
Ramin Amirmardfar
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Ramin Amirmardfar (Books)

View count: 1
by Ramin Amirmardfar

Publisher: Ramin Amir Mardfar
Year: 2001
ISBN: 964-06-0643-X


Cells have been come to existence by symbiosis of organelles in a group. Cells, themselves, have brought to existence simple polycellular animates by co-existing beside each other. Excellent animals and plants have been come to existence by getting beside each other of these simple polycellulars. You'll read in this book how this has been done and will know that cells are not components of animals and plants, but their components are polycellular animates that were living as free in the nature in a period. In other words, animals and plants body have come to existence by symbiosis between some simple animate. This is a completely new theory and you can study its evidences inside this book.

Are the cells, the establishing unit of our body?

What's the component of an atom?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons

What's the component of a molecule?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
B) Atoms

What's the component of a protein?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
B) Atoms
C) Amino-acid's molecules

What's the component of an organelle?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
B) Atoms
C) Molecules
D) Protein and other big molecules

What's the component of a cell?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
B) Atoms
C) Molecules
D) Protein and other big molecules
E) Organelles

What's the component of a poly cellular animal or plant?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
B) Atoms
C) Molecules
D) Protein and other big molecules
E) Organelles
F) Cells

What's the component of an advanced animal or plant?
A) Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
B) Atoms
C) Molecules
D) Protein and other big molecules
E) Organelles
F) Cells
G) ?

If you read my second book, you can answer to this question and fill in question mark place.

View count: 1
by Ramin Amirmardfar

Publisher: Zeinab Tabriz
Year: 2000
ISBN: 964-7061-4-8

Earth's gravity has been increased from past up to now and it's increasing yet. Increasing of gravity affects on animates of earth. You'll understand the relation between increase of earth's gravity and animates evolution, and affects of increasing of earth's gravity on blood circulation system. You'll know how animals overcome with increasing of earth's gravity by developing more of blood circulation system and can enlarge their bodies. You'll realize to the relation between extinction of dinosaurs and increasing of earth's gravity in this book too and will read a summary of fact of increasing of earth's gravity.



1. Why the insects have so small sizes?
2. Dose the force of gravity increase?
3. Plants, other witnesses for the increase of gravity
4. Megatherium and the increase of gravity
5. How can the gravity increase?
6. Gravity variation from the equator to poles?
7. The sea animals and the increase of gravity
8. The relationship between the blood system and air pressure
9. The extinction of dinosaurs and the gravity increase
10. The circulatory system in zero gravity
11. Why did the previous mammals have small bodies?
12. Why the body size of the mammals are different?
13: Relationship between Pressure & Growth speed
14: If the Earth Expanded, where did all the extra mass come from?
15: A physical question
16: New Hearts in the future
17: Axolotl
18: The new class of animals
19: Why the body of Coelacanth grow several time?
20: The relation between blood circulation system and animals body size
21: Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
22: The method of finding gravity in the past time
23: The graph of land animals' size during the time
24: Pterodactyl
25: Big Bang or Steady-state universe 
26: Are the cells, the establishing unit of our body?
27: Ramin Mardfar &  Dr. Simon Maddrell (July 2008)
28: How can a sheep be grown as large as a cow?
29: Ramin Mardfar & Prof.Dr.Dominique Adriaens 

Introduction :

Despite the progress of science in different scientific fields, there are so many unanswered questions about paleontology, geology and zoology. So many theories have been posed to answer this question, but they could not be accepted by scientists, as they should be. These kinds of question include: the causes of the extinction of dinosaurs, the causes of extinction of different species of animals in past era, the causes of the extinction of primitive giant plants belonged to carbonifer period, the causes of having small bodies for some animals and large bodies for the others, the reason why animals can not grow more than their present size and which factor prevents them to grow more, the reason, why some sea mammals come to coast and die there, the causes of physiologic changes when the gravity is zero, the causes of eruption and outflow of molten materials from the ocean beds, the causes of insufficient growth of some animals and their early sexual maturity and other questions like these. 

  These are the questions, which are not answered by scientists of different sciences. Although they have tried to solve them with detailed and long experiments, but they could not find clear and simple answers.

