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by Otto Luther

Pages: 40
Publisher: Key Research Corp
Year: 1971

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by Alfred A. Robb

Pages: 408
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 1936
ISBN: B0017USS24
ISBN: B00085LPN8

A revised 2nd edition of his 1914 book, A Theory of Time and Space.

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This book contains several chapters of the German book "Skalarwellentechnik".

Dokumentation f?r das Demonstrations-Set zur ?bertragung elektrischer Skalarwellen Mit Ausz?gen aus dem dritten Teil zur elektromagnetischen Umweltvertr?glichkeit.

Wer den Einstieg in die Welt der vom Autor entdeckten Potentialwirbel und deren Ausbreitung als Skalarwelle auf experimentellem Weg sucht, dem sei dieses Buch empfohlen. Es beginnt mit Anleitungen zu f?nf au?ergew?hnlichen Versuchen. Dabei gelingt der Nachweis einer elektrischen Strahlung, die Energie ?bertr?gt, und das auch noch schneller als Lichtgeschwindigkeit, und bei der mehr Energie beim Empf?nger ankommt als in den Sender hineingesteckt wird. Wer Zweifel hegt, der wird mit diesem Buch in der Hand die Experimente nachvollziehen k?nnen, um sie anschlie?end mit den Messger?ten zu pr?fen, die ihm vertraut sind. Als Erg?nzung zur Dokumentation sind noch einige Zeitschriftenartikel angeh?ngt mit hilfreichen Hinweisen und Diskussionsbeitr?gen zu den Experimenten. Widerspr?che im Weltbild der Physik aufzudecken ist wichtig und zugleich beunruhigend. Die Wissenschaft ist aufgefordert, die Widerspr?che zu ?berwinden. Zu diesem Zweck hat der Autor, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Meyl, die B?cher zur `Elektromagnetischen Umweltvertr?glichkeit` geschrieben, in denen er einen Weg aufzeigt, auf dem sich die Probleme l?sen lassen. Die entsprechenden Kapitel, die in einem direkten Bezug zu den Experimenten der Skalarwellen?bertragung stehen, sind ebenfalls in dieses Buch aufgenommen worden

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by Jeff Hayes

Publisher: Tesla Technologies

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by Bernard Rendle

Publisher: Modal Research
Year: 1969

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Bahram Katirai has written a book that could revolutionize our understanding of stellar objects such as binaries, star clusters, novas and galaxies. Katirai claims that a number of the current theories in astronomy are based on faulty assumptions and speculations that were made centuries ago.

A series of recent studies, produced by cutting edge technology such as Hipparcos and others, actually contradict the theories. These theories, in turn, have created numerous unanswered problems such as why the direction of the motion, velocity and types of star near the sun do not conform to the current ideas about the Milky Way. Katirai pinpoints the root problems by examining how astronomers determine the distances of stars.

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by Louis Essen

Pages: 28
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 1971
ISBN: 0198519214
ISBN: 978-0198519218


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by Helmut Hansen

Pages: 247
Year: 2000

In German. The book is no longer available. There are only a few copies, which can be ordered from the author.

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by Ruggero Maria Santilli

Pages: 452
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1402000871
ISBN: 978-1402000874


Despite outstanding achievements, Quantum Chemistry has failed to achieve exact representations of molecular data from exact quantum principles. Hadronic Chemistry is a new, nonlinear, nonlocal and nonunitary covering discipline which admits all quantum models as particular cases, while permitting invariant representations of molecular data exact to any desired accuracy. These results are due to a new mathematics necessary for the invariant treatment of nonlinear, nonlocal, and nonunitary theories, known as Santilli isomathematics, and a new structure model of molecules with strongly attractive correlations of valence electron pairs in single couplings, which correlations are nonlinear, nonlocal, and nonunitary, thus outside all the capabilities of Quantum Chemistry. Following a systematic presentation of the basic methods, the new model of molecules, and its experimental verifications, the author applies Hadronic Chemistry to the prediction and experimental verification of a new chemical species, called magnecules, consisting of stable clusters of molecules, dimers, and individual atoms under new non-valence internal bonds. Finally, the author applies all these results to the industrial development of new, clean energies and fuels.

