
Gerhard Dorda
local time: 2024-07-01 07:12 (+01:00 )
Gerhard Dorda (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • The relation Between Information, Time, and Space Inferred From Universal Phenomena in Solid-state Physics (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    In recent years, phenomena of a universal character have been observed in solid-state physics that, as in nuclear physics and astrophysics, permit the clarification of fundamental problems of physics. Examples are the quantum Hall effect, quantum transport, the Aharanov-Bohm effect as well as 1/f noise. All these phenomena are universal, i.e. material-independent.

    It will be shown in this paper that these non-homogeneous experimental phenomena can be combined in the form of an energy equation. The essential point is that the characteristic states of this equation, known as the Electron Energy Paradigm (EEP), differ only in the coupling constant [] having different powers. To facilitate interpretation of the paper is the following comprehensive discussion of the significance of the particular energy states of this paradigm. Finally, a new way will be shown of gaining a better understanding of the wave-particle duality of the electron on the basis of the EEP.