
Pawel Kolasa
local time: 2024-06-30 13:20 (-07:00 DST)
Pawel Kolasa (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Copernican Theory is Unfounded (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    The whole world believes Copernicus proved that the Earth goes around Sun. This belief is so basic, so widespread that no one ever actually asks for evidence to prove Copernican Theory. In fact, there is no such evidence and Copernicus's book "Revolutionibus" doesn't contain it. "Revolutionibus" contains irrelevant data, some of which is incorrect, according to Prof. Stephen Hawking. Since Copernican theory was presumed true, astronomy was adjusted with the prejudice to support this belief.

    Indeed, the Copernican Theory was never proved, yet it is accepted because of fear of ridicule to ask for actual evidence. The threat of ridicule and ostracism, successfully blocked all inquiries. Until NOW.

    I'm alleging that the Copernican Theory was never proved and that his book doesn't contain a single piece evidence to support his claim. Later scientists like Johannes Kepler, were already biased, being schooled as Copernicans. They didn't test Copernican Theory objectively, but adjusted their finding to a heliocentric view. That's why Johannes Keppler saw circular orbits as elliptical.

    If you attend my presentation, please download "Revolutionibus" first. Use search feature for "Sun" and "Earth" to find all sentences with those words, and see for yourself that, there is no evidence to support Copernican Theory. I asked many physicists and astronomers for such evidence and no one has any. Not only is Copernican Theory unfounded, but 3D astronomy programs like cybersky can be used to prove
    that the geocentric model works just like Copernican model would. When planning space missions, NASA presumes Earth to be motionless.

  • Einstein's Relativity And Other Myths (2002) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Pawel Kolasa   read the paper:

    Einstein's theory of relativity is insignificant and childish yet it is by many considered: "the biggest theory in physics". Einstein himself is considered to be substitute of the word "genius".

    He is worshiped by ignorant masses, who refuse to think for themselves and need to be told what is "oh-so-smart". Anybody who is against Einstein is automatically dismissed as "anti-semantic" and "anti-genius". Any opponents are fought with insanity like drive.

    The truth behind the fact why Einstein's theories are thought of highly, is that MEDIA SAYS SO. Media think that physicists think highly of Einstein. In turn, physicists see that in MEDIA. They think that his theories must be true because, media is supposed to get their information from the best experts, who of course must be always Jewish, like Einstein 🙂 Most of them don?t believe in Einstein?s theories anyway.