
Dr. Mayeul Arminjon
local time: 2024-07-01 01:21 (+01:00 )
Dr. Mayeul Arminjon (About)
World Science Database Profile
Research Scientist, Theoretical Physicist
Interests: Ether, General Relativity, Special Relativity, Lorentz, Newton Age: 65

Current position


Research Scientist (Staff): Charg? de Recherche au CNRS (section of theoretical physics),  Laboratory � Soils, Solids, Structures - Risks � (3S-R), Grenoble (France).
Tel.: +33 4 76 82 51 50, Fax: +33 4 76 82 70 43, E-mail:

The list of my refereed publications is shown here. It is split into two very different parts: from beginning 1991, I began doing research in gravitational physics, mainly with an alternative theory. This is quite remote from my original domain -- micro-macro transitions in the mechanics of materials.

Previous positions
1986-1988: Research Scientist (Staff): Charg? de Recherche ? l'Ecole des Mines de Paris at Cemef, Sophia-Antipolis: research on numerical simulation of forming processes, and on polycrystal plasticity.

1981-1986: Research Engineer, IRSID (Research Institute of the French Steel Industry, then in St.-Germain-en-Laye near Paris): in charge of X-ray diffraction laboratory, and research on polycrystal plasticity.

Scientific stay in a foreign Laboratory
Physics Department, Bari University and INFN Bari (Italy), 01 July 2005 to 30 June 2006.


1988: Habilitation ? Diriger des Recherches, Mechanics, Universit? Paris-Nord.

1981: Ph.D. ("Th?se de Doctorat de 3?me cycle"), Mechanics, Universit? Grenoble I (now U. J. Fourier). Advisor: J.P. Boehler.

1979: M.S. ("Dipl?me d'Etudes Approfondies") in Solid Mechanics, Universit? Grenoble I. Advisor: J. Lanier.

1976: Ma?trise de Math?matiques, Universit? P. & M. Curie, Paris. ("Ma?trise" amounted to B.S. plus one year.)

1974: Dipl?me Universitaire d'Etudes Scientifiques, Math?matiques-Physique, Universit? Grenoble I. (Majored.) (Amounted to B.S. minus one year.)

1972: Baccalaur?at S?rie C (Math?matiques et Physique), Reims.

(Oct. 1976 - Sept. 1977: Military service)

Teaching experience

1994-present: Homogenization in Mechanics of Materials (course), M.S. in Solid Mechanics, Universit? J. Fourier.
1990-1997: Mathematics (1990-1994: exercises, 1994-1997: course and exercises), Ecole Nationale Sup?rieure d'Hydraulique et de M?canique de Grenoble
1989-1993: Continuum Mechanics (exercises), Ecole Nationale Sup?rieure d'Hydraulique et de M?canique de Grenoble

Refereeing Work

Recently referee for: Canad. J. Phys.; Int. J. Theor. Physics; Apeiron; Found. Phys.
Was also referee for: Comptes-Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris; Archives of Mechanics; Int. J. Plasticity; Int. J. Solids & Structures; Textures & Microstructures; M?m. Et. Sci. Rev. M?tall.; ...

Was referee for a book, for Kluwer.

Referee for Conf. "Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory" No. VIII (Imperial College, London, Sept. 2002) and No. IX (Imperial College, London, Sept. 2004). Member of Refereeing & Organizing Committee for Int. Conf. Textures of Materials (ICOTOM8), (Palais des Papes, Avignon, 1990). Referee for Int. Colloq. "Large Plastic Deformations: M?camat '91" (Fontainebleau, 1991).