
Ken H. Seto
local time: 2024-06-30 18:14 (-04:00 DST)
Ken H. Seto (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Improved Relativity Theory (IRT) and the Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG) (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new physical model of our universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics posits that a structured and elastic medium called the E-Matrix occupies all of pure space. The S-Particles are the only mass bearing fundamental particles that exist in our universe. The different absolute motions of the S-Particles in the E-Matrix give rise to all the different basic particles such as the electron and quarks. Also the different absolute motions of the S-Particles or S-Particle systems give rise to all the processes and interactions in our universe. Specifically Model Mechanics gives rise to a new theory of gravity called DTG and a new theory of relativity called IRT. DTG in combination with IRT provides physical solutions to the following problematic observations of the current theories:

    1. The accelerated expansion of the far reached regions of our universe
    2. Dark energy
    3. Dark matter
    4. The horizon problem
    5. The galactic rotational curve problem
    6. The Pioneer 10 does not follow the predicted path of the current theories

  • Proposed and Past Experiments Detecting Absolute Motion (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new physical model of our universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics posits
    that a stationary, structured and elastic substance called the E-Matrix occupies all of space and thus we
    perceive that the E-Matrix as space. The unique physical structure of the E-Matrix enabled me to propose
    new doable experiments to detect the absolute motion of an object in the E-Matrix. Also, the unique physical
    structure of the E-Matrix gives physical explanations to the weir results of the Photoelectric Experiment and
    the Double-Slit Experiment.

  • Improved Relativity Theory and Doppler Theory of Gravity (2009) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new physical model of the universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics posits that a stationary, structured and elastic substance called the E-Matrix occupying all of space. Also Model Mechanics posits that the S-Particle is the only fundamental particle that exists. The different absolute motions of the S-Particles in the E-Matrix give rise to the different basic particles such as the electron and quarks. Also the different absolute motions of the S-Particles or S-Particle system give rise to all the processes of nature.

    Model Mechanics gives rise to the following postulates:

    1. The E-Matrix is a stationary, structured and elastic light-conducting medium. It occupies all of pure space (pure void). It is comprised of very thin and elastic E-Strings and these E-Strings are repulsive to each other. There is an unknown compacting force that compresses these E-Strings together to form the E-Matrix.
    2. The S-Particle is the only truly fundamental particle exists in our universe. The different orbiting motions of the S-Particles around the E-String(s) give rise to all the visible and stable particles in our universe.
    3. All the processes of nature are the results of absolute motions of S-Particles or S-Particle systems in the E-Matrix.
    4. All the forces of nature are the results of the S-Particle or S-Particle systems reacting to the distortions or waves in the E-Strings to which they are confined. The distortions or waves in the E-Strings, in turn, are the results of the absolute motions of the interacting S-Particles or S-Particle systems in the E-Matrix.
    5. All the stable and visible matters are the results of orbiting motions of the S-Particles around specific E-Strings.

    These postulates of Model Mechanics enabled me to formulate a new theory of relativity called Improved Relativity Theory (IRT) and a new theory of gravity called Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG). IRT includes SRT and LET as subsets. However unlike SRT the equations of IRT are valid for use in all environments, including gravity. DTG uses the same mechanism to affect a force as the other forces of nature and thus DTG is united with the other forces of nature naturally.

    Model Mechanics in combination with IRT and DTG give physical explanation to the following problematic observations that current theories failed to explain:

    1. Dark Matter.
    2. Dark Energy.
    3. The observed horizon problem of the universe.
    4. Accelerated expansion of the far reached region of the universe.
    5. The observed fatness problem of the universe.
    6. The observer galactic rotational curve problem of current theories.
    7. The observed acceleration of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft toward the Sun.

    A complete description of IRT and DTG is available in the following link:

  • The Structure of Atoms as Interpreted by Model Mechanics (2008) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new model of the current universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics proposes that all the forces and processes (including the processes of life) of nature are the results of absolute motions of objects in a stationary, elastic and structured light-conducting medium called the E-Matrix. The unique structure of the E-Matrix leads to the discovery of a new repulsive force called the CRE force that exists between all objects in the universe. The CRE Force, in turn, leads to a new theory of gravity called Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG) and unites gravity with the electromagnetic and nuclear forces naturally. Model Mechanics also leads to a complete theory of motion called IRT (Improved Relativity Theory). IRT includes SRT as a subset. However, unlike SRT, the equations of IRT are valid in all environments?including gravity. Model Mechanics also leads to a new interpretation on the structure of atoms and the mechanism by which atoms emit light. This paper gives detailed description of the processes involved in the formation of the various atoms from the Basic Particles.

  • Proposed Experiments to Detect Absolute Motion (2008) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new physical model of the universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics is based on the idea that space (pure void) is filled with a stationary, structured and elastic light-conducting continuous medium called the E-Matrix. Motions of objects in the E-Matrix are called absolute motions. Also, motion of an object with respect to the light rays in the E-Matrix is also called absolute motion. It is posited that absolute motions of objects with respect to the light rays in the E-Matrix should be detectable. However, numerous past attempts to detect absolute motion were failures. The most notable of these is the Michelson-Morley Experiment (MMX). In this experiment a light beam was split into two parts that were directed along the two arms of the instrument at right angles to each other, the two beams being reflected back to recombine and form interference fringes. Any shift in the interference fringes as the apparatus is rotated would mean the detection of absolute motion of the apparatus. To everyone's chagrin, the MMX produced a null result. However, the MMX null result does not mean that there is no absolute motion of the apparatus. It merely means that the speed of light is isotropic in the horizontal plane. In order to detect anisotropy of the speed of light using the MMX, the plane of the light rays must be oriented vertically. This conclusion is derived from the observed gravitational red shift (gravitational potential) in the vertical direction. Also this interpretation is supported by the results of the Pound and Rebka experiments. It should be noted that this new interpretation does not mean that the earth is moving vertically in the E-Matrix on all the locations where the MMX is performed. It merely means that if the plane of the light rays is oriented vertically then the apparatus will give non-null result with respect to these local light rays.

