
3rd Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference

Dates: 1996-06-02 - 1996-06-06 9.9 (2 decades 8 years ago)

Where: Flagstaff, AZ, United States Venue: Northern Arizona University


The Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) is devoted mainly to broad-ranging, fully open-minded criticism, at the most fundamental levels, of the often irrational and unrealistic doctrines of modern physics and cosmology; and to the ultimate replacement of these doctrines by much sounder ideas developed with full respect for evidence, logic, and objectivity. Such reforms have long been urgently needed; and yet there is no area of scholarship more stubbornly censorial, and more reluctant to reform itself.

This was the fourth, since 1994, in a series of meetings challenging much of contemporary doctrine in physics and astronomy that was held June 2-7, 1996 in Flagstaff, Arizona, in sessions held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain (SWARM) Division of the AAAS. These sessions, titled "New Frontiers in Physics and Cosmology" were sponsored by the Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA), which at the time of this conference had over 100 members from 14 countries.

About 80 papers were read in this NPA program, about 50 in direct connection with the official meeting, and 30 in extra sessions.

Among current theories that these speakers criticized were big bang theory and special relativity theory (SR). Most of the speakers maintain that no evidence cited on behalf of either theory is more than equivocal in meaning, and that often the meanings now taught result from invalid logic and math. The current paradigms may have been chosen for non-scientific motives -- as Thomas Kuhn has shown to occur often throughout the history of science.

Meeting Report

New Frontiers I. Philosophy, History, and Reinterpretation (Lee Shimmin, presiding)

New Frontiers II. Cosmology and Astronomy (Dr. Paul Marmet & Dr. Thomas R. Love, presiding)

New Frontiers III. The First Postulate of Special Relativity (John Kierein, presiding)

New Frontiers IV. The Complex Realm of Ether Theory (Dr. John E. Chappell Jr., presiding)

New Frontiers V. The Electromagnetic Aether: What, How, and Whether (Neil E. Munch, presiding)

New Frontiers VI. Fields, Photons, and Aether (Ronald R. Hatch, presiding)

New Frontiers VII. Experiment, Theory, and Technology (Prof. Ian McCausland & Dr. James DeMeo, presiding)

New Frontiers VIII. From Quantum to Cosmos (Steven Rado & Dr. Curtis E. Renshaw, presiding)

New Frontiers IX. Length Contraction and the Lorentz Transformation Controversy (Bruce R. Cunningham & Dr. Curtis E. Renshaw, presiding)

Independent sessions

Session A. Crucial Flaws in Special Relativity: Logic and Simultaneity (Chair: Dr. Paul Marmet)

Session B. More on Cosmology (Chair: Dr. Thomas R. Love)

Session C. New Experimental Results (Chair: Dr. Domina Eberle Spencer)

Session D. Aether, Gravity, Inertia, and More (Chair: Ronald R. Hatch)

Session E. Reinterpretation of Time Dilation" Experiments (Chair: Dr. John E. Chappell Jr.)

Session F. Space, Aether, and Magnetism (Chair: Francisco J. M?ller)

Session G. The Evolution of 20th-Century Neo-Newtonian Physics (Chairs: Dr. Curtis E. Renshaw & Jeffrey Lee)

Session H. Cosmology, Coordinates, Sagnac, & "c." (Chairs: Neil E. Munch & Dr. Domina Eberle Spencer)