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View count: 1
by William R. Corliss

Pages: 350
Publisher: Sourcebook Project
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0915554283
ISBN: 978-0915554287


"The primary intent of this book is entertainment.  Do not look for profundities!  All I claim here is an edited collection of naturally occurring anomalies and curiosities that I have winnowed mainly from scientific journals and magazines published between 1976 and 1993.  With this eclectic sampling I hope to demonstrate that nature is amusing, beguiling, sometimes bizarre, and, most important liberating.  "Liberating?"  Yes!  If there is anything profound between these covers, it is the influence of anomalies on the stability of stifling scientific paradigms." - From the Preface

"If you have any interest in the unusual side of the physical world, you just HAVE to have this book! Dr. William Corliss has spent decades creating the "Sourcebook Project", a vast, multi-volume compilation of reports of unexplained phenomena taken from the pages of professional scientific literature. SCIENCE FRONTIERS is a sort of 'sampler,' it is the distilled cream of Dr. Corliss' bi-monthly anomalies newsletter, featuring hundreds and hundreds of illustrated mini-articles, all organized into chapters: Archeology, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Geophysics, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Esoterica. Lewis Thomas said: "We do not understand much of anything, from the "big bang," all the way down to the particles in the atoms of a bacterial cell. We have a wilderness of mystery to make our way through in the centuries ahead." This book is an excellent demonstration of the wisdom in those words." Amazon customer

View count: 1
by William R. Corliss

Pages: 383
Publisher: Sourcebook Project
Year: 1985
ISBN: 915554194
ISBN: 978-0915554195


  • From our own moon's cratered surface to the red, rock-strewn plains of Mars, the Solar System is a fertile field for scientific research. Despite centuries of observation, each new spacecraft and telescope provides us with new crops of anomalies [Picture caption: One drawing of the Venusian radial spoke system]
  • Typical subjects covered:
    The ashen light of Venus * The Martian 'pyramids' * Kinks in Saturn's rings * Continuing debate about the Voyager life-detection experiments * Neptune's mysterious ring * Evidence of water on Mars * The grooves on Phobos * The two faces of Mars * Lunar clouds, mists, "weather" * Ring of light around the new moon * Dark transits of Jovian satellites * Io's energetic volcanos * Jupiter as a "failed star" * Venus-earth resonance
  • Comments from reviews: "The author is to be commended for his brilliantly conceived and researched volume", Science Books.

  • View count: 1
    by Lars W?hlin

    Pages: 26
    Publisher: Johnson Publishing Co. (Colutron Research Corporation)
    Year: 1985
    ISBN: 0933407009
    ISBN: 978-0933407008


    View count: 1
    by Petr Beckmann

    Pages: 20
    Publisher: Golem Press
    Year: 1980
    ISBN: B0006E5Z1E


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    by Ramin Amirmardfar

    Publisher: Zeinab Tabriz
    Year: 2000
    ISBN: 964-7061-4-8

    Earth's gravity has been increased from past up to now and it's increasing yet. Increasing of gravity affects on animates of earth. You'll understand the relation between increase of earth's gravity and animates evolution, and affects of increasing of earth's gravity on blood circulation system. You'll know how animals overcome with increasing of earth's gravity by developing more of blood circulation system and can enlarge their bodies. You'll realize to the relation between extinction of dinosaurs and increasing of earth's gravity in this book too and will read a summary of fact of increasing of earth's gravity.



    1. Why the insects have so small sizes?
    2. Dose the force of gravity increase?
    3. Plants, other witnesses for the increase of gravity
    4. Megatherium and the increase of gravity
    5. How can the gravity increase?
    6. Gravity variation from the equator to poles?
    7. The sea animals and the increase of gravity
    8. The relationship between the blood system and air pressure
    9. The extinction of dinosaurs and the gravity increase
    10. The circulatory system in zero gravity
    11. Why did the previous mammals have small bodies?
    12. Why the body size of the mammals are different?
    13: Relationship between Pressure & Growth speed
    14: If the Earth Expanded, where did all the extra mass come from?
    15: A physical question
    16: New Hearts in the future
    17: Axolotl
    18: The new class of animals
    19: Why the body of Coelacanth grow several time?
    20: The relation between blood circulation system and animals body size
    21: Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
    22: The method of finding gravity in the past time
    23: The graph of land animals' size during the time
    24: Pterodactyl
    25: Big Bang or Steady-state universe 
    26: Are the cells, the establishing unit of our body?
    27: Ramin Mardfar &  Dr. Simon Maddrell (July 2008)
    28: How can a sheep be grown as large as a cow?
    29: Ramin Mardfar & Prof.Dr.Dominique Adriaens 

