
Jeffrey N. Cook
Experiment of the Biefield-Brown Effect using Symmetric Plate Capacitors Charged below 35kV

Date: 2011-04-09 Time: 07:00 - 09:00 US/Pacific (1 decade 3 years ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2011-04-09 07:00 (DST)
America/New York: 2011-04-09 10:00 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2011-04-09 11:00
Europe/London: 2011-04-09 14:00
Asia/Colombo: 2011-04-09 19:30
Australia/Sydney: 2011-04-10 01:00 (DST)

Where: Online Video Conference
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Since at least as early as the 1920's it has been documented within the literature that asymmetric capacitors exhibit a net force in the direction of their charges when high voltages are applied. It also has been demonstrated that certain electrode shapes have an impact on the effectiveness of this effect, that which is called ?the Biefield-Brown Effect?. The author herein explores the limitations of certain designs in order to better understand the physics of this phenomenon, as well as to add measurable data to this study. Nine designs are considered and strict controls are applied to the experimental steps in order to provide the best possible data and analysis for this research. It has been found through this research that the ?skin effect? of a charged metal can give insight into better designs, as well as the electrical breakdown distances of the dielectric materials of such capacitors. While this paper does not rule in (nor out) the exclusivity of ion wind in such designs, it does bring into account where and when such ion wind factors are a critical block to future technologies in this regard, as well as to where and when they are not.