
Dr. Donald G. Carpenter
local time: 2024-06-30 16:21 (-06:00 DST)
Dr. Donald G. Carpenter (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Replacement of the Euler Fluid and Navier-Stokes Equations (2000) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Donald G. Carpenter   read the paper:

    The Euler fluid equations, which can be expressed as the vector equation (-?pr)-g=(v??)v+?v ?t, are shown to be missing three important terms and to contain a simplistic version of a fourth. Whenever the fluid is significantly affected by an external thrust and by either a gravitational field or a set of gravitational fields, the Euler fluid equations must be replaced by ( ) ( ) ( 2 ) ( ) ( ) e e e e e -?p r +??2 f-3 p3rr??R- M G r R-Fr= v??v+(?v ?t, where two of the three missing terms are combined into the first term times the unit vector e R (which points radially away from the effective center of gravity), ? f ? is numerically the degrees of freedom of the fluid, and ? e r ? is the distance from the effective center of gravity to the differential volume. The third missing term, F, is the non-gravitational force. The simplistic gravitational acceleration term, g, is replaced by a more general expression that takes into account the ubiquitous nature of gravity. The Euler fluid equations are used in the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations, so the foregoing developments cause these equations to change.

  • A Compensating Term for the "Side Force Component" Term in the Barometric Equation (2000) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Donald G. Carpenter   read the paper:

    The derivation of the barometric equation concerns central forces in three dimensions. It has recently been shown that the sum of the incremental volume's side force components in the direction of the center of gravity (the ??(-2p z)(Dx)(Dy)(Dz)?? force) must be included in the Cartesian  rivation.That results in the side force component term (-2p z) being added to the differential equation, or dp dz=-??(NmMGz2 )+(2p z)??. Meteorological data does not, though, conform unambiguously to the corrected barometric equation.  This implies that an approximately compensating term might exist. Such a term results from consideration of the central force due to atmospheric particle random motion perpendicular to the radial from the center of gravity in a central force field (the ??+(2(f )p 3z)(Dx)(Dy)(Dz)?? force, where ?f? represents the degrees of freedom). The more-complete barometric equation is: dp dz= -(NmMG z2 )+??2(f-3)p3z??. .

  • Inconsistencies in the Derivation of the Barometric Equation (1995) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Cosmology and Quantum Mechanical Unstable States for Helium (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Donald G. Carpenter   read the paper:

    Precise values are provided for the magnitude of the redshift associated with the helium atom for temporarily absorbed Hd, Fe XIV, NaD , and Ha photons, more details are given regarding the emission wavelengths of the two spin reversal photons that carry away the energy lost by the redshifted photon, and a crude time sequence of pertinent atomic events is suggested. When an Fe XIV photon is fleetingly absorbed with a wavelength of 5,302.30 Angstroms, one spin-reversal photon is emitted with a wavelength of 617,877 Angstroms and the other with 1,040,189. Angstroms. The redshifted photon is emitted with a wavelength of 5,375.84 Angstroms. The amount of the redshift for each single absorption and emission is 0.01387. The redshift per interaction is found to vary by wavelength. This is to be expected.

  • The SRT, Quantum Mechanical Unstable States, and Cosmology (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Electron-Spin-Reversal Noise in the Gigahertz and Terahertz Ranges as a Basis for Tired-Light Cosmology (1990) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Donald G. Carpenter   read the paper:

    A well-known quantum mechanical hypothesis is found to anticipate ubiquitous electromagnetic noise in the gigahertz and terahertz ranges. It also appears to anticipate the so-called cosmic "thermal background"radiation and the astronomical redshift. It might form the long-sought underlying physical basis for the tired-light model of the universe.