  The theory of the increase of gravity tries to find satisfactory answers to these questions by using the phenomenon of increase of gravity and by citing evidences. Obviously, a theory is not able to solve all the problems clearly and without mistakes, at first, and they need more discussion and criticism to be solved. However, this theory tries to find logical answer to these questions as far as possible.
So far there have been no discussion that whether the gravity has changed by the passage of time or it has remained unchanged. And so far no one claimed that the gravity have been unchanged and fixed during the past periods up to now. May be it is better to have a careful look at this theory and consider the evidences and proofs carefully, perhaps this theory can be able to pave the way for us and help us and help us to reach our main goal which is the improvement of our knowledge.


 In our society the important invention, the scientific value of which is obvious, are accepted by the majority soon, and have a lot of materialistic value for their owners, but those who discover the main principles and scientific basis, do not receive any reward and sometimes their life comes to its end, while not only they have seen no reward but also no one has understood their purpose. But instead, when another invention, comes to market, the fame first group disappears, while the fame of the second group increase, and the importance of the scientific principle increases by the increase of its numbers and its number of applications.

 In our society the important invention, the scientific value of which is obvious, are accepted by the majority soon, and have a lot of materialistic value for their owners, but those who discover the main principles and scientific basis, do not receive any reward and sometimes their life comes to its end, while not only they have seen no reward but also no one has understood their purpose. But instead, when another invention, comes to market, the fame first group disappears, while the fame of the second group increase, and the importance of the scientific principle increases by the increase of its numbers and its number of applications.

The people who have a lot of knowledge and not adopt their knowledge with each other and also do not relate them with each other, although simple-minded people consider them scientists, but in fact they have no difference with simple ignorant people, and these irrelevant knowledge?s have no value. When the knowledge is adopted by a regular and unified growth and is harmonious, it can be called integrated knowledge. This kind of knowledge can not be obtained by the accumulation of some information and assembling of large or small and irrelevant rules, rather they should be studied and analyzed with meekness, so the brain can choose and absorb whatever it needs. When the knowledge and information becomes exclusive and complicated the necessity of their unity of them is being sesed more. If a nervy person can not be found to do such a thing, the world of sciences will be impregnable very soon. Now there are so many proficient who, like a bee are not aware of the work that they are doing. They work very eagerly at a corner and also their work is very useful. But the science is not specific to the results of their individual work.

The growth of the science is like the growth of a living creature; some people should take the trouble of them, and should integrate and combine, so that can successfully unify them. If there is no attempt to collect and unify the knowledge's, the separated scientific facts and small theories will increase, but the science will disappear per se. The person who takes the trouble to understand the very complicated parts of science and to culminate, is like a passerby who watches the desert and whatever is in it, from a mountaintop, the hills with their strange shapes and the thick forests will no more bewilder him, and he can see all of them from the top of the mountain and none of them will prevent the other ones from being seen by him, and he can see all of them and can differentiate and recognize their relationships. It is not necessary for integrated to be broader than other specific sciences, Because the person who wants to acquire it, do not try to be aware of the punctilios and the mysteries which are allocated to exclusive knowledge or don't want to fill his brain with them.

Most of the punctilios which are acquired by the expert scientist a hard work, is of no importance for a comprehensive scientist. As the drawing of the watercourse of a river is very simple for a drawer, to discover which a lot of people have worked very hard. Also for a comprehensive scientist, the record of scientific facts and thoughts is very simple; every one of which is the result of the hard work and intelligence of scientists. But most of scientists prefer not go beyond the experiments and experience, But whatever they become more doubtful, and very soon the most expedient attempts to acquire experimental knowledge, looks like an accidental event for them.

When we compare the determined decision and attempt of a comprehensive scientist with other people's hesitation, we may consider him as a hero. Frankly, in this affair there is some heroic aspect, because it has an aspect of adventure. Exclusive researches usually do not face with failure, because their results are immediate and bring relief. An astronomer who extracts correct calendar for us, and a chemist who provides the colors for us as well as a baker who brings the bread of the oven, is aware of the result of his work, and also to write the cards regularly and putting them in their places carefully or to set the row of the insects and seashells and writing notes and articles about them is satisfactory for most of people. They know that their work will remain forever, because they provide the materials, which are the basis of any scientific compound, by the passage of time the buildings are built with these materials, and perhaps the building will be destroyed but the materials remain! Most of scientists stop here, that are they providing the material but do not build the building. I suppose that they afraid of bewildering and don't go forward following their natural instinct. They have right not to go forward, but the thought that every where they become bewildered, all of them will be involved in this situation, is wrong. If it said that the theories of a comprehensive scientist precede his experiences, the answer is that, this drawback is true about all other scientific theories and the person who poses a theory, should not be questioned that if he himself has tested it or not. "George Sarton "