In this pioneering monograph, the Italian-American physicist Ruggero Maria Santilli has submitted a structural generalization-covering of quantum mechanics and chemistry under the name of 'hadronic mechanics and chemistry' which appears to resolve the above problematic aspects. In fact, the new mechanics achieves essentially exact representations ofmolecular characteristics; consequently permits exact thermochemical calculations; introduces a new, strongly attractive force between valence pairs in singlet coupling with the strength needed to represent reality; restricts valence bonds solely to electron pairs in singlet couplings; eliminates the prediction of an arbitrary number of atomic constituents in molecular structures; and correctly represents the diamagnetic or paramagnetic character of the various molecules. Finally, and quite remarkably after all the preceding achievements, Santilli presents the application of the new methods and the chemical species of magnecules to the industrial production of a new fuel he calls MagneGas? (see, whose combustion exhaust is so clean that the new fuel has been certified not to require catalytic converters. In a nutshell, the monograph lends credence the view expressed repeatedly by Santilli in earlier work, that "there cannot be really new scientific theories without really new mathematics, and there cannot be really new mathematics without new numbers".'
Professor Jeremy Dunning Davies, University of Hull, UK
`That Professor Santilli, repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize, is extremely well equipped and capable to both ends is amply documented, first and foremost by his work, but also by the biographic and bibliographic sections of the monograph which deserve to be briefly summarised as well. He proposed Hadronic Mechanics already in 1978 jointly with its basic Lie-admissible structure when he was at Harvard University under US Department of Energy support. Its study was continued by mathematicians, theoreticians and experimentalists too numerous to quote here (but included in the book's references). However, Santilli remains to this day the most active contributor, eventually bringing the venture to full mathematical maturity in 1996, physical maturity in 1997 and geometric maturity in 1998.'
Professor Erik Trell, Link?ping University, Sweden

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by Ruggero Maria Santilli

Publisher: Hadronic Press
Year: 1993
ISBN: 0911767878
ISBN: 978-0911767872


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by Richard A. Waldron

Pages: 520
Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold
Year: 1970
ISBN: 0442091672
ISBN: 978-0442091675

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by Herbert Dingle

Pages: 72
Publisher: Methuen & Co.
Year: 1922
ISBN: 1408648504
ISBN: 978-1408648506
ISBN: 0548692823
ISBN: 978-0548692820


The aim of this book is to present the theory of relativity in the simplest possible language, without the use of mathematics. No previous knowledge of physics or astronomy is assumed on the part of the reader. The subject is treated in its relation to the general problem, which confronts all thoughtful persons, namely: What is the nature of the world in which we live? The view is maintained that relativity offers a simpler explanation of Nature than those to which we are accustomed, and that its apparent difficulty arises mainly from its originality.

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by Ken H. Seto

Pages: 187
Publisher: B & K Publishing House
Year: 1995
ISBN: 0964713608
ISBN: 978-0964713604

A new model to explain our Universe "Model Mechanics" is an excellent book but not for the faint of heart. Ken Seto's genius is infective, persuasive, and provocative. Be prepared to expand (change) what you currently believe is accepted theory. - S. L. Dona, Amazon

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by Alfred O\'Rahilly

Pages: 884
Publisher: Longmans, Green & Co.
Year: 1938
ISBN: B0017T8ZW8


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by Alfred O\'Rahilly

Pages: 450
Publisher: Dover
Year: 1965
ISBN: 0486601269
ISBN: 978-0486601267
ISBN: B00156IK1E


This is a two-volume reprint of O'Rahilly's classic Electromagnetics: A Discussion of Fundamentals.

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by Charles Lane Poor

Pages: 14
Year: 1926


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by Charles Lane Poor

Publisher: New York Academy of Sciences
Year: 1925
ISBN: B00086YL0Q


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by Antonis Agathangelidis

Pages: 147
Publisher: Antonis Agathangelidis
Year: 1991
ISBN: 9602203587
ISBN: 978-9602203583

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by Laszlo Szego

Publisher: Silicon Press
Year: 1986
ISBN: 095881760X
ISBN: 978-0958817608

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by Robert B. Driscoll

Pages: 196
Year: 1964
ISBN: B0007F85F0
ISBN: B0007F87DK

A supplement was published in 1965.  The third edition of 1966 included all the material.

