
Paramahamsa Tewari
Discovering Universal Reality (DUR)

Date: 2009-05-30 Time: 07:00 - 09:00 US/Pacific (1 decade 5 years ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2009-05-30 07:00 (DST)
America/New York: 2009-05-30 10:00 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2009-05-30 11:00
Europe/London: 2009-05-30 14:00
Asia/Colombo: 2009-05-30 19:30
Australia/Sydney: 2009-05-31 01:00 (DST)

Where: Online Video Conference
Recording Playback
This video conference used DimDim, now a private company.
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Can we understand the reality of the universe in a scientific sense and can describe it through scientific methods? Taking due note of the theories and experimental findings during the last few centuries and paying attention to the fact that some fundamental issues like genesis of mass, inertia, charge and light require fresh approach for their deeper understanding, the universal reality can be pin pointed. Out of the aforesaid basic properties of matter, genesis of mass is the least understood phenomenon.

Presently, problems in contemporary physics arise mainly due to  unresolved controversy whether, in addition to matter and field, the universe has also a basic substratum of some real entity---"real" in the sense that it can produce energy. For instance, to study mode of transmission of light in a substratum of either either, or void- ness, requires first to determine the structural relationship, if any, between light and the substratum transmitting it. A: Is light in its structure independent of space-medium as it would be if space is postulated as a void? B: Or is light structurally a condition of space (ether) as it would be if fluid ether is postulated? But before that, with wider consideration, if ether's existence as the universal substratum is postulated, it has to function not only as a carrier of light but also and more primarily to be the entity to structure matter, say the electron. This is because light is not as basic a phenomenon as matter which has more basic properties of mass, inertia, charge etc.

Starting first with the postulate of real existence of an ether-substratum, the question arises: Since electron has mass, can we postulate mass and density properties to ether too? The answer is a clear 'No' if the origin of mass in electron structure is to be derived from the First Principles. But, if ether is postulated to be a mass-lees fluid substratum, it is branded today as a hypothetical entity because the modern trend is that anything without mass is energy-less and hence a kind of "nothingness". Here is the impasse created for the past one century by the relativity and quantum theory that with empty and also non-empty concept of space (to suit convenience) do not let the genesis of mass to be investigated from the first principles. The challenge is to derive mass and charge properties of electron through dynamics of a mass-less ether using new basic equations, and compare the theoretically obtained results with the experimentally obtained values of the electron mass and charge, and thus prove the real existence of a non material ether substratum, unless of course any other contemporary theories based on the postulate of a void-space can achieve the same.

Further, it's not only to explain the origin of the basic properties of mass, inertia and charge of electron and of matter in general but also to explain in qualitative and quantitative terms creation of electrostatic, gravitational, magnetic and electromagnetic fields from the electron structure for a broader and clearer understanding of the existence of fields and matter in the universe.

Einstein argued around the middle of the 20th century that field is the most fundamental entity in the universe, but his leaving the question on the process of creation of fields open can be termed a hasty conclusion. Also, he said that since we can not do away with the concept of fields why introduce a hypothetical carrier-- ether-- for the transmission of fields. With this suggestion, again he did not give due importance to the genesis of fields because fields if real will require a real substratum.


Proceeding according to the guidelines from the above principles and ensuring physical picture and mechanistic classical approach for each phenomenon, the following postulate was made in the writer?s Space Vortex Theory (SVT) and also briefly given in: What is the Electron?; edited by Voldimir Simulik (Montreal; Apeiron, 2005).

  1. The universe has only one reality of three dimensional fluid space with non material properties (mass less, non viscous, continuous, incompressible, homogeneous fluid).
  2. The fluid space has limiting velocity gradient at which its circulating flow breaks down.
  3. The universal space is inherent with circulating motion.

Under above postulates, creation of  dynamically stable elctrons and positrons  with mass and charge properties, are shown to take place from the mass less substratum of the fluid space. New equations: mass equation and Charge equations, that are universally applicable, are derived from the space vortex structure of the electron. Origin of fields (electrostatic, gravitational, magnetic, electromagnetic, nuclear) are shown to be the structural elements of the electron structure. Electron and positron are concluded to be the fundamental particles that assemble all stable particles in the universe. Photons are shown to be misconceptions.

New electrical repulsive / attractive forces operating between the cosmic bodies are discovered. The so called "dark matter" is shown to be cosmic circulations of mass less fluid-space. Creation of matter at active galactic centers continue even to day, ruling out Big Bang theories. Twin paradox arises due to a misunderstanding on the fundamental nature of light. But, Einstein is vindicated for conceiving a limit to light speed, if the same is interpreted as the speed-limit relative to the fluid space, the universe is a spherical volume of mass less fluid space, not less than 3.3 x 1031 cm in radius, existent within an infinite void of nothingness. A volume of mass less, three dimensional space in acceleration is primordial energy.