    Introduction :

    Despite the progress of science in different scientific fields, there are so many unanswered questions about paleontology, geology and zoology. So many theories have been posed to answer this question, but they could not be accepted by scientists, as they should be. These kinds of question include: the causes of the extinction of dinosaurs, the causes of extinction of different species of animals in past era, the causes of the extinction of primitive giant plants belonged to carbonifer period, the causes of having small bodies for some animals and large bodies for the others, the reason why animals can not grow more than their present size and which factor prevents them to grow more, the reason, why some sea mammals come to coast and die there, the causes of physiologic changes when the gravity is zero, the causes of eruption and outflow of molten materials from the ocean beds, the causes of insufficient growth of some animals and their early sexual maturity and other questions like these. 

      These are the questions, which are not answered by scientists of different sciences. Although they have tried to solve them with detailed and long experiments, but they could not find clear and simple answers.

      The theory of the increase of gravity tries to find satisfactory answers to these questions by using the phenomenon of increase of gravity and by citing evidences. Obviously, a theory is not able to solve all the problems clearly and without mistakes, at first, and they need more discussion and criticism to be solved. However, this theory tries to find logical answer to these questions as far as possible.
    So far there have been no discussion that whether the gravity has changed by the passage of time or it has remained unchanged. And so far no one claimed that the gravity have been unchanged and fixed during the past periods up to now. May be it is better to have a careful look at this theory and consider the evidences and proofs carefully, perhaps this theory can be able to pave the way for us and help us and help us to reach our main goal which is the improvement of our knowledge.


     In our society the important invention, the scientific value of which is obvious, are accepted by the majority soon, and have a lot of materialistic value for their owners, but those who discover the main principles and scientific basis, do not receive any reward and sometimes their life comes to its end, while not only they have seen no reward but also no one has understood their purpose. But instead, when another invention, comes to market, the fame first group disappears, while the fame of the second group increase, and the importance of the scientific principle increases by the increase of its numbers and its number of applications.

     In our society the important invention, the scientific value of which is obvious, are accepted by the majority soon, and have a lot of materialistic value for their owners, but those who discover the main principles and scientific basis, do not receive any reward and sometimes their life comes to its end, while not only they have seen no reward but also no one has understood their purpose. But instead, when another invention, comes to market, the fame first group disappears, while the fame of the second group increase, and the importance of the scientific principle increases by the increase of its numbers and its number of applications.

    The people who have a lot of knowledge and not adopt their knowledge with each other and also do not relate them with each other, although simple-minded people consider them scientists, but in fact they have no difference with simple ignorant people, and these irrelevant knowledge?s have no value. When the knowledge is adopted by a regular and unified growth and is harmonious, it can be called integrated knowledge. This kind of knowledge can not be obtained by the accumulation of some information and assembling of large or small and irrelevant rules, rather they should be studied and analyzed with meekness, so the brain can choose and absorb whatever it needs. When the knowledge and information becomes exclusive and complicated the necessity of their unity of them is being sesed more. If a nervy person can not be found to do such a thing, the world of sciences will be impregnable very soon. Now there are so many proficient who, like a bee are not aware of the work that they are doing. They work very eagerly at a corner and also their work is very useful. But the science is not specific to the results of their individual work.

    The growth of the science is like the growth of a living creature; some people should take the trouble of them, and should integrate and combine, so that can successfully unify them. If there is no attempt to collect and unify the knowledge's, the separated scientific facts and small theories will increase, but the science will disappear per se. The person who takes the trouble to understand the very complicated parts of science and to culminate, is like a passerby who watches the desert and whatever is in it, from a mountaintop, the hills with their strange shapes and the thick forests will no more bewilder him, and he can see all of them from the top of the mountain and none of them will prevent the other ones from being seen by him, and he can see all of them and can differentiate and recognize their relationships. It is not necessary for integrated to be broader than other specific sciences, Because the person who wants to acquire it, do not try to be aware of the punctilios and the mysteries which are allocated to exclusive knowledge or don't want to fill his brain with them.

    Most of the punctilios which are acquired by the expert scientist a hard work, is of no importance for a comprehensive scientist. As the drawing of the watercourse of a river is very simple for a drawer, to discover which a lot of people have worked very hard. Also for a comprehensive scientist, the record of scientific facts and thoughts is very simple; every one of which is the result of the hard work and intelligence of scientists. But most of scientists prefer not go beyond the experiments and experience, But whatever they become more doubtful, and very soon the most expedient attempts to acquire experimental knowledge, looks like an accidental event for them.

