
Prof. Michele Barone
local time: 2024-07-01 06:24 (+02:00 )
Prof. Michele Barone (About)
World Science Database Profile
Experimental Physicist

Education: Laurea di Dottore in Fisica, Bari University-I,1974.

Career Highlights:

  • Tesi di Laurea: Correnti Neutre nelle interazioni deboli nella Camera a bolle gigante Gargamelle.
  • Fellowship at CERN, Search of Charmed particles at ISR-member of C.Rubbia Group.
  • ?Studioso della Materia?, Experimental Physics, University of Perugia-I.
  • Senior Researcher at INFN-LNF Frascati, Cryogenics and S.C. Magnets.
  • Senior Researcher Associate; Physics Lab., Univ. of Athens, Astroparticle physics, NESTOR Mechanics + PM modules testing.
  • Full Prof. Experimental Physics, Istituto per la Ricerca di Base, Monteroduni-I.
  • Project Coordinator, Attica Technology Park, Demokritos Laboratory, Athens.
  • Member of CMS research group of Demokritos in CMS, Trigger + DAQ and Preshower.
  • Author and Co-author of about 100 papers dealing with Particle Physics, S.C. Magnets, Vacuum & Accelerator Technologies, History of Physics.
  • Reviewer for IEEE, MIT, Apeiron.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of 7 International Conferences.
  • Editor of the Proceedings of 4 International Conferences.
  • Translator of Book: I Microtroni per la Radioterapia di Alta Precisione, Einstein and the Ether (in Greek).
  • Co-author of Book: La Natura del tempo.
  • Manager of Ind. Companies: Nucletec S.A., Cryophysics S.A.
  • Industrial Liaison Officer for Greece at CERN since April 2000.