  • The Origin of Our Universe as Interpreted by Model Mechanics (2006) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new model of our Universe, called Model Mechanics, has been formulated. The current state of our Universe as interpreted by Model Mechanics is as follows: Space is occupied by a stationary, structured and elastic light-conducting medium called the E-Matrix. A mass-bearing particle called the S-Particle is the only fundamental particle that exists in our Universe. The different absolute motions of the S-Particles in the E-Matrix gives rise to all the observed particles such as the electron and the different quarks. Also, the absolute motions of the S-Particles or S-Particle Systems give rise to all the forces and processes of Nature. Model Mechanics leads to a new theory of gravity called Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG) and unites gravity with the electromagnetic and nuclear forces naturally. It also leads to a complete theory of motion called IRT (Improved Relativity Theory). IRT includes SRT as a subset. However, unlike SRT, the equations of IRT are valid in all environments, including gravity. In cosmology, Model Mechanics provides natural solutions to the following problematic cosmological observations:

    1. The observed accelerated expansion of the far reached regions of the Universe disagrees with the predictions of current theories.
    2. The observed rotational curves of galaxies disagree with the predictions of current theories.
    3. The observed paths of travel of the spacecrafts Pioneer 10 and 11 disagree with the predictions of current theories.
    4. The observable Universe appears to have a much larger horizon than it is allowed by its observed age. The GRT description of gravity gives rise to the observed flatness problem of the Universe.

    The above Model Mechanical description of our current Universe leads to a new interpretation for the origin of our Universe. This paper gives detail description of this new interpretation.

  • The Origin of Life as Interpreted by Model Mechanics (2006) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new model of the current universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics proposes that all the forces and processes (including the processes of life) of nature are the results of absolute motions of objects in a stationary, elastic and structured light-conducting medium called the E-Matrix. The unique structure of Model Mechanics leads to the discovery of a new repulsive force between all objects in the universe. The CRE Force, in turn, leads to a new theory of gravity called Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG) and unites gravity with the electromagnetic and nuclear forces naturally. Model Mechanics also leads to a complete theory of motion called IRT (Improved Relativity Theory). IRT includes SRT as a subset. However, unlike SRT, the equations of IRT are valid in all environments?including gravity. This Model Mechanical description of the current universe leads to a new interpretation on the origin of life on earth. This paper presents this interpretation.

  • Unification of Physics (2005) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Ken H. Seto   read the paper:

    A new model of our Universe, called Model Mechanics (MM), has been formulated. Model Mechanics provides solutions to the following problematic cosmological observations:

    1. It was discovered in 1998 that far reached regions of the Universe are in a state of accelerated expansion. This discovery disagrees with the current theory of gravity (General Relativity Theory), which posits that the expansion of the Universe should be slowing down. Model Mechanics predicted the accelerated expansion of these far reached regions of the universe in 1993.
    2. The observed rotational curves of the galaxies disagree with the predictions of GRT. The existence of a dark matter was introduced to explain these anomalous rotational curves. Model Mechanics posits the existence of dark matter in the form of free S-Particles.
    3. The observed path of travel of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft disagrees with the predicted path given by GRT. Pioneer 10 was observed to be in a state of accelerated motion toward the Sun. Model Mechanics explains the anomalous path of Pioneer 10 by the existence of dark matter in the form of free S-Particles in the Sun.
    4. The observable universe appears to have a larger horizon than it is allowed by its age. An ad hoc hypothesis called Inflation was invented to overcome the observed horizon problem. The inflation hypothesis allows space to expand at speed faster than that of light and thus avoiding the observed horizon problem. Model Mechanics resolved the horizon problem naturally without resorting to the Inflation hypothesis.

    Model Mechanics leads to a new theory of gravity called Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG) and unites gravity with the electromagnetic and nuclear forces naturally. It also leads to a complete theory of relativity called IRT (Improved Relativity Theory). IRT includes SRT as a subset. However, unlike SRT, the equations of IRT are valid in all environments?including gravity. Model Mechanics is based on the existence of absolute motion of objects in a stationary and structured light-conducting medium called the E-Matrix. It is the main objective of this proposal to design and perform experiments to confirm the existence absolute motion in the E-Matrix.

    This paper is aka "Cosmology Based On Absolute Motion".

  • On the Unification of Physics (2005) [Updated 7 years ago]

    In the final days of his life, Einstein tried in vain to unite gravitational force with the electromagnetic force. The present paper argues that the reason for his failure was incomplete understanding of the physical space. It offers a new description of physical space, along with a new understanding of matter. This model of the current Universe gives rise to a new theory of gravity, and at the same time it naturally unites gravity with the electromagnetic force. Also, the new model predicts the existence of a new fifth force?a cosmological repulsion force.

  • Doppler Relativity Theory (2001) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The notions of absolute time and motion seem needed to describe processes that occur in a gravity environment. Einstein realized that the equations of Special Relativity Theory (SRT) could not be valid in a gravity environment, because SRT is based on the concepts of relative time and motion. So he generalized from the SRT concept of space-time and metric tensor to develop the General Relativity Theory (GRT), which describes motions of objects in a space-time that is curved in comparison to absolute space-time. If these same absolute concepts are incorporated into the framework of SRT, the result is what I call Doppler Relativity Theory (DRT). The equations of DRT are valid in all environments.