
Dale Pond
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Dale Pond (Books)

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 101
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 2014


Dale Pond. Revision 1.2. This work describes the unseen (scalar) components of a vibration, their relationships and dynamical functions - based on Keely's proportions of 3, 6 and 9 as explained in Professor Daniel Brinton's Laws of Being. This book is a follow-up (volume II) of The Physics of Love published in 1994. The forces described in this book are the unseen (scalar) forces Keely manipulated to achieve some of the remarkable feats of science and engineering accredited to him yet not understood by the rest of us. Everything in the universe vibrates. "In the wave lies the secret of Creation." (Walter Russell) Therefore by understanding the inner nature of vibration (wave = vibration) we can have a more accurate view of nature and what makes it tick. These forces, working in specific combinations of proportions of 3, 6 and 9 are the very wheel work of nature as they govern all vibrations or matter and manifestations as energy and force. Many have offered the Tesla quote: "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." Nikola Tesla. But no reference has ever been found (to date) that Tesla ever said this. In my search to find the source of this quote I did encounter many references where Keely spoke about these numbers. As I dug deeper into the Keely literature it became obvious there is something here that needs to be explored and developed. And that is exactly what I did with this new book. Have you ever wondered why the poles of a magnet or electric current are different from each other? What makes one pole different from the other pole? According to Keely poles of a current are effects of subtler forces (scalar), three in number. By identifying and manipulating the proportions of the mix of these causative forces the poles can be mixed, switched from one to the other or turned on or off at various power levels - not unlike Russell's "rhythmic balanced interchange" of switching polarities. What would it mean to your research and inventions if you could switch polarities between poles and regulate their power levels? 101 pages, 8 1/2" X 11", Perfect Bound.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 1000
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 2009


Did you ever wonder what John Worrell Keely was really doing or how he did it? How about Walter Russell? What was he really saying in his comprehensive writings and beautiful artworks? So have I wondered. And this wondercaused me to set out 24 years ago (in 1984) to study their writings and what others wrote about them and sort it all out that we might to understand and eventually apply their vast knowledge to solutions for our time.

This product is the end result of all those years of study and deep thought. One person described this work as "massive". The CD contains over 900 pages of materials when printed out. The SVP Universal Cosmology is profusely illustrated with over 360 graphics, tables and images. All this and more to carefully sort through, review and explain what Keely, Russell, Cayce, Lewis and countless others had to say about a fresh new (for most of us) comprehensive paradigm that binds and bridges many fields of science, mathematics, music, philosophy, religion and art.

This product is in digital format because it will be more or less regularly updated from time to time. It is a work that perhaps may never be completed. Therefore when you purchase this product you will receive all the files and addenda available as of your purchase date. You will receive free updates of future material as it is updated for one year from purchase date. Thereafter a license to receive updates for one year may be purchased. 

This product is delivered on CD post paid. There is no claim made as to the use, accuracy, veracity, intelligibility, useability or applicability of any information presented in the SVP Universal Cosmology materials. 

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 144
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 2006


This book is a compilation of short articles (+100) written by Dale Pond from 1999-2006. The topics range from Acteinic Rays & Awakening to Love & Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. Most but not all of these articles were written in response to questions on the SVP Forum.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 91
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 2001


"A few years ago a project was undertaken to create a machine to generate mechanical power that would produce useable electricity and drive machinery. This machine had been originally invented and built in the 1880s and did indeed generate mechanical power. The team, assembled to recreate this device, thought they could duplicate this instrument using modern technology. As innocent as this goal was - things turned out rather differently. The machine was built in a surprisingly short time. Did it successfully generate power? Not in the expected way but in a way so surprising as to be near unbelievable."

The story of Atlin and the people who built her. How the dynasphere was built, when, where, how and who. A personal account of the historical backgrounds, events and people by Dale Pond. Includes extensive review of construction, operation, experiences and findings on heart, health, Consciousness and connections between Mind and Matter.  8.5" x 11" 88 pages with photos, references, bibliography and glossary.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 12
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1998


This little booklet packs a big punch of theory, science and philosophy of vibratory physics used in developing and constructing the Chord of Life Windchime.  Merges color, music notes and personality traits in a never before revealed manner. Lots of explanations for the colors and meanings as they relate to who you are. Many illustrations and charts.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 184
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1998


