
David Scott De Hilster
Debate Test

Date: 2009-08-06 Time: 19:30 - 21:30 US/Pacific (1 decade 5 years ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2009-08-06 19:30 (DST)
America/New York: 2009-08-06 22:30 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2009-08-06 23:30
Europe/London: 2009-08-07 02:30
Asia/Colombo: 2009-08-07 08:00
Australia/Sydney: 2009-08-07 13:30 (DST)

Where: Online Video Conference
Recording Playback
This video conference used DimDim, now a private company.
The meeting can be replayed by clicking this link:
watch the meeting recording


This will be a technical test for the debate coming up on Saturday. Everyone is invited to attend to help test our video conferencing system in a debate-type format.