
Julian B. Barbour
local time: 2024-06-30 18:20 (+00:00 )
Julian B. Barbour (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Is Einstein's Greatest Work All Wrong?Because He Didn't Go Far Enough? (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]

    March 2012, From a farmhouse in the English countryside, gentleman scientist Julian Barbour plots to take relativity to its logical extreme and redefine the very nature of gravity, space, and time.

  • Cartesian Aspects of the Search for Quantum Gravity (1996) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • Mach's Principle and the Structure of Dynamical Theories (1982) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Julian B. Barbour, Bruno Bertotti   read the paper:

    Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 1982 382, 295-306, doi: 10.1098/rspa.1982.0102. A structure of dynamical theories is proposed that implements Mach's ideas by being relational in its treatment of both motion and time. The resulting general dynamics, which is called intrinsic dynamics and by construction treats the evolution of the entire Universe, is shown to admit as special cases Newtonian dynamics and Lorentz-invariant field theory provided the angular momentum of the Universe is zero in the frame in which its momentum is zero. The formal structure of Einstein's general theory of relativity also fits the pattern of intrinsic dynamics and is Machian according to the criteria of this paper provided the so-called thin-sandwich conjecture is generically correct.