Volume 2 of Dynaspheric Force, a monthly newsletter, presenting theoretical and applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics as applied to musical dynaspheres. This publication is focused around the current and on-going research and development of new models of Keely's Musical Dynasphere. Each issue has articles covering the development and on-going research into the vibratory physics used in this unique and beautiful scientific instrument. This volume contains all 12 original issues (from 6/97-5/98) each containing a wealth of images, pictures and information. 8.5" X 11"  To view index of articles:

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 110
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1997


Dale Pond's  new book bringing the spiritual aspects of gold, silver and platinum into focus as colloids and vibrational influences and aids to the human Mind, Body and Spirit. This investigation substantiates the theoretical premise that humans may be "as Gods" (ala ancient God-men) if the given qualities of these metals were appropriately applied to the body, mind and spirit. The text explains the workings of the Cayce Wet Cell appliance as a vibratory therapeutic device. There is substantial discussion of the vibratory (alchemical and etheric) aspects of gold, silver and platinum and their vibratory effects on the human body, mind and spirit.  Rarely have so many levels or dimensions of a subject been so well considered. Amply illustrated.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 138
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1997


Volume I of Dynaspheric Force, a monthly newsletter,  (contains all 12 original issues from 6/96-5/97) presenting theoretical and applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics as applied to musical dynaspheres. This publication is focused around the current and on-going research and development of new models of Keely's Musical Dynasphere. Each issue has articles covering the development and on-going research into the vibratory physics used in this unique and beautiful scientific instrument. This volume contains all 12 original issues (from 6/96-5/97) each containing a wealth of images, pictures and information. 8.5" X 11"  To view index of articles:

View count: 1
by Dale Pond, Nikola Tesla

Pages: 285
Publisher: The Message Company
Year: 1996/2007
ISBN: 1572820039
ISBN: 978-1572820036

One hundred years ago, scientist/inventor/philospher John Keely built various devices that were able to overcome gravity, tunnel through rock using a hend-held device, use acoustics to power engines, and create superconductivity by using wires made of gold, silver and platinum. Almost lost, this book compiles ten years of research by the editor/author that explains the technology used. Understandable to the laymen and useful to the most advanced researcher, the physics of sympathetic vibrations is the unification of many different scientific, engineering and philosophical disciplines into a new paradigm. This science demonstrates the commonality that underlies all phenomena vibration! This book will be fascinating to both laymen and the most advanced scientists. Maybe you will be the one to be able to duplicate some of the incredible machines that John Keely developed which were all but lost for a hundred years. This monumental work contains the mathematics and basic principles which can usher in a new awareness as well as new sources of energy.

From the Author
This book contains a vast collection of material on Keely and his work. In it has been included all the pictures and charts known to exist as of this date. I have also included all that we have been able to decipher of this wonderful new science and philosophy. There will be more discoveries and these will be published at a later date. The discoveries mentioned here demonstrate that Keely's science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is a wholistic approach to science and nature and reveals a wonderful order and simplicity. It is hoped readers will find a number of ideas and methods in these pages which they can apply to their current scientific work and research.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 143
Publisher: The Message Company
Year: 1996
ISBN: 1572820020
ISBN: 978-1572820029

A large format, visually appealing book exploring the physics of love and consciousness in an easy-to-understand and exciting manner. A blend of philosophy, metaphysis and far-out science, the universal laws shown in this book are applicable to music, electronics, mechanics, healing and all branches of science and philosophy. This science demonstrates the commonality that underlies all phenomena -- vibration. Another name for Sympathetic Vibration is Love. Science and Spirituality are finally reunited!

From the Back Cover
Explore the physics of love and consciousness in an easy-to-understand and exciting manner. The universal laws in this book are applicable to music, electronics, mechanics, healing and all branches of science and philosophy This science demonstrates the commonality that underlies all phenomena vibration. Another name for Sympathetic Vibration is Love.


'Vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call God" - Edgar Cayce

"The science of the future will be based on Sympathetic Vibrations." - Rudolph Steiner

"The sympathetic vibratory force discovered by Keely will be quite sufficient to make him the greatest discoverer of this age." - H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

"What are the sciences but maps of universal laws, and universal laws but the channels of universal power, and universal power but the outgoings of a universal mind?" - Edward Thomson

View count: 1
by Dale Pond, Walter P. Baumgartner

Pages: 176
Publisher: The Message Company
Year: 1995
ISBN: 157282008X
ISBN: 978-1572820081

In 1935, Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake in the region of his New York laboratory in 1898 was the result of a machine he had been experimenting with. This book presents his technology based on sonic vibrations. Now for the first time the secrets of the Tesla Oscillator are available to both the layman and advanced researcher.