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by Harold Aspden

Pages: 206
Publisher: Sabberton Publications
Year: 1980
ISBN: 0850560098
ISBN: 978-0850560091


This book supercedes the author's 1969 Einstein Without Physics and records the substantial progress of the past ten years in developing the basic theme of that work.  Simply stated, the experimental support for Einstein's theory is no proof that his philosophical nethods are valid, especially if new physics can provide a broader unified base for the same observations.  Astructured vacuum determining universal physical constants is shown in the following pages to be fully compatible with formulae derived by Einstein from his Theory of Relativity.  Creation processes on both a cosmic and an atomic scale and the many topics evident from the list on contents are embraced by this unification of fundamental physics. - From the Introduction

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by Oleg D. Jefimenko

Publisher: Electret Scientific Company
Year: 1966; 2nd ed 1989
ISBN: 0917406087
ISBN: 978-0917406089


This textbook of electromagnetic theory, written for an advanced undergraduate course, is characterized by its pedagogical excellence and by an abundance of novel material, problems, and illustrative examples based on the author's original research and on his contributions to Maxwell's theory of electric and magnetic phenomena. Among the many unique and novel features of the book are: author's solutions of Maxwell's equations (now referred to in the scientific literature as the "Jefimenko's equations"), a comprehensive treatment of vector-analytical operations involving retarded field integrals, a detailed discussion of electric fields outside current-carrying conductors, spectacular line-of-force photographs of electric fields inside and outside current-carrying media, calculations of electric and magnetic fields from charge and current inhomogeneities, a remarkably simple derivation of Maxwell's stress integrals, the "thin shell" atomic model, Minkowski's equations for moving media, electromagnetic effects affecting space crafts moving through interplanetary or interstellar magnetic fields, a detailed analysis of Poynting's energy flux in and out a cylindrical conduit, the method of "equivalent currents," etc., etc. The presentation is clear, logical, thorough and thought-provoking. Employing the time-independent Maxwell's equations as the starting point, the theory is developed from the beginning on the basis of the Faraday-Maxwell concept of electric and magnetic fields. A generalization to the time-dependent Maxwell's equations is effortless and lucid. Vector analysis is introduced early in a self-contained chapter and is then used throughout the text as a standard mathematical tool. The exposition is purposeful and efficient. Careful distinction is made between the definitions, laws and consequences. The range of validity and the limitations of applicability of all the electric and magnetic laws are clearly stated. The book is written for the student and is designed to encourage a creative application of electromagnetic theory. For this purpose numerous carefully selected illustrative examples have been incorporated in the text and an excellent collection of problems has been supplied with each chapter. The format of the book is designed for easy readability. The book is set in the famous British Baskerville typeface, which is one of the most readable typefaces in existence. The format is further enhanced by numerous meticulously executed air-brush drawings. The book is printed on acid-free Fortune Matte paper and is bound in high grade "artificial leather" cloth. The book contains 598 pages of main text in 16 chapters, 544 problems, 243 illustrative examples, 249 figures, 12 plates of lines-of-force photographs and 10 tables. - Amazon

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by Thomas F. Valone

Pages: 102
Publisher: Integrity Research Institute
Year: 1995
ISBN: 0964107007
ISBN: 978-0964107007


This book by Tom Valone, with significant input by Dr. Paul LaViolette, is just what is needed to orient oneself on the hot topic of "electrogravitics"?apparent anti-gravitational and thrusting effects stemming from electrical phenomena pioneered by T. Townsend Brown. Includes significant historical documents that bear on government and corporate involvement in this area. - Infinite Energy

Leslee Kulba, Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue 12, 1994, p. 37
Having made a theoretical case for electrogravitics, the book also makes an historical one. Hints of electrogravitics in the history of aviation, revealed through the developments and statements made by major aircraft industries in articles from the Aviation Report in the mid-1950s, are reprinted. T.T. Brown's work is described in detail. The paper by Paul LaViolette was an intriguing speculation that the B-2 stealth bomber operates on T.T. Brown's principle of propulsion. Statements from government and ex-government workers and officials were shown to fit nicely with this possibility...This book can be appreciated by anyone who is interested in electrogravitics.

Vincent Coon, New Energy News, Vol. 2, No. 5, Sept., 1994, p. 10
In the early 1920's Dr. Paul A. Biefield, a physicist and adquaintance of Albert Einstein, working at the California Institute for Advanced Studies, discovered that a highly charged capacitor has an anomalous tendency to move in the direction of its positive pole. Biefield assigned Thomas Townsend Brown, his prodigy, to study the phenomena as a research project. That the effect is not due to ion wind is borne out in claims that the effect exists under insulating oil and high vacuum...T.T. Brown devoted considerable effort, time, and means to researching this effect. Although his work has been sensationalized, it also has attracted professional attention. "Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology" edited by physicist Thomas Valone, MA, PE, is a currect and cogent anthology of reports on the electrogravitic research of T.T. Brown.

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