
Sankar Hajra
local time: 2024-06-30 23:48 (+05:30 )
Sankar Hajra (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • The Cross Radial Force (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Sankar Hajra   read the paper:

    Electric charges, electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic energy are real physical entities (objects). Because, these entities possess momentum and energy and we could experience these entities with our sense organs. Now, all physical objects are subject to gravitation. Therefore, electromagnetic entities should similarly be subject to gravitation. This paper shows that classical physics with this simple consideration could explain a lot of hitherto unexplained puzzling physical phenomena.

  • Some Experiments that Shook the World (2010) [Updated 7 years ago]

    It is generally believed by the physicists that various experiments/demonstrations/applications of Hahn-Strassmann, Walton-Cockroft, Fermi's Chicago Experiment, the explosion of the Little Boy and the Fat Man, the commercial reaction of nuclear fuel - prove i) conversion of gravitational mass into energy, and ii) usability of Uranium and other radioactive elements as proper fuels. We argue that these assertions have not been proved in any of those experiments/demonstarations/applications.

  • Electric charge, Light, Gravitation and Old Physics (2010) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Argues against the foundation of the theory of relativity, special & general.

  • Large-Charge Electrodynamics and SRT (2008) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Special Relativity Theory (SRT) is founded on Maxwell's electrodynamics, but they are not in fact identical. Electrodynamics deals with some of the same problems that special relativity encounters, but produces some different results. This paper gives the results of electrodynamic calculations from the considerations of Maxwell, as well as from the considerations of Einstein, and compares these results with the available experimental results to verify the superiority of SRT over the electrodynamics of Maxwell.

  • Collapse of GRT: EM Interactions with Gravity Derived from Maxwell and Newton (2007) [Updated 7 years ago]

    In previous discussions, we have shown that the electric and magnetic fields are subject to gravitation, and this simple consideration is equivalent to special relativity. In this present discussion, we derive from Maxwell and Newton equations showing that charges and electromagnetic energy, too, are subject to gravitational interaction, and that they have the same acceleration as do material bodies when all of them are subject to the same gravitational fields. This simple consideration is equivalent to general relativity theory, and so points to redundancy and collapse of GRT.

  • Collapse of SRT 2: Earth Carries Along Electric and Magnetic Fields (2006) [Updated 7 years ago]

    This paper argues that the results of electro-dynamic experiments performed on the surface of the moving Earth demand that the surface of the moving Earth is exactly similar to free space for our description of electromagnetic phenomena on it. This implies that in the vicinity of its surface, Earth carries electric and magnetic fields along with it, in the same manner that it carries all other physical objects with it. This part of the paper shows that this simple consideration naturally explains electro-dynamic phenomena as observed on the surface of the moving Earth and leaves no room for special relativity theory in electro-dynamics.

  • Collapse of SRT 1: Derivation of Electrodynamic Equations from the Maxwell Field Equations (2005) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Heaviside (1888, 1889) and Thomson (1889) first correctly calculated the scalar and vector potentials of a steadily moving point charge by transforming d'Alembert's equation for the potential for a steadily moving charge into Poisson's form for a static charge by elongating a coordinate axis lying along the direction of the charge translation. They thus developed a way to solve dynamic problems like static problems, using an auxiliary equation in the form of Poisson's potential equation. The present authors use this ingenious mathematical approach to derive from Maxwell's field equations alone many useful electrodynamic equations, including auxiliary Lorentz transformation equations.