
1st Crisis In Cosmology Conference (CCC-I): Challenging Observations and the Quest for a New Picture of the Universe

Dates: 2005-06-23 - 2005-06-25 9.9 (1 decade 9 years ago)

Where: Mon?, Portugal Venue:

Attendees (Absentia)

Other Participants: Antonio Alfonso-Faus, Alain Blanchard, M. de Campos, George Chapline, Mike Disney, Anne M. Hofmeister, R. E. Cris, Michael Ivanov, Moncy John, Christian Joos, S. P. Leaning, Sergey Levshakov, Oliver Manuel, Howard Preston, Glenn Starkman, Francesco Sylos, J. Talbot, Z. Ma

Prague Czech Republic
physicist, nuclear physicist
Fundamental physics, unification, relativity, aether, quantum mechanics