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View count: 1
by Pari Spolter

Pages: 260
Publisher: Orb Publishing Co.
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0963810758
ISBN: 978-0963810755

THE NEXUS MAGAZINE, pages 4-5, December 1996-January 1997. I am writing to thank you for reviewing a book called "Gravitational Force of the Sun," by Dr. Pari Spolter, in NEXUS, June-July 96 (vol. 3, no.4). I bought the book to find out how to calculate the gravitational force of celestial bodies, for a project I'm working on, thinking it would be a well-understood and thoroughly documented area of research beyond controversy-more fool I! Dr. Spolter exposes the fundamental mathematical errors in both Einsteinian and Newtonian theory with such elegance and ease that even a mathematical recalcitrant like myself was inspired to recall my high-school mathematics (last used in anger 20 years ago!) to follow her working out. No, I am not making this up: I voluntarily engaged in strenuous mathematics for my own enjoyment! "Gravitational Force of the Sun" is very focused. Dr. Spolter successfully knocks the pins from under two great, unchallenged theories of science by reviewing the original documents that Newton wrote and examining the mathematics and assumptions that Einstein and Newton used. I have seldom before read a more thorough hatchet job. She must be a relentless researcher with prodigious memory and intellect. The book is not negative. Dr. Spolter shows Kepler's contributions to be far greater than I previously suspected (Kepler's work is the foundation she builds her work on), and what she tears down she rebuilds. With this book I can go forward in my project: without it I would be doomed to failure. Thank you, Dr. Spolter, and thank you, NEXUS. Regards, Paul M., Sydney, NSW, Australia.


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by Alexander A. Scarborough

Pages: 3
Publisher: Alex A. Scarborough
Year: 1975
ISBN: NA (Pamphlet)

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The pamphlet refutes the antiquated and erroneous Fossil Fuels Theory of the 1830s by Logan, and replaces it with a new theory of how gas, oil and coal were created (the "internal combustion" theory). Under the new theory, these fuels were formed as by-products of internal combustion and subsequent condensation at the interface of the earth's molten interior and its cooler crust. These hot gases and liquids, along with the carbon soot, escaped along the routes of least resistance into and/or through the crust and between stratified layers. Subsequent combinations of pressures, temperatures, and "contaminants" ultimately determined, over a long period of time, the final state (vapor, liquid, or solid) of the by-products (gas, oil, or coal). Coal, the most "contaminated" of the three fuels, laying closer to the earth's surface than either oil or gas, thickened and polymerized into a syrupy mass during its transition period. During this time of surface exposure, much plant life and some animal life fell into its pools and were entrapped as fossils (the prints of which are occasionally found in coal) during the subsequent solidification of the liquid oil into coal. The "limited supply" (Fossil Fuels) theory has proven to be a bonanza for oil companies and politicians. However, in reality, supplies of each fuel are constantly being replenished due to the internal source of their creation. Man must simply drill deeper when "surface" fuels are depleted.

View count: 1
by Alexander A. Scarborough

Pages: 136
Publisher: Authors Choice Press
Year: 1996/2000
ISBN: 0595155901
ISBN: 978-0595155903

In this revolutionary work, Scarborough takes us from the Copernican idea of our sun-centered Solar System to the recent discoveries of giant exoplanets as he seeks to do no less than rebuild the foundations of knowledge of the origins and evolution of planets. A retired researcher, he offers new answers to questions that have puzzled philosophers for centuries: How did Planet Earth come into being? How and why did the planetary orbits of our Solar System form in a mathematical pattern? The answers will cause scientists to rethink beliefs about the origins and evolution of planets.

Scarborough addresses these profound questions with powerful substantive evidence that voids the need for speculative uncertainties now common in current theories of planet formation. The book opens with an insightful and startling account of his solution to the new Fourth Law of Planetary Motion explaining how the nebulous planetary masses attained their orbital spacing around the sun. With Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary Motion, the Four Laws reveal the explosive, dynamic origin of our Solar System some five billion years ago, and thus challenging the modified Laplace accretion concept of planet formation.

The author then gives definitive insights into how and why each planet evolves through five common stages of evolution in full accord with size.

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by Josef Tsau

Pages: 129
Publisher: Infinity Publishing
Year: 2005
ISBN: 074142830X
ISBN: 978-0741428301

The author discovered that the atmosphere of neutrinos is the aether scientists have searched for centuries. He further discovered a brand new physics of both universal phenomena and cosmology, which is the subject of this book. However, the no-aether theory (of relativity) of Einsteins-based modern physics and modern cosmology have been the only officially accepted science over the past century. The two sciences however contradict to each other and one of them must be wrong.

Either no-aether or having-aether is the only real science, not both. The book offers conclusive scientific evidence to prove that the newly discovered aether science is the only real science. After all, if Einstein was correct, aether and its science should never been found.

The new aether science given in this book therefore has joined the Galileo physics of mechanics to become the fundamental nature science for all.  

View count: 1
by Ove Tedenstig

Pages: 250
Publisher: Basic Research
Year: 1987
ISBN: 9197077569
ISBN: 978-9197077569


"Basic ideas of this work have been published in different papers during a period of 1981-1986. This issue supersedes all the papers"-- T.p. verso.
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