
Dr. Dezso Sarkadi
local time: 2024-06-30 17:23 (+01:00 )
Dr. Dezso Sarkadi (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • The Golden Section in Physics (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]

    The physical constants play important role in physics. It is fact that the accuracy of the physical constants grows year by year. Special attention is paying to the dimensionless constants; the most familiars among them are the fine structure constant, the electron/proton and electron/muon mass-ratios, the ratio of the gravitational/electromagnetic interaction, the Weinberg angle in the electro-weak interaction theory, etc. The one of the most important questions is for a long time: are there any physical and/or mathematical relations between the fundamental physical constants. The paper gives a recently explored simple math relation between them. The precise theoretical explanation of this amazing finding need more detailed investigations related to the physical background.

  • The Structure of Physical Mass: Introduction to Self-Momentum Theory (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Dezso Sarkadi   read the paper:

    In this paper an unknown, new interpretations of the physical mass is discussed. The well-known results of to date physics can be easily verified if we assume that the mass is not a scalar, but in general cases is a two-dimensional vector. The first part of this study shows that the inertial force is not only able to associate with the mass, but with equal physical quantities such as distance and frequency. Louis de Broglie's matter-wave hypothesis has been completed with the wave amplitude and frequency of the matter-wave. The introduction of these new concepts allowed a simple calculation of the lepton masses. In the light of the new insights, by the generalization Planck's radiation law we have determined the ground states of atomic masses of the periodic table. From a simple two-dimensional vector model of the physical mass, we introduced a special mass-oscillator concept, what is usable for a more precise foundation of the long been known nuclear shell-model. Supposing that the Newtonian gravity law is valid for the microscopic quantum particles, we have given a simple quantum mechanical model for the gravity. We have investigated the gravity law between commensurable masses. From theoretical aspect we have shown, that the gravity force must be vanish between equal masses. In our earlier experiment, we have already observed the minimum exchange of the gravitational energy between equal masses.

  • The Effect of Light on Gravity: Gravitational Telecommunication by Dynamic Gravity (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Dezso Sarkadi   read the paper:

    This work is based on an extraordinary physical discovery, namely the phenomena of dynamic gravity. A few years ago a Hungarian researcher experimented with a large physical pendulum aiming gravity research. From the beginning it became clear that the physical pendulum is not suitable for the measurement of the known Newtonian gravity due to its relatively low sensitivity. Despite of the preliminary estimated low sensitivity, a complete dumbbell-shaped, vertical orientation physical pendulum has been build with maximum reachable period about 60-80 seconds. The first realization of the physical pendulum has arms about one meter and both the lower and upper masses were about 8 kg.

  • An Interesting Number in Physics (2009) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Dezso Sarkadi   read the paper:

    This paper aka "The 'Gold Section' of Nature"

    Physical constants play important role in physics. It is a fact that the accuracy of the physical constants grows year by year. Special attention is paid to the dimensionless constants; some familiar ones among them are the fine structure constant, the proton/electron mass-ratio, the cosmological constant of Einstein's general relativity, the Weinberg angle in the electro-weak interaction theory, etc. One of the most important questions has for a long time been: are there any physical and/or mathematical relations between the fundamental physical constants? This paper gives a recently explored simple math relation between them. The precise theoretical explanation for this amazing finding needs more detailed investigation related to the physical background.

  • Gravity Between Commensurable Masses (2006) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The gravitational constant G is the least-well measured fundamental constant in Nature. Several recent determinations have not reduced the uncertainty, and some measurements are in severe disagreement with the accepted value. Among others, the most common characteristic of the experiments performed is the fact that the ?source' masses of the measured gravitational field are much larger then the ?test' masses. So far, no report on the determination of G for interaction between commensurable masses can be found in the literature. Over the last few years in Hungary, a very simple but highly sensitive method has been developed for investigating gravity by using relatively large physical pendulum. This new measuring system is readily applicable to the study of the gravitational interaction between equal or nearly equal masses. From such experiments, it has become obvious that the gravitational force is nearly proportional to the difference between the interacting masses. Particularly, we have observed a well-defined minimum in the gravitational interaction energy of two equal masses.

  • A New Physical Model for Calculation of Atomic Mass (2006) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    According to the generally accepted physical model, the synthesis of the heavy elements may happen at a very high temperature in supernova explosions. In consequence of nuclear fusion, the supernova stars emit a very strong electromagnetic (EM) radiation, predominantly in the form of X-rays and gamma rays. The intensive EM radiation drastically decreases the masses of the exploding stars, directly causing mass defects of the nuclei. The general description of black body EM radiation is based on the famous Planck?s radiation theory, which supposes the existence of independent quantum oscillators inside the black body. In this paper, it is supposed that in exploding supernova stars, the EM radiating oscillators can be identified with the nascent heavy elements loosing their specific yields of their own rest masses in the radiation process. The final binding energy of the nuclei is additionally determined by strong neutrino radiation, which also follows the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in extremely high temperature. Extending Planck?s radiation law for discrete radiation energies, a very simple formula is obtained for the theoretical description of the measured neutral atomic masses.