    When we compare the determined decision and attempt of a comprehensive scientist with other people's hesitation, we may consider him as a hero. Frankly, in this affair there is some heroic aspect, because it has an aspect of adventure. Exclusive researches usually do not face with failure, because their results are immediate and bring relief. An astronomer who extracts correct calendar for us, and a chemist who provides the colors for us as well as a baker who brings the bread of the oven, is aware of the result of his work, and also to write the cards regularly and putting them in their places carefully or to set the row of the insects and seashells and writing notes and articles about them is satisfactory for most of people. They know that their work will remain forever, because they provide the materials, which are the basis of any scientific compound, by the passage of time the buildings are built with these materials, and perhaps the building will be destroyed but the materials remain! Most of scientists stop here, that are they providing the material but do not build the building. I suppose that they afraid of bewildering and don't go forward following their natural instinct. They have right not to go forward, but the thought that every where they become bewildered, all of them will be involved in this situation, is wrong. If it said that the theories of a comprehensive scientist precede his experiences, the answer is that, this drawback is true about all other scientific theories and the person who poses a theory, should not be questioned that if he himself has tested it or not. "George Sarton "

    View count: 1
    by Robert L. Henderson

    Pages: 224
    Publisher: Common Sense Press
    Year: 1992
    ISBN: 0963265601
    ISBN: 978-0963265609

    It is the writer's contention that the concepts of relativity have been an impediment to the rational progress of science for the last hundred years. Although it has always been assumed that the scientific process was based on sound, verified facts, systematically accumulated and woven into a tapestry of rational, understandable knowledge, such has not been the case since the inception of relativity.

    Whereas relativity attempts to explain the properties of light propagation with mysterious contradictions of physical dimensions and time rates-of-flow, and properties of gravity with the so-called "space-time curvatures," it is shown in this book that these explanations do not portray the physical universe in a rational manner.

    In place of the irrational explanations of relativity, it is shown that only the properties of a universal medium in the form of an energy field - previously assumed to be the light-conducting "luminiferous ether" - can rationally explain the phenomenon of light and gravity. Furthermore, it is shown how this same field provides explanations for nuclear binding forces, nuclear energy, radioactivity, the origin of matter, and the macroscopic configuration of the universe as well.

    In addition, it is shown that the so-called "Big-Bang" theory of the expanding universe is ill conceived and that only a steady-state cosmology can rationally account for the observed configuration of the universe.

    This book is written primarily for the general public; only a high school education is required to understand it completely. Although some elementary mathematics is incorporated, it is only included as an adjunct to verbal explanations which are understandable in themselves. - From the back cover

    View count: 1
    by Vivian Pope

    Pages: 103
    Publisher: Phi Philosophical Enterprises
    Year: 2004
    ISBN: 0950379050
    ISBN: 978-0950379050


    A discussion on aspects of modern physics, the scientific conception of nature and the need to keep a watchful eye on the excessive theories of scientists so that an argument for a science based wholly on observation can be presented which will be available to both specialists and non-specialists alike.

    Find reviews of The Eye of the Beholder in NASA's Missing Spin, or A Dangerous Book.

    View count: 1
    by James DeMeo

    Pages: 163
    Publisher: Natural Energy Works
    Year: 1989
    ISBN: 0962185507
    ISBN: 978-0962185502


    A concise handbook describing the original discovery of the orgone energy by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, as well as methods for constructing and safely using orgone energy devices, including the author's own considerable experience on the matter. With a Foreword by Dr. Eva Reich, the daughter of Wilhelm Reich, and an Appendix by two German physicians, from their own university thesis, a double-blind and controlled experiment validating the physiological effects of the orgone accumulator. Includes many photos and illustrations, including a cover photo of an astronaut walking on the moon, with a clearly-visible blue-glowing orgone energy field. This is a 2007 Revised Edition with a new Appendix containing additional experimental details over prior printings, and a revised Bibliography and Resources section. A 'must-have' book for the serious researcher, or anyone seeking clarity and facts about Wilhelm Reich, or substantive applications of 'subtle energy', which DeMeo shows, is 'not so subtle' if you know what to look for.

