exclusion.

  • Beta Decay as a Virtual Particle Interaction Analogous to Hawking Radiation (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Ray Fleming   read the paper:

    The existing theory of the weak interaction has some troublesome issues with conservation of energy and limited range. Beta decay theory would be more complete if there were a mechanism that places the electron or positron decay product farther from the proton or neutron so that they would not be immediately reabsorbed. This is readily accomplished by a Hawking radiation type interaction between a virtual electron-positron pair and a proton or neutron and this type of interaction readily accounts for each form of beta decay.