From the Back Cover
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine with Tesla's Original Patents plus New Blueprints to Build your own Working Model Now for the first time, the secrets of this machine are available to you...

This new manual presents a new technology. It is based on sonic vibrations which can be produced by a comparatively simple apparatus -- The Tesla Oscillator. In the oscillators or transmitters described in this book, a resonance effect can be observed. Resonance appears to be an ever-expanding, magnifying effect with these transmitters. Very little input energy is required to set the device in motion and build that motion to tremendous levels of usable energy. The principle employed is called "Amplitude Modulated Additive Synthesis" by music industry engineers.

We have included a full chapter on vibration physics to explain what happens.

Excerpt from the New York World - Telegram, July 11, 1935 -- Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of a little machine he was experimenting with at the time which "you could put in your overcoat pocket."

The bewildered newspapermen pounced upon this as at least one thing they could understand and "the father of modern electricity" told what had happened as follows:

"I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound.

"I asked my assistants where did the sound come from. They did not know. I put the machine up a few more notches. There was a louder cracking sound. I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building. I pushed the machine a little higher. "Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around. I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine. The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes. Outside in the street there was pandemonium.

"The police and ambulances arrived. I told my assistants to say nothing. We told the police it must have been an earthquake. That's all they ever knew about it."

Some shrewd reporter asked Dr. Tesla at this point what he would need to destroy the Empire State Building and the doctor replied: "Vibration will do anything. It would only be necessary to step up the vibrations of the machine to fit the natural vibration of the building and the building would come crashing down. That's why soldiers break step crossing a bridge."

His early experiments in vibration, he explained, led to his invention of his "earth vibrating" machine.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1994


For the first time in over 100 years the baffling mystery of the original Keely Hydro Vacuo motor is explained in detail. This motor worked by using the infinite pressures developed from water hammer and cavitation (implosion). Full text and drawings of Keely's original patent. Drawings, illustrations, charts and more.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 21
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1989


The construction and theory, in Keely's own words, of how his musical dynasphere was built and operated. Keely describes in his fabulous jargon the construction ideas and operating dynamics of these wondrous and beautiful rotating spheres. Includes nine pages of excerpts from eye-witnesses who saw these motors run under various conditions and configurations. Photos and illustrations. 8.5" X 11"

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 340
Publisher: Delta Spectrum Research
Year: 1989


A comprehensive compendium of the New Science works, writings and sciences of Tesla, Keely, Cayce, Reich and scores of contemporary and historical sources. Approximately 4,000 entries fully alphabetized and extensively cross-indexed collected from nearly 200 sources (some very hard to come by!) on and about vibration, sound and ether physics. Covers everything from Aether to Zodiac Signs. A "must have" reference source for all New Sciences, free thinking investigators, lay research persons or scientists, and engineers desiring to know what New Science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Free Energy, Subtle Energy and Subtle Force Physics is all about. Contains the entire contents of "The Snell Manuscript" and every other scientific scrap of information on or about Keely and related subjects that we could incorporate. There are hundreds of selected quotes from the Cayce materials too. 8.5" X 11" 338 pages. spiral bound. ISBN 1-883401-31 

?This book began as my own notebook wherein I gathered every scrap of everything I studied that I felt would help me unravel Keely and some others. It eventually became such a powerful study tool I figured others would benefit by it as much as I did. I still use it almost on a daily basis. So I decided to make it available.? Dale Pond


?I received your SVP Compendium a few weeks back. Though I have only had a chance to read a little here and there, I want to say what a GREAT JOB. This is one of the few Free Energy books worth the money. Mapping the out of the way corners that Free Energy Science takes us has just become a little easier.? Thanks, SG.

View count: 1
by Dale Pond

Pages: 141
Publisher: The Message Company
ISBN: 1-57282-010-1

History and review of the American Constitution Law (Common Law), review of true Citizenship and explanations why America faces crisis after crisis. Written with common sense, down-to-earth suggestions for changes as a Nation and many things you can do on a personal level. Explains what is Common Law, Equity Law, Admiralty or Merchant Law and what these mean to you and your country. Contains a section on suggested and useful court briefs.