
New Concepts in Global Tectonics Workshop

Dates: 2004-08-29 - 2004-08-31 9.9 (2 decades 1 month ago)

Where: Urbino, Italy Venue: University of Urbino


In the context of the 32nd International Geological Congress, the University of Urbino which is about to celebrate its 500th anniversary hosted the post-Congress Workshop PWO-09 from 29th to 31st August 2004 dedicated to ?New Concepts in Global Tectonics: Emphasis on Some Fundamental Questions in Geology?, convened and organized by Forese Carlo Wezel. This workshop was attended by thirtyseven participants from 14 different countries (USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, and Italy). The scientific aim was that of discussing together the diverse hypotheses of global tectonics alternatives to that of plate tectonics. According to the unanimous opinion of the participants, plate tectonics is unable to explain the substantial volume of new facts which have accumulated in recent years without any internal contradictions and inadequacies.