Forum Replies Created

  • James

    October 1, 2020 at 9:32 pm

    I distinguish between mental awareness and what I have experienced as consciousness (conscious awareness or consciousness expansion). Everyone in this group is discussing mental awareness and without any hesitation equating that with consciousness. Outside of this discussion group, scientists, psychologists, academics in general and even those in the ‘spiritual community’ (eg. Yoga, Tai Chi, and etc.) also fail to distinguish between mental awareness and consciousness.

    I am sure that some practitioners of yoga and other ‘spiritual’ disciplines have experienced an awakening of consciousness (consciousness expansion), and realized it was clearly distinct from mental awareness but failed to communicate that distinction because of the limitations of language. How does one communicate a phenomenon that has no linguistic depiction?

    Based on my experience I have defined consciousness as direct awareness of existence unfiltered through mind (mind/brain/body) and the content of mind. Through my experience of consciousness along with this new linguistic way of describing/defining it I assert that consciousness is NOT the mind, of the mind or any aspect of mind. Consciousness does not think, cannot think, is not the space between thoughts and is not ‘no mind’. Consciousness SEES and KNOWS but does not think/analyze. Even though the process that most often leads to consciousness awakening involves physical and mental effort (mental focusing) as practiced by dedicated yogis when consciousness is experienced/realized there is no need to focus, quell or refine the thinking process because consciousness doesn’t even have the capacity to think.

    Please share if you have experienced consciousness as described above? After hearing from you I will share much more about what I have experienced in my meditations leading to consciousness expansion and the methods used to achieve consciousness expansion.

  • James

    October 3, 2020 at 3:59 pm

    The only one assuming guru status is you. Worse, you defend your mind religion with cheap insults. You admit to never experiencing the consciousness I describe and to having no idea what I am talking about but dismiss it with the curiosity of a very closed and fragile mind. Your response is a very sad commentary on the Natural Philosophy Society, created by a man unafraid of exploring beyond the boundaries of accepted dogma.

    I’d love to hear from anyone unafraid of the ‘mental’ boundaries that have been erected around the discussion of consciousness. Mental awareness is of the mind (mind/brain) and is very worthy of research. However, there is a conscious awareness that is independent of mind that opens up windows to existence untouchable by mind. I have explored that existence and I am sure others have as well, although perhaps only as a very young child.