    View count: 1
    by William R. Hohenberger

    Pages: 137
    Publisher: Winston-Derek Publishers
    Year: 1992; 2nd ed 2008
    ISBN: 1555233597
    ISBN: 978-1555233594

    Unlock the secrets of the universe and look deep into the inner self. Join this inspirational search and find a world beyond our human perceptions where science, religion, psychology, and human emotion are interwoven into a single fabric of universal truth.

    The world we perceive is actually an illusion created within the boundaries of our mind, and there instead exists another world beyond our human perceptions, which is made from transcendental energies of the dark and the light, and is accessible only through the powers of our imagination. It includes:

    • The first coherent theory for the human mind.
    • The psychological origins of the ancient Chinese oracle, the "I Ching" and the Hebrew "Qabala".
    • An organized word structure for our spoken language.
    • The fundamental constructs of good and evil.
    • Vivid and picturesque descriptions for Kant's "Noumena".
    • A visual unified theory of everything.
    • Unraveling the mysteries of sub-nuclear and cosmological physics.

    Concluded with a thought-provoking poem of personal introspection, "Perceptions" will inspire and challenge anyone who reads it.

    View count: 1
    by Thomas E. Phipps

    Pages: 637
    Publisher: Classic Non-Fiction Library
    Year: 1986
    ISBN: 096065402X
    ISBN: 978-0960654024

    Phipps' dedicated study of the advancement of physics is clearly shown with his work, which critiques Establishment physics, publications and thinking. This book is a must read for those "concerned with the foundations of physics and mathematics who have not been blinkered or blinded by a narrow professional education." -- H. Pierre Noyes

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    by William C. Mitchell

    Pages: 240
    Publisher: Cosmic Sense Books
    Year: 1994
    ISBN: 0964318806
    ISBN: 978-0964318809


    The big bang cosmology that is almost universally accepted as all but proven fact by the majority of cosmologists and scientists in related fields, may be in serious trouble. Virtually every book and every media article that bears any relationship to cosmology refers to a big bang that happened 10 to 15 billion years ago. The authors of that material occasionally mention a technical difficulty or two concerning the big bang, but almost invariably explain that those will soon be cleared up by a little more effort. There also have been occasional articles by those of opposing views that point out one or more serious flaws in big bang theory, but those writers are invariably dismissed by the established intelligentsia as misguided big bang bashers. Until now there has been no attempt to gather all of the many big bang problems into a single document and to examine each of those in a consistent, rational manner. This book attempts to do just that. Both the many old, and some newer problems are presented and examined. In addition, serious questions are brought up regarding the validity of the alleged proofs of that theory. That is done in a manner that is readily understandable by those who have a general background in modern science. Initial chapters introduce the topics of relativity, particle physics and quantum theory as related to current big bang cosmology. Standard big bang theory and its flaws are then presented. The newer inflationary version of big bang theory is also discussed. In order not to discredit the prevailing theory without offering alternatives, some of those are mentioned, and one is presented in some detail. This book, is recommended to skeptics who would like to examine some ideas that question the accepted cosmology. Its author, the mother all big bang bashers, is a retired aerospace engineer with a lifetime of scientific background, who has spent several years in research, study and writing a book that might very well precipitate the demise of a thoroughly discredited cosmological paradigm.

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    by Evert Jan Post

    Pages: 332
    Publisher: Springer
    Year: 1995
    ISBN: 0792335651
    ISBN: 978-0792335658


    Many, perhaps most textbooks of quantum mechanics present a Copenhagen, single system angle; fewer present the subject matter as an instrument for treating ensembles, but the two methods have been silently coexisting since the mid-Thirties. This lingering dichotomy of purpose for a major physical discipline has much shrouded further insights into the foundations of quantum theory.

    Quantum Reprogramming resolves this long-standing dichotomy by examining the mutual relation between single systems and ensembles, assigning each its own tools for treating the subject at hand: i.e., Schr?dinger-Dirac methods for ensembles versus period integrals for single systems.

    A unified treatment of integer and fractional quantum Hall effects and a finite description of the electron's anomalies are mentioned as measures of justification for the chosen procedure of resolving an old-time dichotomy. The methods of presentation are, in part, elementary, with repetitive references needed to delineate differences with respect to standard methods. The parts on period integrals are developed with a perspective on elementary methods in physics, thus leading up to some standard results of de Rham theory and algebraic topology.

    Audience: Students of physics, mathematics, philosophers as well as outsiders with a general interest in the conceptual development of physics will find useful reading in these pages, which will stimulate further inquiry and study.

    View count: 1
    by Frank M. Meno

    Pages: 127
    Publisher: Aetherpress, Pittsburgh, PA
    Year: 2002
    ISBN: 0967971217
    ISBN: 978-0967971216


    An original theory for gravitation is presented. Unlike various other theories, this one explains all observed phenomena in mechanical terms, which can be easily visualized and comprehended.

    Although this book is centered on gravitation, the underlying physics is in accord with all other physical phenomena, so that it represents the long sought-after unification of physical theories.

    View count: 1
    by Vladimir B. Ginzburg

    Pages: 280
    Publisher: Helicola Press, Division of IRMC, Inc.
    Year: 2002
    ISBN: 0967143217
    ISBN: 978-0967143217


    The concept of spiral field theory was presented by the author in his previous books - "Spiral Grain of the Universe", "Unified Spiral Field and Matter", and "Unified Spiral Nature of the Quantum & Relativistic Universe".  This book further expands the concept of the spiral field that leads to the unification of strong, gravitational and electric forces. The highlights of the book are:
    1. Presentation of new prime elements of Nature, the torix and the helix, based on positive and negative energy
    2. Description of matter, ether, electromagnetic waves, and neutrinos by the same fundamental equations
    3. Confirmation of the possibility of instantaneous transmission of waves
    4. Unification of strong, gravitational, and electric forces
    5. Identification of likely canditates for "dark" matter
    6. Outline of a road map to a unified field theory

    View count: 1
    by Vladimir B. Ginzburg

    Pages: 335
    Publisher: Univ Editions
    Year: 1996
    ISBN: 1560026650
    ISBN: 978-1560026655


    The book describes a story of development of the idea of spiral nature of the universe that embraced the best minds of humanity since ancient times. In our millennium, this idea was advanced by several distinguished scientists, among them Johannes Kepler, Rene Descartes, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It eventually became a major challenge to the physics of Newton. The book is written in the form of a story that begins from Archimedes time and describes how the spiral field theory could have been developed. The story is one of scientific and historical facts, enlarged by imagination with a small dose of conjecture.

    View count: 1
    by Lawrence M. Stephenson

    Pages: 80
    Publisher: Bucke Academic Publications
    Year: 1993
    ISBN: 0952282305
    ISBN: 978-0952282303


    In A Review of Einstein's Relativity, Dr. Lawrence Stephenson shows that the equations of special and general reletivity can be derived without two unnecessary assumptions made by Einstein, the first explicit, the second implicit:

    1. "Light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body."
    2. The transit time from emitter to receiver is exactly half the total round trip time back to emitter.

    Instead Stephenson notices that "the observed velocity of light has always been found to have a definite value relative to the detector which is used for measurement."  The understanding of relativity presented in this book is actually more consistent with Mach's principle, Einstein's inspiration, than Einstein's conception, yet without the distortion of time and space seemingly demanded by Einstein's work.

    The reader gains three useful results:

    1. A readily understood visual picture of both the special and general relativity theories.
    2. An original way of understanding the "anomalies" of relativity.
    3. A model of gravity consistent with Mach's principle.

    Short and to the point, this book addresses the questions of motion and optics at a fundamental level, understandable to the novice, yet challenging to the expert.  Highly recommended.

    View count: 1
    by Abraham Kiggundu

    Pages: 208
    Publisher: AuthorHouse UK DS
    Year: 2006
    ISBN: 142593725X
    ISBN: 978-1425937256

    The scientific institution of today stands at a crossroad. It will take all of us as members of the human race to which such a cause is of immeasurable importance to help guide it down the best path possible. This book contributes by walking the reader through a logical and eye opening discussion around the fundamental principles on which science and our very notion of reality are built.

    View count: 1
    by Umberto Bartocci, Marco Mamone Capria

    Pages: 410
    Publisher: Andromeda
    Year: 1992


    What Physics for the Next Century?: Prospects for Renewal, Open Problems, "Heretical" Truths; Proceedings of the International Conference (Convegno Internazionale), Ischia, Italy 1991

    View count: 1
    by Stoyan Sarg

    Pages: 234
    Publisher: Helical Structures Press
    Year: 2004
    ISBN: 0973051531


    The picture on the front cover of the book shows a theoretically obtained image of a metal lattice from gold atoms. While the overall pattern matches the images from most powerful tunneling microscopes, the resolution of shown image is much superior. The secret is in the derived structures of the elementary particles and atomic nuclei. It became possible due to a new space concept, closer to the Ether vision but never investigated before. What was considered impossible in Physics for 100 years became a reality: relation between Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. One big surprise is the understandable relation between the gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields. Another surprise is the existence of hidden space  energy of non electromagnetic type. Third surprise is that the gravitational mass could be manageable. Forth surprise is that the Big Bang is an illusion: The Universe is stationary, while every galaxy has own evolutional cycle comprised of active life (about 12 billion years) collapse, hidden phases of matter recycling and rebirth. The  most energetic cosmological events Gamma Ray Bursts are signatures of a galaxy collapse or rebirth. The currently recognized Crisis in Cosmology is a result of incorrect space concept.

    Book review - Physics in Canada, V62, pp. 206-207 (2006).

    View count: 1
    by Eugene Mallove

    Pages: 338
    Publisher: Infinite Energy Press
    Year: 1991 / Reprint 1999
    ISBN: 1892925028
    ISBN: 978-1892925022


    Fire From Ice chronicles one of the most misunderstood and valued scientific controversies of all time. It details the events surrounding and following the 1989 Pons and Fleischmann announcement of the discovery of cold nuclear fusion. Mallove offers a unique insider's view of the controversy, while at the same time explaining the relevant science and technology. Nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

    From Library Journal
    Mallove, a professional science writer, tells the history of recent cold fusion research from the dramatic Pons-Fleischmann announcement in March 1989 until approximately the fall of 1990. All the major twists and turns of the story are related with a modest amount of technical detail; it should be quite intelligible to laypeople. Mallove covers much the same ground at about the same level as Frank Close does in Too Hot To Handle ( LJ 5/15/91). However, there is a dramatic difference--Mallove is a firm believer in the cold fusion phenomenon; he is thus at the opposite end of the spectrum from Close. At the moment, the scientific consensus appears to be with the skeptics, but Mallove's book is nevertheless recommended for all libraries that have Close's. In tandem, the two volumes will give readers an interesting view of a continuing scientific controversy.
    - Jack W. Weigel, Univ. of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor
    Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    Dr. Frank Sulloway, former MacArthur Fellow Science historian, MIT Program in Science, Technology and Society
    "Mallove brings dramatically to life the human side of this important scientific controversy, which has tapped the emotions of its scientific participants in a way usually typical of major scientific revolutions. Fire from Ice is highly recommended reading for anyone who is interested in the nature of scientific controversy and scientific change. I frankly could not put the book down once I started it."


    View count: 1
    by Eugene Mallove

    Pages: 268
    Publisher: St Martins Press
    Year: 1987
    ISBN: 0312000626
    ISBN: 978-0312000622


    "A wonderful philosophical and reflective essay on the nature of the universe as informed by modern science. It is a fine example of how scientific discovery helps shape one's world view in a rational yet compassionate manner." --Heinz Pagels, Ph.D.

    View count: 1
    by Dennis J. McCarthy

    Year: 1999


    View count: 1
    by Bernardo Gut

    Pages: 247
    Publisher: Verlag Rolf Kugler
    Year: 1979
    ISBN: 385768013X

    View count: 1
    by Josef Lutz

    Pages: 219
    Publisher: Verlag Neuer Weg, Essen
    Year: 1994
    ISBN: 3880212139


    Ratlos vor der Gro?en Mauer
    Das Scheitern der Urknall-Theorie
    Josef Lutz - Wolf-Dieter Rochlitz - Dr. Gert Balzer-J?llenbeck

    Josef Lutz, Diplomphysiker aus N?rnberg, befasst sich seit mehreren Jahren mit den Ergebnissen der modernen Astronomie und ihrer weltanschaulichen Interpretation.

    Jahrzehntelang galt die Urknall-Theorie als fester Teil der Wissenschaft. Wer sich dagegen wandte, wurde als ?nicht ernstzunehmenden? abgekanzelt. Dabei enthielt diese Theorie von Beginn an eine unwissenschaftliche Sichtweise ?ber den Anfang des Universums. Was war davor? Was ist die Ursache?

    Aber immer mehr Erscheinungen kann die Urknall-Theorie nicht erkl?ren. Im Herbst 1989 wurde mit der Gro?en Mauer eine so gro?e zusammenh?ngende Struktur von Galaxien entdeckt, dass diese mit einem Urknall nicht zu vereinbaren ist. Neue Beweise folgten?

    W?hrend ein Teil der Wissenschaftler heute von Urknall abr?ckt, greifen manche zu willk?rlichen Konstruktionen, um die ?berholte Theorie zu verteidigen. Gehen wir besser vorurteilsfrei, objektiv an die unabh?ngig von uns existierenden Bewegungen im Weltall heran?


    255 (226 to 250) << 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 >>