
Electric Universe 2013: The Tipping Point

Dates: 2013-01-03 - 2013-01-06 9.9 (1 decade 1 year ago)

Where: Albuquerque, NM, United States Venue: Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North


The phrase has never been more fitting: The Tipping Point. In matters of human thought and perception, the words describe the critical moment when the growing momentum of a new idea overrides the inertia of prior beliefs. A movement exhibiting this power cannot be turned back.

For the Electric Universe community, The Tipping Point means evidence converging from every scientific discipline. Unique predictions of an electrical paradigm fulfilled. Charged bodies in space powered by electric currents across interstellar and intergalactic distances. A model of electric star-formation bolstered by an explosion of new evidence for our electric Sun. Planets sculpted by electric arcs in an age of solar system violence. Comets discharging electrically as they plunge through the Sun?s electric field.

Now new dimensions of the Electric Universe are attracting visionary scientists, artists and students of the human story. An ancient sky animated by electrical dramas affecting every level of human culture. The electricity of life?layers of subtle energy that theorists simply overlooked in their rush to formulate mechanical models of life. Studies of human consciousness and connection that shattered the scientific paradigms of the 20th-century.

The Tipping Point is indeed at hand. In the scientific quest to understand our natural world, the 21st-century will look nothing like the last.

Join us at EU2013 for a three-day exploration of interdisciplinary science, an event designed to break the bounds of conventionality.  Discover the universal role of the electric force, from microcosm to macrocosm, where virtually every new surprise points us in the same direction.  And find your own connections within a movement that will shape the future of science.

A limited number of scholarships are available for students.  Please see Expanding Our Scholarship Outreach for more information about this exciting opportunity!