
Dr. Stanley Jeffers
local time: 2024-06-30 20:22 (-04:00 DST)
Dr. Stanley Jeffers (About)
World Science Database Profile
Associate Professor of Physics
Interests: Electrodynamics, Quantum Theory, Experiments


  • 1968     Ph.D., D.I.C Opto-electronics, Imperial College, University of London
  • 1963     B.Sc., A.R.C.S. Physics (Special Honours), Imperial College, University of London

Scholarly and Professional Memberships

  • International Astronomical Union
  • Associate Editor, World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics

Selected Publications

  • Hunter, G. and Jeffers, S. Realism and the realized Popper experiment, presented at the Fourth Vigier Symposium, Paris (2003).
  • Jeffers, S. Physics and claims for anomalous effects related to consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies10(6-7), 135-52 (2003).
  • Freedman, M., Jeffers, S., Sager, K., Binns, M. and Black, S. Effects of frontal lobe lesions on intentionality and random physical systems. J.Sci. Exp.17(3) (2003).
  • Evans, M.V. and Jeffers, S. The present status of the Quantum theory of light, in modern non-linear optics 3, 1-197, eds. I.Prigogene and S.A.Rice. Interscience (2001).
  • Jeffers, S., Lehnert, B., Abramson, N. and Chebotarev, L. Jean-Pierre Vigier and the stochastic interpretation of Quantum mechanics, Apeiron Press, Montreal (2000).

Current Research Projects

  • Interpretation of recent experiments bearing on quantum mechanics.
  • Analysis of extensive data gleaned from teaching large first year classes on claims for the efficacy of TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning).

Courses Taught

  • SC/NATS 1710  6.00     The Nature and Growth of Scientific Thought
  • SC/PHYS 1510  4.00     Introduction to Physics

Interference and diffraction phenomena have been studied using Maxwell's equations yielding amplitude, phase and Poynting vector spatial distributions for a variety of geometries. This analysis has been used to refute claims that a pulsed microwave double slit experiment might challenge Complementarity. Recent work has concerned experimental checks on the recent suggestion that the classical electromagnetic field may, if circularly polarised, carry a longitudinal, constant component, the so-called B(3) field.