
Wilfred T. M. Berendsen
local time: 2024-07-18 10:33 (+01:00 )
Wilfred T. M. Berendsen (About)
World Science Database Profile
Interests: Meta-semiotics, Semiotics, Phronesis, Management, Social Sciences Age: 46

I am a social researcher and practitioner, and wrote two books, soon to be released, covering

  1. A meta-semiotic body of understanding, a sort of theory for everything, in which differences between theory and practice disappear.
  2. An alternative money system enabling a whole new world of possibilities and existences.

I was born in Lichtenvoorde, the Netherlands, in 1973. Some of my educational backgrounds include the HAN university of applied sciences (at that time called HEAO Arnhem) where I graduated in Logistics and Economics. Then also I completed Business Administration at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Specialization into change management. Besides that I studied some months at the Prague University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic.

During my studies in Arnhem and Rotterdam, I also worked in the Czech Republic. Setting up a subsidiary for a Dutch company there.

After graduation from Erasmus University, I enrolled into an SAP implementation project. Which was a multiplant, cross cultural implementation of SAP. Me working on the material management parts. The material master, stock keeping, MRP, purchasing and other material management functionalities. This was a very successful implementation, but of course this project ended.

After it I mainly pursued my research in social sciences and practises. Already knowing that there was something fundamentally wrong with our money system and economics. Later on, during my research I came to understand that just all of sciences are based on the wrong, (potentially) insane and damaging fundaments. But, more importantly, I came to understand that ALL of sciences and practises NEED to be grounded on one sole true great underlying structure and nature of ALL of our universes. This resulted in my phronesis meta-semeiotical body of understanding called practicism. Which is a unifying body of understanding for everything, unifying theory and practise. This body of understanding for everything HAS to become the new fundament for ALL of sciences and practises and ALL of human sensemaking.

Besides being a social researcher and practitioner and intellectual in change management, I am also kind of addicted to falconry. Being the art of hunting with birds of prey.

My work can be found through googling, there is quite a lot being published on the internet already. For instance on or and then my page there. Also I can be found on Facebook and Linkedin. Anyone interested in more information or wanting to negotiate is cordially invited to contact me.