
Prof. Lucian M. Ionescu
local time: 2024-07-17 19:59 (-05:00 DST)
Prof. Lucian M. Ionescu (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Remarks on Physics as Number Theory (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Lucian M. Ionescu   read the paper:

    There are numerous indications that Physics, at its foundations, is algebraic Number Theory, starting with solid state physics evidence in the context of the universal model of Quantum Computing and Digital World Theory. Bohr's Model for the Hydrogen atom is the starting point of a quantum computing model on serial-parallel graphs is provided as the quantum system affording the partition function of the Riemann Gas / Primon model. The propagator of the corresponding discrete Path Integral formalism is a fermionic Riemann zeta function value "closely" related to the experimental value of the fine structure constant of QED. The Kleinian geometry of the primary finite fields unravels a rich structure of the set of prime numbers, and logic reasoning as well as quark masses lead to the conjecture that Fermat primes correspond to quarks.

  • On Super-symmetry, Anti-Gravity and Free-Energy (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Lucian M. Ionescu   read the paper:

    That the Universe is a "Quantum Computer" leads to a new paradigm in science: Quantum Information Dynamics. It is a background space-time independent theory, finally implementing Mach's Principle, based on a rigorous Feynman Path Integral approach, and "upgrading" General Relativity mathematically while resolving the conceptual mystification from Quantum Mechanics, the way Einstein would have liked. The astounding implications, essentially due to the fact that there is no prescribed "space", just matter to be engineered, and there is no linear "time", just interacting matter (causality) which may contain feedback loops ("resonance", instead of "interference"), will be discussed: super-symmetry where Tesla "meets" Hertz, gravity derived from an electro-weak version of electromagnetism with prospects for anti-gravity, and non-conservation of energy in magnetic circuits, yielding sources of force-free energy. It is author's hope that this will set a solid foundation for building the answers needed for the academia to take the corresponding technological proofs more seriously into consideration.