
George Staniforth Coyne
local time: 2024-06-30 09:32 (-07:00 DST)
George Staniforth Coyne (About)
CNPS Member
Interests: Cosmology and Physics, Member of Thescientific Worldview Blogspot Ca

George Coyne was born in Toronto, Ontario on October 2, 1952. He moved to Vancouver, B.C in 1972. He has had a deep interest in physics and cosmology since mid childhood. In 2014 he began contributing blogs to on theoretical physics and cosmology topics. He heads the Vancouver regional office of the Progressive Science Institute, and is on the board of directors of the Chappell Natural Philosophy Society (CNPS). His July 22, 2017 consciousness paper presented to the CNPS international conference at UBC was well-received by those physicists, cosmologists, computer scientists and consciousness researchers in attendance. By September 28 it had an astonishing 2562 Facebook views.