
1st Crisis In Cosmology Conference (CCC-I): Challenging Observations and the Quest for a New Picture of the Universe

Dates: 2005-06-23 - 2005-06-25 9.9 (1 decade 9 years ago)

Where: Mon?, Portugal Venue:


Hilton Ratcliffe, "The First Crisis in Cosmology Conference, Mon??o, Portugal, June 23?25 2005", Progress in Physics, V3, pp. 19-24 (2005).


  • Antonio Alfonso-Faus: Mass boom vs Big Bang
  • Prof. Carroll O. Alley: Going ?beyond Einstein? with Yilmaz theory
  • Prof. Jos? Borges de Almeida: Geometric drive of Universal expansion
  • Thomas Andrews: Falsification of the expanding Universe model
  • Dr. Yurij V. Baryshev: Conceptual problems of the standard cosmological model
  • Dr. Yurij V. Baryshev: Physics of gravitational interaction
  • Alain Blanchard: The Big Bang picture: a wonderful success of modern science
  • M. de Campos: The Dyer-Roeder relation
  • George Chapline: Tommy Gold revisited
  • Mike Disney: The insignificance of current cosmology
  • Anne M. Hofmeister & R. E. Criss: Implications of thermodynamics on cosmologic models
  • Michael Ibison: The Yilmaz cosmology
  • Michael Ibison: The steady-state cosmology
  • Michael Ivanov: Low-energy quantum gravity
  • Moncy John: Decelerating past for the Universe?
  • Christian Joos & Josef Lutz: Quantum redshift
  • Christian Joos & Josef Lutz: Evolution of Universe in high-energy physics
  • S. P. Leaning: High redshift Supernovae data show no time dilation
  • Eric J. Lerner: Is the Universe expanding? Some tests of physical geometry
  • Eric J. Lerner: Overview of plasma cosmology
  • Sergey Levshakov: The cosmological variability of the fine-structure constant
  • Martin Lopez-Corredoira: Research on non-cosmological redshifts
  • Oliver Manuel: Isotopes tell Sun?s origin and operation
  • Jaques Moret-Bailly: Parametric light-matter interactions
  • Frank Potter & Howard Preston: Large-scale gravitational quantisation states
  • Eugene P. Savov: Unique firework Universe and 3-D spiral code
  • Dr. Riccardo Scarpa: Modified Newtonian Dynamics: alternative to non-baryonic dark matter
  • Dr. Riccardo Scarpa, Gianni Marconi & Roberto Gilmozzi: Using globular clusters to test gravity
  • Prof. Donald E. Scott: Real properties of magnetism and plasma
  • Prof. Franco Selleri: Absolute simultaneity forbids Big Bang
  • Glenn Starkman: Is the low-lambda microwave background cosmic?
  • Glenn Starkman: Differentiating between modified gravity and dark energy
  • Dr. Tuomo Suntola: Spherically closed dynamic space
  • Francesco Sylos: Non-linear structures in gravitation and cosmology
  • Y. P. Varshni: Common absorption lines in two quasars
  • Y. P. Varshni, J. Talbot and Z. Ma: Peaks in emission lines in the spectra of quasars
  • Dr. Tom Van Flandern: Top problems with Big Bang: the light elements
  • Dr. Mogens Wegener: Kinematic cosmology
  • Huseyin Yilmaz: Beyond Einstein


CCC-I will consider the present state of understanding of the universe in the light of the increasing number of observations that challenge the conventional cosmological model. Participants will address observations such as the non-Gaussianity of the CMB, the excessive apparent ages of high-z galaxies, discrepancies in dark matter observations, the early formation of large-scale structure, the increasingly discordant results for light element abundances, the angular-size/redshift relation, and others. There will be critical examination of the adequacy of current cosmological models - including their theoretical foundations - to accommodate recent challenges. There will be consideration of viable alternative explanations (including Cosmologies without a Big Bang) and proposals for discriminating observational tests.


We seek to bring together as wide a range as possible of researchers in Cosmology and related fields with the aim of furthering our understanding in the light of recent challenges to the current model. We invite presentations from both sides of the debate - from those who do, and those who do not, perceive a current crisis - that address some challenge to contemporary Cosmology.

Attendees wishing to present a paper are invited to submit an abstract of 200-500 words outlining their presentation to the Conference Chair. Deadline for submission has been extended to April 23, 2005. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee and authors will be notified of the outcome no later than May 7, 2005. Accepted abstracts will be published online at that time. Participants will be invited to familiarize themselves with the material in advance so as to improve the quality of the exchanges. Authors may submit full paper versions of their presentations for publication in a proceedings. Submissions will be accepted up to September 1, 2005. Please feel free to forward information about CCC-I to colleagues who would be interested in the conference.

Topics of Discussion:

  • CMBR anisotropy
  • Biases in high-z SN Ia observations
  • Discrepancies in Dark Matter Observations
  • Old massive galaxies at large redshifts
  • Fractality of large-scale structure
  • Origin of galaxies and structure in the universe
  • Galaxies, quasars and disparate red shifts
  • Astrophysical testing of gravity theories
  • Discriminating observational tests of alternative models
  • Cosmic anisotropy to electromagnetic wave propagation
  • Constancy of fundamental physical constants
  • Discordant results for light element abundances
  • Angular size/redshift relation

Conference Committee: